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March 13, 2008

Product Review: St. Ives Elements Microdermabrasion Scrub

I've always had such a soft spot for St. Ives products. From face scrubs to hydroxy masks to body washes, when something new comes out, I'm just compelled to try it.

St. Ives has a new line of products known as St. Ives Elements which are each formulated to help rejuvenate skin using natural elements. The new line is paraben-free for those that are trying to do right by their skin but aren't ready to completely go all natural.

So, we've all probably heard the words muttered before either through a television commercial or from a friend of a friend. And that word is, Microdermabrasion.

What is Microdermabrasion you might ask? Microdermabrasion is a painless and invasive procedure in which the skin undergoes a series of resurfacing treatments. The treatments are meant to thoroughly exfoliate the top layer of the skin diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, fading age spots and acne scars, as well as refining pores, in order to return your skin's natural glow.

Professional Microdermabrasion procedures were initially administered by plastic surgeons. As time progressed, day spas incorporated the procedure into their services and now you can find different OTC brands expanding their skin care products to include Microdermabrasion kits and scrubs.

But while there are a handful of people (including yours truly) who cannot afford to successfully undergo consistent Microdermabrasion sessions at $75-200 PER SESSION (and it's advised to attend sessions every couple weeks!), Microdermabrasion kits are available at your local drugstores. They can range in price from around $10-40 depending on brand and whether or not the kits include tools or other products useful to the procedure.

So, like most people, I've opted for the lighter at-home version to get my feet wet.

Here enters St. Ives Elements Microdermabrasion Scrub.

St. Ives Microdermabrasion Scrub $7-8 USD

"Smooth away fine lines with our Microdermabrasion Scrub. Rich in natural Vitamin E anti-oxidants, the fine mineral crystals exfoliate and deep clean to even out your skin's texture. While chamomile delicately soothes your skin, to leave you feeling moisturized and renewed. Powerful, yet gentle enough to use every day. Now that's amazing."

I got a 4 oz tube for less than $10. Compared to a lot of other OTC Microdermabrasion kits, that is rather affordable. Although I haven't tried the other ones BECAUSE of the price, I'm led to believe that the other brands probably have additional products included with the kit if not a tool that helps.

In comparison to other St. Ives products, you do get less product with the Microdermabrasion Scrub than their other facial scrubs and it does cost more.

It comes in a squeezeable tube like majority of St. Ives facial products. I actually prefer this packaging than having it come inside a tub as I hate sticking my fingers into containers and getting product under my fingernails. But one thing you do have to deal with in this type of packaging is when it gets down to the bottom of the tube. I'm sure everyone has experienced the bending of the corners in 20 million different directions to ensure you've used ALL the product. Of course your can snip the container and scoop out what's left, but call me lazy. I'm a bender, hah.

The smell is sooo heavenly! Chamomile not only appeals nicely to my sense of smell but it's anti-inflammatory properties help soothe my skin after using it.

St. Ives Microdermabrasion Scrub is comprised of very fine mineral crystals while the overall formula has a cleanser-like consistency that lathers slightly but is not sudsy. The feeling of the fine mineral crystals is so soft to the skin and when being spread throughout the face, the feeling of exfoliation is more so apparent than other scrubs of the St. Ives line. The mineral crystals distribute more evenly when using this product because they are milled so finely.

As you can tell by the picture below, the scrub does start to crystallize when left to dry so always be sure to do a thorough rinsing when using this product.

- I love the smell of the Microdermabrasion Scrub!! Oh that Chamomile is very pleasing to the senses.
- The fact that the crystals are very fine yet soft is amazing.
This makes the exfoliation part of the process almost seem deep cleaning without the harshness or worry of scraping the skin.
- Unlike most scrubs, the fine crystals feel like they cover more ground on the skin and distribute more evenly.
- That the scrub slightly lathers. Something about lathering just makes me feel more clean about what I'm doing.
- My skin feels softer and glows a little better after using the product.
- The scrub is soft enough to be used on a daily basis.
- I see mild improvement on it smoothing out my fine lines.

