MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

March 20, 2008

MAC Product Releases: The Heatherette Swatches Journey & More Beauty Powder Haul Photos

If you've tried ordering Heatherette for MAC online, you'll be saddened by the fact that mostly everything in this collection is 'temporarily sold out' online. Within hours, black dots were placed next to many products.

Just how fast?

Once I got word of the Heatherette for MAC Collection being available online, yours truly headed right on over and started shopping, lining up everything that I wanted. 3 items, 4 items, 5 items,... ticked my shopping bag counter. Debating on if I should overnight the goods, I decided to ponder the thought while I made Big Tyke some breakfast. Given he's not the fastest eater but no more than an hours time had passed and alas! What was ready for check out in my shopping bag (and AVAILABLE BEFORE BREAKFAST!) was now accompanied beautifully with black dots. Oy!

So living in fear that I'd be fighting a stampede of luring Heatherette addicts at the store, I made sure to trot my butt (followed by two mini butts) bright and early to have first glance. Luckily they always put the new releases right at the edge of the counter because I park a double tandem stroller right there.

If you don't currently own any kiddos, trust me when I say they are ticking time bombs! So whenever I hit the counters for swatches, it's a race to the finish line. There's no time for chit chat, just swatch, swatch, swatch... Of course I can't be rude either so I chat a bit while grabbing products. By the time my arm is nearing it's final touches on a Picasso inspired masterpiece, I have Big Tyke screaming all of sudden because he dropped his McDonald's hashbrown on the floor (like my gimmick to buy me some time, lol). Luckily, my next step was paying so the final frontier was in sight. Although I beg to differ that it sure doesn't feel that way.

I think I was supposed to look at belts for Hubbo, but made a mad dash for the nearest exit. Lucky for me, MAC is located right in the middle of the mall by a sloooow elevator and a journey from the end-of-the-mall exits. *smirk* Someone beam me out of there already, lol! Of course the stroller movement has calmed the calamity down but it only completely subsides once we reach outside - my tykes are attracted to the outdoors. At least I can take pictures without interruptions :)

Overall the collection is nice, but for me, I just wasn't motivated to go crazy like I thought I would. Could it be a good thing to have your toddler and infant with you? I definitely think the Lipglasses are a great selection and do deserve some attention. All are wearable colors in my opinion although I think Style Minx is louder than your everyday Fuschia lip color, yet still gorgeous for that right look.

The Heatherette Lipsticks are more on the theatrical side, aside from Lollipop Loving which is sheer, and needs some toning down with gloss of some sort (unless the boldness IS your comfort zone) especially for my warmer skinned lovelies.

The Dual Edge Eye Pencils are really pretty and I think that those will find their way into some nice homes this week.

Heatherette's Eyeshadow Trio colors are alright but the packaging is to die for! Sturdy and cute! Fafi got nothing on this!

The Beauty Powders were a bit snoozy for me. I was actually thinking of picking up Smooth Harmony, but part of me thinks I can easily achieve a similar color with blush.

Of the pigments, Pink Pearl is very pretty! You can see the reflects of blue in it and it just pairs beautifully with the pink.

Reflects Gold is as expected and will probably sell out quickly seeing that the MAC Store here was sold out of them before the first release day was over when it came out with the Originals. The glitter particles in 3D Silver are much bigger than that of Reflects Gold. Reminds me of elementary school glitter by looks, but definitely not chunky like it.

Lola Devine needs another layer as I only had time for one, but the colors of both are true to the bottle. Please excuse the dry hands.

After making a huge list, I only came out with Trio 1 and both pigments (there WAS a reason I didn't make my online order!). I talked myself out of everything else from this collection since I don't use Beauty Powders (except blushes), will probably not have a need for colored pencils other than black or brown (although they were PRETTY), and I felt like I wanted to maximize my already growing NYX lipstick collection.

Welcome the first pigments to the MakeupFix Collection!

And because I didn't get as much as I thought I would from MAC's Heatherette, I compensated myself by getting the remaining Beauty Powder Blushes. What a snob, hah :P

Click here to view swatches of these.

So it's Thursday. Another week almost down and another fast weekend approaches (I need to talk to someone about extending weekends because this 2-day thing just ain't cutting it!). Are you dancing in your Heatherette goods yet?

Mrs. Lynne

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44 makeovers:

Jaclyn Rose said...

i have been waiting all day for swatches just so I can justify my blind online order. I'm pretty satisfied with it. Unfortunately I have to wait until Tuesday to play with my goodies as I chose just standard shipping, darn I should have just paid for it to be overnighted. errrr... oooh and I found an ULTA store about 6 miles from my work so you know I hit that up. I'll post up my haul a little later. Can't wait to see what FOTDs you come up with.

yummy411 said...

thanks so much for the review!!! great job with the swatches mama!!!! not so easy with kids.. picking them up etc. how did ya do it?

Unknown said...

i got the trio 1 too! i can't believe you have 6 out of 8 the beauty powder blushes!

man, i had to take a million pictures for my swatches. had to redo the lippies cuz the gloss melted in my hand. haha.

B said...

