MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

June 6, 2008

FOTD: I Got The Hots For Red & Purple!

I was asked by a co-worker a couple of weeks to work the colors red, purple, and black together. So I got to the challenge and out came this! This was done a couple of weeks ago so my hair is still in it's long state.

(all MAC unless otherwise stated)


Studio Finish Concealer NW35 (ring finger)
Buff'd Camel (188)
Buff'd Serecite Mineral Setting Powder (188)
True Romantic Beauty Powder Blush (129)

STILA Brow Set (266)


Nice Vice p/p (lid - 252)
Red of Mi'Lady MES (lid - 239)
Purple of Mi'Lady MES e/s (crease - 222)
Nocturnelle e/s (outer lid - 239, 222)
Shroom e/s (highlight - 239)
Carbon e/s (outer crease - 219)
Blacktrack f/l (upper lashline & waterline - 208)
Covergirl Lash Blast

NYX Thalia
J.Lynne Gloss FX Lip Glaze in Hilary

Have the hots for this look also? Here's how you can get it!

Brushes You'll Need:

  1. MAC 242 (or 252)
  2. MAC 239
  3. MAC 222 (or 224)
  4. MAC 219
  5. MAC 208
Eye Products You'll Need:
  1. Nice Vice p/p
  2. Red of Mi'Lady MES
  3. Purple of Mi'Lady MES
  4. Nocturnelle e/s
  5. Carbon e/s
  6. Shroom e/s (or highlighter of your choice)
  7. Blacktrack f/l
  8. Graphblack Technakohl
How To Get The Eyes:
  1. With a firm bristle brush like the MAC 242 (or it's big sister the MAC 252), apply Nice Vice p/p to the lid blending out the edges. For more pigmented paint pots, I use a smaller brush head (MAC 242) and for less pigmented paint pots like Painterly, I use a bigger brush head (MAC 252). This is to keep the potential color mess in check.
  2. Using an eyeshadow brush such as the MAC 239, apply the Red of Mi'Lady MES on the lid pulling the color up towards the crease.
  3. With the MAC 222 blending brush, pick up some of the Purple of the Mi'Lady MES and blend into the crease. This will blend out the edges of the red.
  4. Pick up some Nocturnelle e/s with a MAC 239 and apply to the outer 1/3 of the lid. Pull the color up into the crease for easier blending.
  5. Then using a MAC 222, pick up a little Nocturnelle and blend into the outer crease to darken it. This will eventually meet up the Purple of the Mi'Lady MES blending during Step 3.
  6. Dot a pencil brush such as the MAC 219 into Carbon e/s and draw a line from the outer corner of the crease towards the middle of the lid. Blend the line out with the side of the pencil brush.
  7. Highlight with Shroom e/s.
  8. Line upper lashline with Blacktrack f/l using an angled brush. I used the MAC 208.
  9. Dip the tip of an eyeliner pencil (I used my Graphblack Technakohl) into the Blacktrack f/l and line the waterline.
  10. Curl eyelashes and add your favorite mascara!
Is there a combo you have the hots for?

Mrs. Lynne

Do you propose a color challenge? Then please email us your request! And don't forget to subscribe to our feed or have email updates sent directly to your inbox.

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

42 makeovers:

B said...

I love it! Auntie, I haven't touched that Mi'Lady since I got it! And I'm still mad like hell that I don't have Nice Vice. :( Have a wonderful weekend!!

AskMeWhats said...

you look great ..great combo as usual..hmm..I've got the hots for blues and pinks :D

Xuanie said...

i like this look, would be great for a night out! im doing pretty good! thanks for asking just wishing my summer classes would end really soon! i want to enjoy my summer hehe... hows your lil family doing? you guys going anywhere for this summer? even tho you already live in HI?

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Your technique is flawless, perfect lip color too!
Thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mrs. Lynne!

I've been out of it for a while, how have you been?

That's a great look on you! I'm jealous... if I tried a red and purple eye it would look as if I had just gotten through a crying jag or had just been beaten! ;)

Mukho said...

Ooh, so pretty.. that red and purple combo sets off ur brown eyes so nicely :) I have brown eyes too, darker though, guess i'll try this look.
Hey Mrs Lynne, could u enlighten me on something... which is the more expensive/exclusive/better brand - MAC or Chanel? Because all the blogs I visit rave about MAC and post looks with MAC, whereas Chanel is supposed to be something unattainable.
Here in my city, however, I visited a mall and found outlets for Chanel, Shu Uemura, Clarins and Clinique.. but no MAC! Can you explain...