- I was hoping that the pores on my nose would diminish even with concentrating the product in that area, but unfortunately I haven't seen much difference.

I do like the product. I know that there are probably better Microdermabrasion products out there whose upkeep can replicate actual resurfacing procedures, but for a glorified scrub, St. Ives does fine. I think it does a decent job in regards to Microdermabrasion and I wouldn't mind to keep using it regularly as I really feel it does exfoliate the skin better than their infamous Apricot Scrub. The fine mineral crystals play a huge factor when it comes to reaching surface area which is why I think it does so well at exfoliating. Not to mention the crystals are soft yet tough enough to penetrate the outer skin layer which does reveal smoother skin with continuous use. At least for me it did.

Have you tried other Microdermabrasion kits out there? Do you get it professionally done and upkeep in between sessions with an OTC Microdermabrasion kit? Share your experiences.

Mrs. Lynne

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23 makeovers:

christy kimchee. said...

Ooh. I haven't tried out that one yet but I love the Apricot Scrub. Sooo good :) The jar is too big though lol. I still have half of it after using it for so long.

Btw, this is my new URL :)

B said...

It lathers? Hmmmm....most scrubs don't do that. Now where exactly did you get this from, Auntie? I gotta get up on this.

Xuanie said...

nice review! the only scrub type of product i use for my face is the Burts Bees Citrus facial scrub. And i love this stuff! my sister is the one that found the product and raved about so i had to give it a try and then i was hooked. lol. I hope you get around to doing your tag of 5 must not have items! that should be interesting!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Christy.

Apricot Scrub in a jar? Mine comes in a tube. I wonder if it's the same thing.

Nonetheless, I'm a huge fan of St. Ives. You should definitely check this out and let me know what you think!

How's your Thursday? Are you heading to Ala Moana to check out the Beauty Powders?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Divine Blackness.

It doesn't soap up like your normal cleanser but it doesn't stretch out across your face like honey or something would. And I just got it at Wal-Mart right next to all the St. Ives products. I can spot new packaging from miles away, lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Xuanie!

I have yet to try Burts Bees products but I always check them out. I'm such a Burts Bees lurker, lol. But I will definitely put the Citrus Facial Scrub on my list of things to check out. Thanks!

And I started drafting my 5 Must Nots last night so I will definitely be posting it soon ;)

How is your Thursday? And is your Dad doing much better now?

Xuanie said...

There are soo many products out there, that everytime i go to the store i just go by it and look at it and wonder if i should get anything. lol

Yeah i had to think about my list too its hard you know what you like but what you dont is hard bc you either throw it away or try to forget it.

My thursday is good, I went clothes shopping, i wanted to use my birthday money on things other then makeup. lol

And thanks for asking about my dad, he is doing much better, still coughs once in a while but nothing major.

Hows your Week been going?

Mrs. Lynne, said...


I'm like that with A LOT of things! I see it and want to try it, but then I factor "when" can I try it to do a thorough testing. And being now that my camera is MIA, well I guess that is kind of good for the spending, hah!

I actually did have a hard time with my list too. I was thinking oh, this'll be easy. I even went to my bathroom to stare at the shelves to see what I didn't really like. And everything just seems more tolerable than something I wouldn't ever suggest.

I would LOVE to go clothes shopping! I haven't done that in sooo long. I'm always between clothes and makeup and I always opt for makeup purely just because of colors, lol.

And glad to hear that Dad is doing well :)

My week is going well so far. Tomorrow is Friday so that means the weekend is near, Hubbo will be home, and the tykes are getting better from the sickness they had last week.

So how long have you been into makeup? Do you remember what your first purchases were?

Jenn said...