Swatchin' for bloggin' is so not the business, Auntie Lynne. It is EXTREMELY difficult and I doubt I will ever try that again. LOL! I can't believe you did it with the is seriously a work-out. I love your review because it is similar to mine. I only hauled 2 items too! The packaging and crazyyyyy and I am seriously thinking about going back and snaggin' those pigments. They are diviiiiine.

StarShine said...

ooooh I love the heatherette colors! Thanx for the great swatches. And loved the story of parking your stroller right in front. WTG mama!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the swatches! I think wanna get both pigments, sock hop & flesh pot. :)

Elizabeth said...

WOW You bought ALL the beauty powder? It would cost me $320 all up!!

i'm only lemming smooth harmony and maybe lollipop loving!

mandilicious said...

hehe..i felt the same way too with everything being "temporary sold out"..i couldn't even sleep last night thinking about the first thing i did when i woke up this morning was rush to the mall..and hauled some stuff..hehe..the things we do for make-up!

Stephanie said...

Happy Friday Lynne! Thanks for the swatches...I agree, I didn't see anything really catch my eye. All I purchased was a Starlet Kiss l/g. I just finished an entry on it. lol. I'm soo jealous that you got almost all the beauty blushes!! I think all the shades are great...Enjoy them!! Have a great weekend!!

Seymone said...

This is the best review of a collection I have ever came across. Wonderful job.

BeautyTalk said...

You are so detailed. I am so glad MAC came came out with new blushes, they must have heard my prayers!

Krystle said...

I saw heatherette and came out with nothing. Jardin aires was pretty, but it looked like a peachy champagne color that I could dupe. I did get joyous blush! Its sooooooooo pretty! I also wanted to pick either secret blush, feeling or true romantic, but decided they looked a tad bit similar to blushbaby.

✞ANGELA✞ said...

Nice review. I can't waiting to buy those blushes. But for OZ, we still have to wait a week to start booking this collection.
Nice weekend~

(g)ezebel said...

girrrl, thank you for those swatches. i had $130 worth of heatherete that i wanted, but seeing the color swatches on you just made me change my mind. i'm not really impressed, either. but i agree that maybe a couple of the lip glasses might be worth getting.

MrsDiaz said...

Oh I so got suckered into Heatherette! First I was like I just want a lipglass and maybe a lipstick, then the MA got really into trying things out on me. I guess I really appreciated her effort, so I bought more than I thought I would. But hey, I justify it by saying that it will make me look hot on my vacation trip! hehe

Dude, you have almost collected all the beauty blushes Yay! hehe

nilla cookie said...

What a story! I'm surprised Heatherette is selling out so quickly online and in stores!!

I really love Lollipop Loving and Sock Hop together. You must get lippies!!

I'm glad you were able to get the rest of the beauty powders - they're really pretty and are soo worth it :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Twin!

I think you will be happy with your purchase. If not, I'm sure you can always take it in to exchange it.

You are very lucky to have ULTA nearby. How do you like that compared to Sephora?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi yummy411,

Big Tyke can be somewhat bribeable so that helps, lol. But as long as I can give him a car or something, then that at least gives me a couple minutes. With Baby, I gotta make sure he's fed and enough gadgets in the stroller to occupy him, lol. But I don't pick them up only because I need two hands. That just means I have to lock and load when I get to the store. And if they do reach the 'I've had enough' stage, I'm normally done and a nice push in the stroller does the trick, lol. But girl, I don't know how long I can hold this up although I'm trying. If only I had someone to watch them for the 20 minutes that I'm in there, it would be all good!! ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Anne!

I actually have all the Beauty Powder Blushes. Those 6 were the ones that I didn't have since I bought Eversun and Sweetness a couple days before.

I swatch my hand like crazy, grab my items and then head outside the mall to take pictures. I don't ever take pictures at the store because of the tykes, plus outside lighting is better anyways for swatches.

How are you enjoying your Heatherette items?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Heya Divine Blackness!

Girl, swatching is crazy business! Which is why I try to hit up the joint early to avoid having to compete with other fanatics and missing display products.

I figured to start my pigment collection but overall Heatherette is a'ight :/ Love they eyeshadow packaging though. Totally had to get up on that ;)

How are you enjoying the toys you did get?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi StarShine. Happy Sunday!

The Heatherette colors are very pretty and Spring'y. I'm more of a bolder color person so I thought the collection was nice, but I am digging the packaging. Very presentable and sturdy!! Not cheap Fafi, hah.

Oh girl, going to MAC during releases with the tykes is anything but easy. I really dread huge collections, lol. Do you have kiddos of your own?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi giles22-atl!

Pink Pearl is REALLY REALLY pretty! I think you will enjoy your options :)

How is your weekend going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh Elizabeth. That's heartbreaking girl. If it were $300 and up here, I'd definitely only get one.

I think you will like Smooth Harmony and Lollipop Loving. Those would work with your skin girl!

Do you know when it's releasing there?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aren't we crazy mandilicious? We seriously need some help, lol! What did you end up picking up?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Easter Stephanie.

Starlet Kiss looks amazing now that I look at it. But I doubt I"ll go back and get it.