Yellow Fever said...

looks great! i wish MAC had a sparkly true red e/s as part of their regular line. i have post haste, but that's more hot pink on me!

Melissa @ No. 2 Pencil said...

Gorgeous! I love this look on you!!! When I bought mi'lady the MA commented on how you would probably never wear the two colors together. Some people are soooo......nuetral:)

Krystle said...

pretty! I wish I bought Nice Vice p/p for my purple shadows.

Random Question: Are you and Karen (from makeupandbeautyblog) going to meet up since she is on the island?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh Divine Blackness! You need to break out that Mi'Lady. I really wish that I had two of those because that is one MES that has me whooped, hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Howdie Askmewhats,

Ooh, blues and pinks, eh? I have to find the right pinks because they don't really show up on me unless they're a cooler shade of pink.. let's say maroon or purple, hah. And I love silvery blues!!

When doing your eye makeup, is there one thing that you always need to do? Like line your eyes, deepen the outer V, etc...

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Xuanie!

Good luck in school hun! You'll be out before you know it :)

The fam bam and I are getting along, hah. We don't have much planned for the summer. Just trying to soak every last ounce of free time that Hubbo has since he'll be starting school in Fall. We did spend last week gallivanting though since he was off from work. That was really nice :)

How much more of school do you have left until you graduate?

AskMeWhats said...

when I do eye makeup, I have to put on eyeliner! coz my eyes are so small and I really need to define it!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

There you are Glosslizard :D Was wondering where my mama friend has been, hah.

I've been good thanks! Hubbo just had all last week off so we were off to the beach and the aquarium. Then took the tots to the park and to get shaved ice. It's nice being able to do those things during the day instead of waiting for the weekends (we mostly use that time to just catch up from the week!).

How are you doing? How are the little ones?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks for the compliment Mukho!

I think that it really boils down to preference when it comes to MAC and Chanel. I personally have never been to a Chanel counter/store so I can't really say which is the better brand. I know that Chanel is a pricier than MAC but that may also stem from the fact that they have everything from fine jewelry to clothing.

As for the outlets in the mall near you, it is quite interesting that there is no MAC. However, Sephora here in the states houses all those brands in their stores except MAC. So, it may be just an area that MAC decided not to place a store *shrugs* That's just me taking a shot in the dark with all this, hah.

Sorry, I can't help much. Will have to do some Googling and see what they give us on it :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Sis Chris!

And I know you'd look lovely in red. I have your sunset-like FOTD engraved in my mind and that one was really pretty.

Have a great day sis!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Yellow Fever,

I know that MAC has that red Cream Colour Base (Premeditated, I believe), but I don't think it's eye safe. Plus, it lacks the sparkle and would be all creasy - yuck!!

The red in this is not a true red but dull red. But I'll admit that it is my favorite MES!

Do you have a favorite color that you like wearing whenever, wherever?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Haha, that's funny Melissa! I actually bought this because the MA WAS wearing them together.

Thanks for the compliment, girl. I hope all is well :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'd say you're not alone in that Krystle. I know that Brittany from Clumps of Mascara is kicking herself for not getting it, heh.

Karen did email me last week letting me know she'd be here. As of now, we're just trying to collaborate times to meet. So we'll see :)

How are you doing there?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Askmewhats,

Do you do the waterline also or does that make it worse for you?

Anonymous said...

That sounds so wonderful! I love it when the Hubby has a week off! We're in the home stretch of the school year over here, hence my business and somewhat prolonged absence! I am so stoked for summer! I have the imps signed up for some day camp activities and we have some vacations coming up (Ashland, OR and Disneyland!). It'll be great! Do you have any grand plans?

BTW, I really like your new page layout, except that I kinda miss your big, gorgeous eyes at the top of the page! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mukho!

Hope you don't mind if I chime in! :)

MAC and Chanel are probably my two favorite cosmetics brands! Chanel is definitely the more expensive line and, IMO, although MAC's quality is very good (and often excellent), Chanel's products are usually higher quality. In this case, I'm defining quality in terms of finely-milled powders, staying power, and overall performance, but a lot of it boils down to personal preference as well.

MAC has the edge in the sheer number of available colors and finishes, and, of course, the frequent collections throw in extra goodies all the time!

