MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

March 19, 2008

Let's Discuss: What Are Your 5 Makeup Crimes?

We're all guilty of committing petty criminal acts at one time or another. Yes, I've taken home my post-its and pens from work before. What of it? Well, I'm not here to rat you out to your employer or to let your sister know who exactly has that rose colored lipgloss that she's been 'missing'. But let's bring to light the truth: What Are Your 5 Makeup Crimes?

This is not a call for an intervention and there will be no judgment (of any kind), probation, or jail time. Just a safe-haven for us all to laugh and share a bit of our guilties without feeling guilty.

Kia, from Yummy411, shared her 5 Makeup Crimes, so here I am to share mine:
  1. Getting mad at Hubbo for rushing me when I know I can be putting my makeup on much faster. His classic line is: "Where do you think you're going?!" or, I love this one: "You're not done yet?!"
  2. Trucking my kids to the mall with me to get swatches - not an easy task yo! My classic line is: "Hold on guys, mommy's almost done."
  3. Buying makeup like it's more important than eating (metaphorically speaking here). Justifying that this shade of purple is sooo not like that shade of purple I have at home and that I must have this shade.
  4. Not discarding my makeup accordingly. Mascaras are a different story, (actually... no it's not) but mostly everything else I will just keep FOREVER.
  5. I get lazy to clean my brushes. I'll clean the ones that I use for paint pots and fluidline pronto but all the rest, I let them sit a bit longer.
  6. **BONUS** Since I don't really go out much, I buy all this makeup to look good around the house. I mean, who else is going to, hah! ;) Just kidding.
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35 makeovers:

Shawnta said...

Girl I buy more brushes to avoid cleaning my brushes! LOL!
At the counter Brooklyn is usually entertaining the MAs with her questions and comments and Madisyn is trying to touch everything humanly possible in and out of her reach. I thought by 7 she would have grown out of that but alas she hasn't.

yummy411 said...

@ shawnta: as brit would say *DEAD* girl you are something else,that made me die laughing! buying more brushes to avoid cleaning the old ones!!

mrs. lynne... can i keep it real, can i keep it real? I buy makeup to wear around the house... and then do fotd's for the blog and specktra HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! (i mean you guys are the only ones that appreciate playing in makeup!)

Bliss said...

I totally agree with yr no 3 hehe,im like that, my mother keeps saying don't you have enough makeup yet, and i also say its a different shade lol.

Tracy Roa said...

i, too, have a bad habit of not discarding my make-up accordingly. i did manage to go through my stash recently and toss out some of the bad stuff. i've opted for mineral make-up now b/c apparently it's supposed to last forever. we'll see... :D

Unknown said...

hahhahaa love itttt. my mom would also say to me... I act like i'm attending a prom event (and I didnt even wear that MUCH makeup on my prom night) or she'll tease me of getting too ready when we're just going to the mall. LOL.

i love #2! hahaha. poor kids. lol.

ooooh i got my goodies from hawaii. ^__^. the bf brought me zippy's! haha so happy! then i asked for a pineapple when i found out he brought some home too lol. and i got some gummy bears with li hing on them. i haven't tried those yet. a slipper picture frame and a night light. then for my parents he got them the birds of paradise seed, plumeria branch, and chocolate covered macadamia nuts. i'm just stoked about the zippys. hahahaha. oh man, but i really wanna go there after graduation at least if i can't go to the philippines.

Lakia said...

Oh lawd, dem kids hate me at the MAC counter. I once wasn't paying attention and found my youngest behind the counter as if he worked there.

Stephanie said...

Lol..I love the first 2 crimes of yours! Here's mine:

1. Telling the bf we're going to the mall for him, but in reality we r making stops at a MAC store/ counter.
2. Buying makeup just bc its sale and NEVER using it! Such a waste of money
3. Cleaning my brushes especially my foundation brushes...I get lazy.
4. Negotiating with the bf about the reasons why I need to purchase this particular makeup item.. I say "but honey, it's LIMITED EDITION"!! lol

I couldn't think of

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

Now, now... let's see. I'm guilty of 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6! Hahahaha. If I had kids, I'd probably be guilty of #2 too. Haha!

