MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

May 1, 2008

MAC Product Releases: Naughty Nauticals Swatches And The Stroller-LESS Voyage

With Summer just around the corner, MAC's new Summer releases are slowly making their way into the public eye. The newest of the releases that hit counters and stores today is Naughty Nauticals; a collection focused on pinks, corals, reds, and blues. Reminds me of the Nautica racks in Macy's.

As the minutes approach to opening, I hang tight in the truck making sure I have everything ready for my voyage to the M-A-C. Stuffing my face with Burger King's Sausage & Cheese Croissan'wich, I prep myself for anything and everything.

Then it happens...

I'm amped up ready to take on another venture with my crazy offsprings and as I pop open the trunk hoping to find an offspring transporting device, there lies.... NOTHING! No stroller, just an empty compartment!! My jaw drops open and I don't know if I'm ready to cry or start roaring hymns of blasphemy. After a few seconds of mental irrational reacting (and deep breathing - I'm a PRO at this!!), I tell myself that I'll just take a look at the collection anyways. If I can swatch, I can swatch. If not, then no worries. I'll just go another day.

Here's the mental image for you. Mrs. Lynne with Baby Tyke packed in an Evenflo Snugli and Big Tyke holding one of my hands. I decide to trot by the Macy's counter instead of the store because for some reason this seemed a little more accommodating for the situation - how I came up with that, don't ask, lol!

Well, today must just be a blessed day because although Big Tyke decided it was neat to check out the escalator right next to the counter by "unexpectedly" taking a ride on it (total "had-to-be-there" moment, lol!), he did manage to sit next to me and draw on a piece of paper majority of the time.

*Note to self: buy more small notepads and pens to keep in the truck... or an etch-a-sketch.

The collection overall is quite nice. If you liked or missed out on Neutral Pink from N Collection, you'll want to check out Illegal Cargo as it is similar but in a nice Frost formula rather than Satin as Neutral Pink is. Shore Leave and Mutiny pigment
are also worth a look . The Technakohl eyeliners are both pretty but no need to rush as those are permanent.

The lip products are really pretty also. Party Mate is my choice of lipstick while Love Knot and Hey, Sailor Lustreglasses were eye catching.

And if you need a true red or navy nail polish, then the Nail Lacquers of this collection are just for you.

Although I liked more of the collection than what came home with me, I decided to take heed to the pigments instead. Welcome Bell-Bottom Blue, Lovely Lily, and Mutiny pigments. Make yourself right at home.

Have you finalized your Naughty Nauticals list 'o lemmings? What's on it?

Mrs. Lynne

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32 makeovers:

B said...

I love readin' about your swatchin' adventures. I feel like I'm there! LOL!! Mutiny is sooooo pretty. I think I may have to go back and get it.

Now I know you aren't done. Hehe, so what else are you going to haul?

Xuanie said...

hey mrs lynne! great buy! i had to stop by my local mac counter as well. i wanted to go to the store itself but i couldnt get to the mall that actually had the store so the ac counter at macys had to do today. i ended up bying shore leave, and illegal cargo. i wanted to try the lipsticks or lipgloss but i have so many that i dont use already so i figured why waste. and the pigments i opp out of bc i barely use pigments

Jaclyn Rose said...

hey mama, OMG, no stroller! I don't know what I would have done in your situation if that should have ever happened to me in the past. LOL. but wow! it must have been a godsend to have your boys behave long enough for you to get swatches.

I got me some naughty nauticals goodies, actually Mr. Man got it for me. Check my latest blog post for that story. =)

the piggies are gorgeous aren't they? I might want to go back and get some other stuff if time permits. but yeah, i'll catch you later.

psychoexgirlfriend said...

All I got was Port Red. I probably would have grabbed Lovely Lily if I didn't have it already. It's a gorgeous colour and I've been neglecting it lately so I may pull it out tomorrow... I liked Hey Sailor and Love Knot a lot too so I may go back to get them both...

yummy411 said...

hey lynne! you've done it again, this time you get 1st place trophy award!!!! thanks for the swatches!

tag you're it! check out my blog for details!