I've yet to try out any Microdermabrasion stuff (they're kinda hard to find here too)! i really want to see for myself if it can really erase those nasty finelines around my mouth! i love lathering stuff too! those suds make washing my face more fun! haha!!

come to think of it... i haven't scrubbed my face in ages!! yuck!! time to dig out those aspirins from my cabinet! :D

i bought the Beige-ing Shadestick, btw. it's such a shame how hard this was... it works so beautifully as a base and to make those blah colors pop!

have a great weekend ahead! :D

Xuanie said...

aww the lil ones were sick poor babies! i hate it when kids are sick i feel so bad for them. just the look in those lil eyes are killer.

hrmm i believe i got into makeup around senior year in highschool. that would be like 2003 or 2004. My first product i used was my mom's channel eyeliner. She gave it to me because she knew she would never use eyeliner. After that my actual first purchase was those like covergirl, eye pencil thing that works like eyeshadow kind of.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi crazychick.

One day I will get me one of those professional Microdermabrasion procedures done. I would love to know what it feels like to be completely clean of the build up!

Do you have a special recipe you use for your aspirin mask?

I agree with you on the hardness of it. Makes you wonder what kind of eyelids the other gals have, huh? Lol.

Btw, where are you at on the globe anyways?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Xuanie.

Yup, my tykes were sick. Although not as bad as when they were around Thanksgiving time. That was really bad. Baby had this mean old cough that was waaay bigger than he was and I was very scared because he was only a month old at the time. But it does break your heart to know you can't do anything but watch them try to fight it off.

Wow girl! You is a youngen! Lemme see, 2003/2004. I was just turning 21 and drinking LEGALLY during the day was cool, lol!

I never got good stuff from my mom. Although it was always Estee Lauder or Lancome. But I was so ignorant back in the day I didn't know. But they were always from the little gift with purchase things. So the colors were never right on me anyways.

You have plans for the weekend?

Bliss said...

Great Review, this sounds really great, too bad its not here yet .

Anonymous said...

my gawd... i'm so glad to see a review on this product! i just saw it on my recent trip to target and i was debating on whether or not to get it. but now i know i should give it a chance! thanks!

Seymone said...

The St Ives Element Micro Dermabrasion is okay.. I like it after a clay mask. I think it works best that way. By itself, it's really not that good.

(g)ezebel said...

i looooove st. ives apricot scrub!!! i had no idea they had this new product. i have GOT to try it. do the milled crystals feel more "harsh" than the crushed walnut shells? i'm sadist like that, and loooove, a good sandpaper rubbing on my face! :0)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Bliss!

I really like the smell of this product. And I don't know if you've tried the Apricot Scrub by St. Ives, but its much lighter in regards to scrubbing but still penetrating enough to know that it is exfoliating the top layer of skin.

How is your weekend going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi imee!

The smell of this product is really nice. I have to warn you though that it's probably not a huge Microdermabrasion product than like what ever else is on the shelf. But as for exfoliating the skin, it does alright.

How are you doing so far this weekend? Anything happening?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I totally agree Seymone. I actually use this together with a clay mask. The Microdermabrasion everyday, and the clay mask about 2-3 times a week. Still need the extra facial treatment to full rid the gunk.

How is you and the kiddos girl?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Yay (g)! Another scrub fan!

The crystals in here are NOT harsher than the walnut shells. They are finer but not really weaksauce (in my opinion) like some of those other so-called 'scrubs' that just have mini jojoba balls in them. I never felt that those exfoliated anything. But this one, even though it's not like the walnut shells, because they are fine, there is more of them and they seem to exfoliate rather well.

But I actually like sandpaper too, lol. It's almost like that's the only way I know exfoliation to exist, lol!

What are you up to this weekend ma?

Anonymous said...

I have this and I love it! I do dislike it for the same reason as you. I thought that if I put a little more on my nose it'll help but didn't. However, it is a totally heavenly product. I actually got this from work (NoFrills - Canada) I believe they sell this at Walmart and Shopper Drug Mart as well. It is a really nice scrub. Like most people its not that big on Mirco-D but it slowly works. Exfoliation with this is divine.

Anonymous said...

where can you get this ? I'm used to using the st. Ives Daily Microdermabrasion ( timeless) and now can't find it except on amazon and the shipping is outrageous. thanks.

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