MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

May 27, 2008

Let's Discuss: You Are Given $500! What Do You Spend It On?

Lately I've been wanting to do some serious spending damage but not on the account of running the bank into the red. And since we're all fascinated on the act of spending, why not run with the thought and at least partially fill the void.

Ok! We're all good at using our imagination, so let's pretend we are each given $500. (I'm already excited!) Your bills are already caught up and paid for so there's no need to apply any of this to expenses or debts. (SWEET!) This is purely just for you to go and buy what you've always wanted without remorse or your conscience nagging you on what you should be spending your money on.

So you've got the dough, now where do you go? Do you march right on over to your nearest cosmetics counter/store and go ballistic? Would you do a little upgrading in the wardrobe department? Do a bit of online shopping with the Next Day Delivery option?

Here's my shopping spree:
See... I didn't spend it all on makeup :)

What are you dropping your imaginary $500 on?

Mrs. Lynne

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45 makeovers:

Tracy Roa said...

this sounds like a fun topic. hehe. i fell in love with this sony vaio notebook at best buy the other day, so if i had an extra $500 lying around, it would definitely go to that. i think i'm gonna hold of on my make-up purchases for the mean time, kuz i really want that laptop!

Jackie said...

I would probably catch up on the MAC collections because I've seriously been MIA since heatherette (OMG!) and I only got maybe three products from that collection. I'll try to limit myself to $150. I'm craving some hair styling products because I need to do something with my hair AND it's summer so I DEF need some new stuff. Hair products will probably cost me no more than $75. With the rest of the $275, I'd spend $125 smart shopping for clothing and $150 on something that has to do with my boyfriend whether it be eating out at somewhere fancy, purchasing something, or just doing something together. $500 would just NOT be enough! $5000 would totally rock! I'm such a dreamer!

yummy411 said...

hey lady... you need the viva glam palette from a few moons ago with all the vg lipsticks!

hmmm i'd get my 'kit' on point. i do okay now, but i'd get some items that would really set it off.. so my kit can be more professional and cohesive like Ren's ... i'm definitely more attracted to palettes these days.. so the camera ready cosmetic foundations... the shadow palettes (not MAC) la femme blush palettes and a good brush set, and all of my disposable tools need to be restocked =(

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Tracy,

Speaking of laptop, I'm so in dire need of a new one! After reading your comment I really feel like I should re-prioritize my spendings, hah!

Hope you're having a great week so far Tracy!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Omg Chi! I'm so glad you said that because I need me some interaction with some familiar faces :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm a dreamer just like you eikcaj! When I first started the post, I originally had it at $1,000, lol. But I agree that $5,000 would truly be ideal. We sure can dream, can't we :)

That is so sweet that you'd use some for you and the beau. I'm sure he would truly appreciate you splurging some on him, heh.

Are there certain brands in hair products that you only use?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh yummy411,

You know how I never buy any lipsticks from MAC, right? So one day I had to wait for my MA to help me and so I got to swatching the Viva Glams and I fell in love instantly. I hope that they have the lip palettes this holiday season because I'm so all over it!!

Getting your kit in order is definitely a great way to spend your money. It's a wise investment rather than purely spending it with no return. *scratches head* Perhaps I should do mine also, hah. I know too that I'd like to get the camera ready cosmetic foundations. What foundations are in your kit right now? Do you have like a light, medium, and dark and then tweak depending on the model?

yummy411 said...

hey mrs. lynne... i don't go to the cco's as often anymore, but i went this past weekend and they still had the palette. i'm horrible at shipping (something not conveniently done online), but i'm sure one request for you won't hurt me if you'd like.

now i have some iman, mac and black radiance (i know it's drugstore, but their tones are on point for african american skintones and the like -- so is black opal) in my kit. i have and can blend for any let's say nc35 person and up. in my area i haven't worked with anyone much lighter than that, but i do have powders that range lower than an nc35, just not actual foundation. i'm getting there though as i want to have a comprehensive set. just a matter of time.. and of course the hypothetical money LOL

Anonymous said...

i'd spend the money on food and makeup. lol. a good steak dinner is what i'd realllly like. steak and potatoes and lots of junk food. hehe.

Grayburn said...

Great topic! I love shopping sprees but I think the first thing I would spend it on is not makeup (what?), but I would take the train with my honey to Paris :)

Love your blog, keep up the great work that you're doing!