I actually do have all the Beauty Blushes, lol. The 6 I got here were just the ones I DIDN'T have ;)

Did you get any from that collection?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Much mahalos Seymone! I'm really trying to CNet my way there, hah.

What did you end up getting?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks BeautyTalk!

Oh, I am soooo in love with the blushes. Did you get any of them? Which ones?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aloha Krystle,

I do have a feeling that Heatherette is another hit or miss collection. Oh well, at least our wallets enjoy that :)

Joyous is gorgeous! I would suggest Feeling of the 3 that you mentioned. I wore that the other day and it's beautiful.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Angela. Well girl, at least you're doing your research ahead of time. Do you know what you'll be getting?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey (g)ezebel,

I totally agree that the lipglasses are worth a second glance. Everything else is just kinda blah. I bought the trio because of the packaging. The colors I think can easily be substituted with other colors from the perm line.

What of Heatherette did you get?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey MrsDiaz,

I think that's why I DON'T like the MAs to help me, lol. It's easier on my wallet.

Where are you going on vacation? Can I come?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I agree too on the BPB nilla cookie! I just HAD TO have them ;)

I'm still debating on Lollipop Loving and Sock Hop. I know that's what I wanted from the get go but I think I was just feeling unmotivated to spend more on the collection. But IF it's still there when I go next, we'll see.

How is your Sunday so far? Looking for any eggs, hah.

Anonymous said...

Good review :D

So, I cheek for the NYX lippies at the official site ^^
Yes, NYX goes to Europe :p

I only take the "Lolipop Loving" (good name and good color).



Vanessa said...

Nice swatches sis! I miss ya! And feeling you on the hashbrown! LOL.

I ended up just getting most of the lippies... :)

Jenn said...

thanks for the swatches girl and the trouble to get them!! i can totally understand the racing against time part! lol!!

after seeing them swatches, i just crossed out a few things from my list! lol! i'll most probably get just two lippies (still thinking about the 3rd one!! :D) and 3 lipglasses, plus the eye trio 1! the packaging is soo pretty!! gotta love the big mirror in there! :D

i love the vibrancy of pigments, but i can't for the life of me make them not fall all over my face :S i'm such a klutz! lol!! Do you plan to sell some of them? :D

whoa!!! you got all the beauty powders! do i hear *ka ching* in the background? that'll cost me $720 here!! i'm jealous!! :D

you’re evil!! Stop tempting me to get the S&S powder! I’m already broke! Lol!!

The weekend was spend travelling to another state to visit a friend of mine who was in a coma. Thank God she’s alright now, albeit still rather weak. SLE is scary!! :(

Yeah I’ve actually thought of swapping / CPing with those ppl who have early access to these collections. But I don’t have much to offer here. What we have here, most people have also (plus so much more!) lol!

The 168SE brush felt ok on my cheek, not scratchy but not exactly soft either (maybe I just have very thick skin! Lol!!). ooohhh the 138!! Yeah it’s soo soft and contours like a dream! I can’t wait for mine to arrive!! I just placed an order for it last week :D

Have a great week ahead girl!! :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Ju!

That's great that NYX ships out to Europe! Oh I hope you like them girl. You must let me know which colors you end up getting and how you like them once you get them. I personally LOVE the creams from the Lips Line. The ones with shimmer, I don't like so much (kind of chunky).

Lollipop Loving is a cute name for a lippie, huh? I have yet to get it, but I know it's definitely a crowd pleaser :)

Have a great week!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You bet crazychick! Do you have kids yourself?

I definitely think the lipglasses are worth looking into. I'm not so hot on the trios but I had to get one because of the packaging, lol. Just couldn't help myself there.

These are my first ever MAC pigments! I'm really klutzy also but let's just hope I don't lose it all to the floor :X

As of now, I don't plan on selling any pigments. I do expect in the near future that I will. I eventually want to incorporate a shopper page to help out folks like yourself that have to wait for collections to release and also for those to try out the pigments without having to dive into a whole jar. I'm aiming for it to be a purchase site so you don't have to worry about swapping anything. Still in the works, and not sure when this end of the site will launch, but I'm definitely thinking of you folks ;) I got your back girl!

Dang!!! $720 for ALL the BPBs?? Shnikies!

Girl, you know that you're going to get the S&S powder eventually. I know your MAC future already, lol!

I'm glad to hear your friend is doing much better. That is scary knowing something like that hits close to home, you know? She's very lucky to have a great friend like you :)

OMG, I so want the 138! It's softness is calling my name!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey there marasu3!

Lucky for you girl, either trios would do just fine. Trio 2 will brighten up your eyes while Trio 1 will make your eyes seem bold. But either way you choose, it'll work for you. Please let me know if you have any other questions, ok?

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I really didn't care much for the Heatherette collection. I bought the first eyeshadow trio but was a little disappointed because the colors (in real life) looked different on the Mac website! I'm still happy with the stuff I got, though!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi spankedelic!

I agree. Heatherette was so-so for me also. I never take the colors on the MAC site seriously, lol. It's always better in person.

What else did you end up hauling besides Trio 1?

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