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June 5, 2008

Survey: Calling All Parents In The House!

The beauty about parenting is that it's definitely a rewarding adventure from the outbursts of laughter to the priceless memories of finding half eaten snacks in the couch. But we all know it's no walk in the park either.

Erika Lenkert, is the lifestyle editorial director for Glam Media and the author of The Real Deal Guide Pregnancy, a book showcasing the essential topics of pregnancy with humor and empowerment. With the book being a huge success, Erika is looking for moms and dads of all sorts to participate in a survey for her follow-up book about life with family. Through this survey, participants are encouraged to share their own successes and honest battles of their life with children. All submissions will be kept extremely confidential for the sake of creating a safe haven for honesty. In addition, contributors will not only get quotes of their submissions published, but be acknowledged by name (if desired), and receive a free copy of the book!

Whether you're a single, married, divorced, partnered or widowed parent, and would like to share the great moments you've experienced during your time of parenthood or just vent about the not so pleasant times, you'll want to be a part of this next book.

If you'd like to help and be included in this survey, please email the following to Contribution is due by June 9, 2008.

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Number of children
  • Age of children
Thanks everyone!

Mrs. Lynne

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2 makeovers:

Anonymous said...

*sigh* i'll tell you a story alright. you see there is this ocean called the pacific that separates me and my God Child, and that is definitely no walk in the park! this sounds real cool, i'd love to read the book.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Chi,

I'd like to read it also. It sounds very entertaining yet educational :)

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