Mandee said...

haha, OMG my bf is like 1 too... but he says "you're still not done yet Ms. 40 mins." Claiming I take 40 mins to put on my makeup just to have lunch. haha.. Also, I don't clean my brushes too... I just bought some more to avoid cleaning!


Anonymous said...

5+5 Makeup Crimes (I see on other and myself included)

1. Not checking your makeup in natural light. Looking cakey and lumpy. Not sexy. The ghost look or what I call the powdered donut look I see on so many asian girls trying to look whiter than they are. Even the prettiest girl is guilty of this. I tend to do the opposite by going too dark with my makeup.

2. Dark lipsticks. It ages people immensely. But some people still do it.

3. Chunky thick lipstick and lipstick on the teeth. Phew. The grandma look isn't in.

4. Super light or nude lipstick in the wrong shade makes a person look sick. (Sometimes) White eyeliner on the whiter line can make you look sick AND weird as well.

5. Out of control eyebrows. Caterpillars crawling on your face isn't cute. Over plucking is not good either. Looking like a bald cat not good.

6. Super duper bright eyeshadow. Only few can pull this off. I believe in moderation. If it's bright use little.

7. Glitter glitter - glitter anything looks cheap. Not talking about shimmer.

8. Bad makeup. Poor execution . Yes some girls should get someone super honest to tell them that their makeup look like shitt. Or too much makeup is just as bad even with good proper technique. It looks plastic.

9. Overly lined eyes makes you look goth and makes the eyes look smaller.

10. Applying concealer over pimples - the cause of pimples and zits getting worse. And going to sleep with any sort of makeup on is a no no but I'm sure everybody knows this already.

The worse crime of all is going broke buying makeup. Makeup shouldn't outshine your. People should notice you and not your makeup (depending on holidays anyways).

Makeup Crimes are worse than Fashion Crimes.

Anonymous said...

My hubby would say that I look like I'm going out clubbing...I'll respond with "just cleaning the house but you never know (with a smirk and shakin' the booty)!". Yeah right! When was the last time I went clubbing! I grew up thinking this was normal b/c my mom gets made up to be "domestic" too. haha I'd have to say that I tend to hoard my makeup as well...maybe I should start putting expiration labels on my makeup.
If I literally just put on one e/s color a day I'd use each one only 2-3 times a year...I'm not about to throw anything away! :)

Anonymous said...

i am soooo guilty when it comes to your number 3! i don't even know how many times i must have bought the same brown. LOL. i make excuses everytime, telling myself "oh this one has more shimmer than the one i have, so i should get it". anything to justify the feeling of "must-buy" products.

btw, question. regarding your oil cleansing routine: do you do anything to your face after that? like astringent or creams or anything?

Krystle said...

I have one...
sticking my fingers into my e/s instead of using my brush! I think this is what ruined my Shroom. LOL. But I've gotten better, I swear!

Amina said...

i enjoyed reading the posts and the comments. @Lakia: lol on your son being behind the counter as if he worked there.
i am guilty of #3: i have some browns that are"different"

Jenn said...

my worst crime is to collect makeup just for the heck of it, even if i know that i won't use it!if it's not too expensive i'll just buy it and chuck it to the back of my makeup box :X ok somebody please shoot me.

i'm guilty of not tossing out my makeup too!! i practically use my mascara until they dry up :X :X

Shizznizzle said...

ahahahaha i was reading this and nodded at every single thing you mentioned, yes even the part with kids...i just could relate mwahahaha..

mind if i do this in my blog? :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Shawnta!

Ooooh boy. I'm saddened that the 'touching phase' doesn't get outgrown :( I know I still touch stuff yet I get crazy when Big Boy touches things, lol. But seriously girl, it's driving me CRAZY!! I say 'don't touch' and he IMMEDIATELY, almost reflexively (I don't even know if that's a word) goes and touches whatever it was again. It's like his hands are on autopilot. *pulls hair* Lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey yummy411.