Anonymous said...

Ok so at first I didn't think I was gonna get anything from this collection... but now I want a lot. lol!
I really wanna get Love Know, Ensign, Hey Sailor, Ahoy There & Buoy O Buoy & Party Mate.
I like Shore Leave & Illegal Cargo too! Lark about & Mutiny look good too! Decisions, decisions...
I'll probably go and buy a few things tomorrow!
Thanks for the swatches!

Distinque said...

Hi Lynne! I also got all of the pigments minus Lart About because it looks like Frozen White. I got the Buoy-O-Buoy l/s, Bateaux l/g, Ensign l/g, Comet Blue d/g, and Baby Sparks d/g..I had to order these online because my mac counter doesn't get the dazzleglasses till May 29th! and their Naughty Nauticals got delayed by one week. ErRrR your so lucky your island has more than one Mac counter.

Jenn said...

thanks for the swatches!! you must be quite a sight visiting the counter with your two boys!! go swatching mama, go!! lol!

you know, before seeing your swatches, i wasn't going to get anything but the submarine es. now i want the lippies too! haha! shore leave looks gorgeous! though i don't use pigments, i'll have to say that the NN pigments are really BEAUTIFUL!!! i would have snagged all of them if i do use them! :D

oh yeah, i did a moonflower look after seeing how pretty it looked on you (click here to see it)! moonflower is really pretty!! :D

it's Friday! any plans for the weekend? :D

mandilicious said...

ooh..more pigments..i was the same way, i used to not own any coz i thought they were too expensive and i wont go through the whole thing but after i got my first jar, i just couldn't stop buying!..ay!..mutiny looks really nice!..thanks for the swatches!

Phyllis Bourne said...

Thanks for the swatches. I already have two lippies and both nail polishes on my shopping list.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mrs. Lynne, you are awesome! :D

I grabbed Meet the Fleet yesterday, which I really like, and I'm likely to go back for Love Knot before it's gone forever!

I was lucky because my big guy was in school, and there is a giant statue outside my MAC store which my little guy climbed all over where I could see him from the display!

Oh, if drawing and "writing" are your guys' thing, mini-magnadoodles can't be beat! They're totally mess-free, and the writing implement is attached!

LeAnne@Hairs My Story Team said...

I have yet to try the products on because I'm stuck in a house in NYC. Do you like the colors? I'm still on the fence. I think you and I have very similar complexions, but I'm still not crazy about the collection yet. Is it one of those that you have to see in the store and on yourself before you go ga-ga?

justme said...

I go buoy o buoy (which looks like plain lip gloss) but its cute and I can wear it at work without using a mirror, illegal cargo, knight divine (it was nicer than pandemonium) all the piggies, the stowaway quad, and the blue nail polish.

I also got 2 dazzleglasses comet blue and steppin out

I thought I did good, but I can see I really spent a lot of money!

(g)ezebel said...

i haven't received my naughty natuicals stuff in the mail yet, but i'm glad to see that the colors are so pretty!!

girrrl, you swatched nail polish on your hand?? *giggles*

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the swatches!!

Ahh, my list for NN before the swatches was huuuge! Now, it's down to a lovely small list :)

I'm planning on ordering:
Hey Sailor l/g
Party Mate l/s
Shore Leave e/s
Submarine e/s
Illegal Cargo e/s
Mutiny pigment

I'm a bit iffy on Submarine but the only blue e/s I have are Parrot and Flashtrack, LOL

Feel free to cut down that list further! :P

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm happy you enjoy my journeys Divine Blackness, hah. It is quite the task, lemme tell you, lol!

I actually think that is all I'm going to haul, girl. I really want to indulge in a few of the lipglasses but I'm really just trying to keep my spending under control this month.

How about you? What are you hauling?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Xuanie!

Those would have definitely been the eyeshadows that I would have gotten, hands down. I really liked Shore Leave because it was the most pigmented out of the bunch and swatched beautifully. There are definitely a few of the lipglasses that are on my radar but I'm just trying to test my self-control, lol.