Mrs. Lynne, said...

yummy411, you're such a sweetheart to offer to do that :) I'm a little torn though because girl you know I don't NEED it, but do WANT it, hah. Just for curiosity sakes, do you remember how much it was going for at the CCO?

Ok, don't laugh, but I had to Google Iman and Black Radiance, lol. And now I know why I haven't heard of those (well, Iman in the model yah, but not in cosmetics). We don't have Target or Walgreens here. Well, correction. We have Walgreens it's just on the other side of the island which I am hardly ever there. But yah, thanks for sharing! I was actually thinking of getting a couple shades in Studio Fix Fluid and then mixing according to skin type. But it would be nice to have a palette with more options especially with concealers. Ok, back to daydreaming where my cashflow is endless!! Hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey spankedelic!

Me and you could totally go shopping. Eat, shop, eat, shop... that's my kind of day! And steak and potatoes sounds sooo good right now.

Did you and the beau do anything fun for the long weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Grayburn! Thanks for stopping by my shop and for the encouragement :) I truly appreciate the kind words.

That is so sweet that you'd take your Hubby on a train ride to Paris! That sounds so breathtaking just thinking about it. Do you currently reside over on that side? I'd love to take Hubbo and the kids there one day... oh, one day :)

AskMeWhats said...

hmm..I honestly would buy a nice outfit, very comfortable sandals, perfumes, cosmetics..heheh but before that, I'll buy professional camera accessories for my hubby :) as we kinda spent so much buying his profesional cam and they are like BABIES!!! Needed to buy a whole lot of other accessories.. Haaayyy $500..come to mama! ;)

:) said...

Hi! NP, of course you have a loving support system because well you're just undeniably lovable!:P
500 smackooroos hmm.. * thinks hard* I would actually use that money to remodel my room..everything is so cramped :/ I can barely move around and don't even get me started on the decorations,it was all my mother's idea LOL AND save the rest for school stuff.....what is wrong with me??? ahaha JK

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Askmewhats,

If I had me a professional camera too, you better believe they are getting treated like royalty, lol! Your husband must take some awesome photos though with a nice toy like that. Oh, I dream of the day that I will have my own SLR to spoil...

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Awww.. you're so sweet Nee! *blushes*

Oooh, a room makeover sounds so great! Would you make it all Ikea like? I'd like to pay $500 to get my kids OUT of my room ;) Hah, jk.

:) said...

ohhh & about my DSC-T70 you don't have to worry about missing kodak moments..cuz you can set the flash automatically instead of waiting an eternity like the DSC-T10 I read a review on it saying the lens is slow so probably thats why? IDK LOL

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That's sweet Nee!! I totally wish my T10 did that *grunt*. I had a really intense love/hate relationship with that camera. And of course I was dumb to not read reviews on it. My girlfriend had one and I was just captivated by the sliding cover, lol. Hi! I'm a girl. I like fancy things. LOL!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

hi there, i just wanna say your site is really awesome, i looked at some of your past posts and i think you've some wonderful looks and your blending is an inspiration! keep up the good works!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi nic nic! Nice to meet you!

Thank you kindly for the wonderful comments. You are such a sweetheart :)

I hope you're having a great week so far. Come around more often, ok? :) Take care sweetie.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

Hmm hmmm hmm... this one is a toughie sis. LOL. I'd say a good amount would go towards mineral makeup, maybe about $200.00 worth. LOLOL. Then I'd buy a MAC Fiber Optic Brush, then a couple pairs of high heels, and then some shoes. :P Haha.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, $500!

I'd buy some basic make-up stuff! Like good brushes from Sephora or MAC so that's about $150? LOL
Some new clothes and new flats! That's about $200.
And then take my sister and brother to a theme park with the rest of the money :D Woo!

Grayburn said...

Hey! Nice to hear from you :)
Just wrote you a comment but I don't think that it was saved!

Living in europe is nice, but the only thing I complain about is the delayed release of MAC lines here (I know that there are more important things in life hehe!). Can you imagine waiting 2-4 weeks after you've watched a line released online?

Take care and I look forward to your posts!


♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

I'll certainly be coming around more often since I've started to subscribe you :D

Anonymous said...

Hey! great topic ;) I'm finally going to start paying for my own cellphone so this is fun, haha.

I think I would get...
- a couple of things from the new mac collections.
- some mineral makeup. lots of different stuff I wanna try!
- a pair of white nike shox.
- and I would probably spend the rest on going to baseball games!