Keep it real girl! I spend money to look good around the house and ONLY because I do the FOTDs for the posts and Specktra. I'm home ALL DAY yet I look good cooking and doing the laundry, lol ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm sooo right there with you Bliss. I mean, what if you did need it? Girl, I could not be at your intervention, lol. You'd hop right back into habit again ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Tracy.

I'm sure mineral makeup DOES last forever. I don't think I've ever reached the bottom of any of my makeups before. And quite frankly, I don't really care about the expiration date, lol. I should be more cautious, but that's why I do my best to have sanitary procedures in place :)

Was it hard making peace with the products you threw out?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Anne!

Yup, my kids get the short end of the stick. What can I say. Mommy has to work, kids or no kids.

Ooh, Li Hing gummy bears are the best. I hope he got you the Enjoy ones. For some reason the others don't seem to taste as good as those. You should try pineapple with Li Hing on them. I ate those day after day when I was preggo with the baby!

And you're Filipino girl? I think I'm losing my touch on recognizing nationalities. I used to be so on it before. But yay! Another Pinay in the house - woot! *raise the roof*

How much more of school do you have left? You must come soon!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That is sooo funny Lakia! Girl, I can already see that happening to me in the years to come. I hope that as they get older that they calm down with the whole touching thing. My Big Tyke seriously needs some handcuffs, lol!!

How old are your kids?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Stephanie!

You are the funniest girl. We totally commit the same crimes. We will be going to makeup jail together, lol. When we're at the mall, I purposely walk by MAC and not even looking in the store so that Hubbo will see that it's not always about going in there (when really it is), hah. Gotta play it off, you know ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

OMG Mandee! You even have a name!! That's soo cool. I just get the huff and puff from Hubbo and then a little lead foot in the car, lol.

What brand are you brushes girl?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Anonymous!

Oh man, I sooo did dark lipsticks back in the day. Brick brown was me, lol!

And I'm so glad you said sick for the nude lips because I was trying to come up with a descriptive word for it the other day and could not think of the word to save my life! THANK YOU!! Ha.

How is your week going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey PeeChee.

You are my bay area sister! We could probably switch lives for a day and our families probably wouldn't know the difference, lol. I can't part with my makeup either. Expired or not, I'm keeping it.

How is your week so far? Any plans for the weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...


It's probably a good thing you don't live near me because our shopping dates would be disastrous, lol. We'd justify every item we 'touch' for each other! Lol.

In regards to my OCM, I've been using my Microdermabrasion scrub after every night. Then AFTER that, I use a clay mask one night, a hydroxy mask the next night, and nothing the night after, and start the mask routine all over again. This is after I've washed with OCM and the Microdermabrasion Scrub everynight. Then when I'm done with the mask (if I use it), I moisturize with my Kukui Oil. That's my PM ritual :)

I don't use any astringents anymore because they are too drying for my skin. And I only use cream on my neck (Olay Complete). Hope that helps girl. Let me know if you have anymore questions, ok? Feel free to ask :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh Krystle! That is bad, lol. I did that to my Parrot to swatch it and I'm so pissed at myself because you can see where the oil collected. After that, I was scarred for life about sticking my fingers in my eyeshadows! AGH.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey nywele.

I can't even tell you how many 'different' purples I have girl. And I'm still adding :X Lol! What is your favorite brown eyeshadow to wear?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey crazychick,

You got my laughing girl. We are so alike! I'm admittedly a proud makeup collector. Although I try not to say it so loud so people don't start thinking I'm an unfit mother, lol.

It's probably the weekend there on your side of the globe. What's cracking for the weekend yo?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm glad you can relate Nanzy. Then I don't sound so weird after all, hah.

And of course you can do it on your blog girl! Have fun!

JANE said...

"Justifying that this shade of purple is sooo not like that shade of purple I have at home and that I must have this shade." Okay you got me, I'm guilty of this one too :(

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I have a million within the same color family. I swear like anyone can tell the difference between red and blue pearl on the same purple base, lol!

Which colors do you like the most of your collection?

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