Long story short, both are excellent brands to work with. Chanel is a pricey extravagance and MAC is a relatively affordable staple. Store availability is a different issue altogether, Sephora has neither cosmetics line (they only carry Chanel's fragrances) but Macy's and Nordstrom have both brands.

Hope that helps and wasn't too long-winded! :)

Shen said...

i don't think i can ever learn how to waterline using fluidline. my eyes are so sensitive. :( i totally love this look!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That's great Glosslizard! Looks like you and the family will be unwinding down nicely from the school year :D Have the kids been to Disneyland before?

As for our plans, we don't really have much. Especially with airfares going up so much it's really hard to get off the rock to vacation. Yes, vacation away from Hawai'i, hah. But we'll probably take sporadic trips around the island or something.

Thank you for the compliment on the new layout. I miss the old layout also but I got to tinkering and couldn't help myself to a little site makeover, hah.

You are so awesome to give your insight on MAC and Chanel! I actually had a feeling you would, hah. One day, I will pop my Chanel cherry and you definitely be the first to know :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Shen!

My eyes are pretty sensitive also which is why I opt for the MAC Technakohl. It gets the waterline pretty dark but of course fluidline is darker. I do notice that my eyes are a tad more red with fluidline but sometimes worth the sacrifice, hah. I don't use it all the time.

Are you a contact wearer also?

Mukho said...

Thanks, Mrs Lynne and Glosslizard :)
A makeup newbie like me has a hard time anyway, navigating the endless brands and products, and I have to really fine tune the decision process if I'm going to spend 2000 of my hard earned bucks on a single lipgloss or foundation. Yes, that's how costly these things are when converted into Indian currency. I was considering taking the plunge and spending from my next paycheck for a really exclusive lip color from MAC or Chanel, pity the MAC brand sells only in three cities in India, and where I live there's no MAC at all. I guess I'll have to choose very carefully from the Chanel range, but I'd really have loved the luxury of wider choice.

Still, thanks to both of you for your insights, and all the zany info you put up on this site :) the posts and the comments are a pleasure to read and learn from!

Glosslizard, nice to finally make your acquaintance :D I've seen your comments on many websites I visit, and I always wondered if you had one of your own. I'd sure love to see your posts, make-up related and otherwise.. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday (and thanks for the MAC FF sale info)! Yeah, we've been going to Disneyland every year since Impus Major was Two (Hubby and I love it too)!

I totally sympathize with the air fare thing, we're driving everywhere 'cause it's so much cheaper than flying (we have a Prius, so it makes the most of the gas we get).

I'm glad you appreciate my chiming in, I just can't resist some subjects! Can't wait to see what you finally cave on! ;)

Anonymous said...

Aaw, thanks, Mukho (blushes)!

Wow, that's a big number to be staring at! I recommend Glossimers for a Chanel plunge, they have the most wonderful texture! Or for a real splurge, the eyeshadow quads are lovely! Bummer about the MAC though, because it is a lot more affordable! Can you order it online? If you check out some of the swatches on various sites (including Mrs. Lynne's gorgeous FOTD's) you might be able to find something you like!

I don't have my own website, I'm just a rather dedicated commenter! ;) Thanks for asking though, and good luck!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Mukho!

Glosslizard is quite the informant when it comes to MAC and Chanel and makeup finishes. You can definitely learn a lot from her. She's even talked me into checking out some Shiseido eyeshadows at the counter, hah!

I'd love to hear what you end up getting and your personal feedback between the two. Please keep us updated, yah? :D

How is your weekend going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Saturday Glosslizard!

Believe it or not, I still haven't used my MAC FF discount yet! Even after swatching Cool Heat :/ You can say I'm trying to practice the act of discipline. Although I will share with you shortly what I did end up spending some money on... *rubs wallet*

I wish we could drive everywhere. When I was back in the Bay Area and we went to visit my dad who lives near Fresno, it was really nice going through the I-5 and seeing the crops and smelling the cows, lol. Normally, the drive can be tiring, but Hubbo and I enjoyed it thoroughly since we only have 3 major freeways here and the scene is the same. Oh, I miss it.

Feel free to chime in whenever girlfriend! I really appreciate it when readers give their insight and help out the readers from their own experience and knowledge. We all learn from one another :)

Hope you're having a great weekend so far!

Anonymous said...

Totally love your site Mrs. Lynne! I knew that these colors would totally work well with you! Now you need to make a post on the other three colors I asked you to do! Haha!

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