How are you doing hun? Anything new going on?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Jackie,

You know, I honestly already accepted the fact that I wasn't going to get swatches. But I got to the counter and I guess my swatching reflexes just kicked in because I just went at it. One eye on the display, the other eye on Big Tyke, lol. But thank goodness it wasn't a huge display *wipes forehead*

That's so nice of Mr. Man to get you some things! We sure are easy, aren't we ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey psychoexgf,

I love those lipglasses also!!! I was very close to getting them. I don't know why I didn't just get those instead of the pigments. I tell you, I'm addicted to eye products - help me! Hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks yummy411! This event really put me to the test, but I sure made due, lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi giles22-atl,

If I had an unlimited bankroll, that is exactly what I would have gotten. You'll have to let me know what you walk out of the store with. I'm living my purchases through you, girl! Hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Distinque,

That is a nice haul, love! What have you paired your Comet Blue d/g with? I love the unconventional appeal in it, lol.

Did you move all your stuff to your new spot yet?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I bet it is a sight crazychick, lol. But hopefully in a "whoa" way instead of the "let's call social services" sort of way :P LOLOL.

The lipsticks and lipglasses are gorgeous!! I think if you can get a sample of Mutiny, just do that instead. Plus, I can see it doing some wonders with that Moonflower of yours ;)

As for the weekend (I know, a week later, lol), no plans yet. May go car shopping. Need to upgrade the vehicle since le truck is not hauling enough space for my crowded carseated backseat, lol.

How about you? What's going on?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You bet mandilicious!

I knew that once I bought my first pigment, that I'd just signed another death sentence in the makeup world. They really should sell them in half size containers instead. I think they'd make MORE money even though they'd have to charge less for the size.

What are you getting from this collection?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That's a very good shopping list PBW! Which lippies are catching your eye?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Nice mini haul Glosslizard!

In the malls in the Philippines, they have a daycare center in which you can leave your kids while you go shopping. I'd love to check the tykes in for an hour! LOL.

Big Tyke actually has a couple of these writing tablet things that are completely mess-free, but I swear to you girl, this kid likes the real stuff! Even if we hook him up with a crayon, he'd rather have a pen, lol. But lately he's been taking a liking to his magnadoodle-type tablet my sister-in-law brought back for him from Disneyland last month. YAY! WINNER, hah.

How are your little impies doing?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey LeAnne,

Overall, I actually like this collection. It really depends though on what kind of colors you're most comfortable with. I think it is pretty safe though even for someone who's not quite comfortable with bolder colors such as teals. But I definitely think that the lipglasses are worth a check.

Are there certain colors you tend to stay away from? Or are you pretty daring?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That's a very nice haul just me! I'm definitely living out my imaginary haul through you, hah.

I think Knight Divine was a good choice over Pandemonium. I'm not all crazy about Lustres even though it swatched decently. It also reminds me of Charred from the Originals Collection.

Have you come up with a look yet using Comet Blue d/g? I think it's such a unique color.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I sho' did swatch nail polish on my hand (g), lol! I figure that without the stroller in hand that I didn't have time for drying and 2nd coats ;) Hah.

How is your boys doing anyways?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Julie,

I think you have a good list. Honestly, Submarine can probably get duped with Freshwater because that is what it reminds me of. But that's only if you can't get a hold of Submarine :)

I don't know what Flashtrack looks like. Is that an LE? I didn't see it on the site.

Sorry I couldn't cut down the list for you girl. Those would definitely be my choices of the collection although I wouldn't mind adding the rest of the lipglasses, lol. But let's pretend I didn't just write that ;)

Anonymous said...

so I haven't gotten much yet. maybe I'll pick up other things later, but I only got Loveknot & Ensign lustreglasses. I love them both!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I really loved the lusterglasses, giles22-atl. Aren't they just lovely?

I hope you're having a great weekend so far! Any plans yet?

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