Anonymous said...

i went to las vegas for my 25th bday. i didn't win any money, though. i did, however, stock up on some mac makeup. lol. i like the way the tendertones lipgloss looks, but i'm not too crazy about sticking my fingers in the jar =( i think the colors look kinda sheer. do you own any and if so, what do you think about them?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Sis Chris,

I too would spend around $200 on some mineral makeup, hah! Great minds think alike :)

You know, I've been using the MAC 188 which is the smaller Duo-Fibre brush to apply my foundation, and I LOVE IT!

Speaking of sexy shoes, I sure could use some. Not to mention an upgraded wardrobe :/

Hope you're having a great weekend sis! Miss you.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I love your spending ideas Julie. You did a little something for yourself and for your siblings. That is very sweet of you. How old are your brother and sister?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Grayburn!

I hate it when I write comments and then it gets lost in the load :/ I always forget to Ctrl+C just in case. I like to trust that when I hit "Publish" that it will do exactly that, lol.

I give you props girl. Delayed releases can do some mental damage to us addicts. Especially with release swatches swarming the net like good 'ol porn. They really should think about doing a universal launch date for all their products. It's only fair :)

Do you have any other favorite cosmetics brands? Or does MAC comprise most of your collection?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Yay, Nic Nic! Kick off your shoes and feel right at home :)

How is your weekend going so far? You have any plans yet?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That's a great spending list giles22-atl! A good pair of tennis shoes is always important. I had a pair of Shox before myself. Do you have a favorite team you go see play?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Spankedelic,

Happy Birthday to you hun! Vegas must have been great!! (I have yet to go since I turned 21). Was it the PRO store you treated yourself too?

I agree with you totally on the packaging of the Tendertones. If it wasn't as emollient, then having it in a jar might be more tolerable. But definitely not at the consistency that its at. In my opinion, the colors are pigmented enough to "tint" your lips but not enough to truly solidify the color unless you really smear it on there, you know? I actually didn't pick up any because I already have my lip conditioner. And although I don't mind using my fingers to apply my lip conditioner (I have the one in the jar), I don't find myself too hot over sticking my fingers in anything more emollient than that.

Overall, the Tendertones to me are great for a 2-in-1, balm and gloss. I like the versatility in that. But it really just comes down to the packaging which doesn't excite me much.

Do you think you may just get one just to have?

Anonymous said...

yes, since I live near Kansas City, I go and see the Royals. :)

Anonymous said...

i think i want to try one, but i don't know how i feel about sticking my fingers in the pot. i love their lip conditioner, and i wish mac would've just put it in a little squeeze tube! hehe. i am eyeing one, but forgot the name of it. i'm gonna have to go back on the site and look. oh, was a mac pro store. hehe. i got my mom a lipgloss from the fafi collection and got my sister a blush. then i got myself some eyeshadows and a 15 palette eyeshadow pan and a 4 palette eyeshadow pan.

Anonymous said...

Heya, MrsLynne!

My sister is 16 and my brother is the baby - he's 3 :)

Haha, I've never been to a theme park in my life so I benefit from the theme park too :P

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Good for you giles22-atl! I wish I were a little more sports savvy though. I just recently gained an appreciation for college football here on the islands. Because we don't have our own state teams, college sports are a big deal here. And this past season was really crazy because our football team for the University of Hawai'i went undefeated and got to play in the Championships against others that ranked high based on their season. This made history for us! It was a great time.

Did you ever play sports for school?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm with you on the squeeze tube spankedelic! For my lip conditioner, I liked the consistency of the product in the jar versus the stick one.

Oh, I'm so jealous! I totally wish we had a Pro store here on the island. The only time I went to one was when I went to CA to visit last year. It was an okay visit but only because I didn't know what I know now about MAC. Had I been more knowledgeable about their products back then, I probably would have gone ballistic! Lol.

Do you do a lot of depotting for your eyeshadows?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Julie,

Awww... your brother is only a year older than my son. He must be an active kid, hah. And that's cool that you have a sister not that much younger than you. That must be nice to share clothes and makeup. I totally wish I had that leisure, hah.

And it sounds like the theme park adventure was just what you all needed. Always great to take first trips like that with your family. Hope you guys took a lot of pictures! Are you into the thrills of rollarcoasters?

Anonymous said...

oh yea, actually my favorite college team started doing good this year too finally! lol.

yeah i used to play softball, probably part of the reason i love baseball so much!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey giles22-atl,

I had a feeling you did :) I was never really good at sports but let's hope that my boys will have a knack for them.

How is your week going so far?

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