MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

April 6, 2008

Product Tip: Paint Pots Deserve The Spa Treatment Also!

The MAC Paint Pot. Great as a base, packaged adorably in glass containers, a multitude of colors to choose from... it's just a MAC Collector's dream!

MAC Paint Pots were (and still are) a HUGE deal when they were released in August 2007. After befriending them and adopting most of them, I can proudly say that my Paint Pots do get the ultimate spa treatment.

From my recent post about mingling with the Pros at the Nordstrom's MAC Technique Class, it seems that some light was shed on storing the infamous jars of color. Storing the Paint Pots upside down helps keep the product from drying out.

I've been doing this for quite some time now and thought I'd share with you exactly how I store mine.

Since I have more than a handful of these glassed beauties, I store them upside down in an empty CD spindle container. When arranged like how I've done below, the jars fit nicely with a little tough love. This is my "I-don't-have-a traincase" way of doing things. And with CD burning almost a reflexive pastime, most people are bound to have a couple of the spindle containers laying around.

I keep my Paint Pots stored in the bedroom since the steam from the shower causes the bathroom to fluctuate in temperature. Considering that most people shower on a daily basis, that's a lot of temperature changes your Paint Pots have to go through. And don't forget to factor in other people that use your bathroom. More chances for it to spoil sooner.

When I'm doing my makeup and I am using a Paint Pot, I still make sure to keep them facing upside down. So in between loading up my brush with product, I just face it down on the counter on top of a clean piece of toilet paper (aka Paint Pot BFF). That way it isn't touching any not-so-clean surfaces yet making it easy to grab product without having to screw the lid on and off each time.

So what happens should your Paint Pot take a turn for the worse and become deathly ill (symptoms of this are noted as dried out product and possible cracking)? When things dry out, our gut says to quench the thirst. Here are a couple of ideas you may want to put to the test:

  • Scraping off the top layer.
  • Add a bit of mixing medium or Fix+ to help moisten the Paint Pot.
  • Moisturize the bristles of your brush with moisturizer prior to dipping in the Paint Pot.
When trying to bring life back to your Paint Pots, transfer part of the product to another container to test. This will allow you to keep the remaining separated in case the test doesn't turn out to your liking.

Paint Pot Maintenance:
  • Store MAC Paint Pots in an area where room temperature is constant; not in the bathroom or car.
  • Transfer part of the product to a smaller container and replenish as needed.
  • Ensure the lids are tightly screwed on when not in use.
  • Always keep Paint Pot jars faced upside down; when in use and not.
MAC Paint Pot sure can be high maintenance products, but better to take care of them like the good makeup parents we are.

Do you have other products that are worthy of the spa treatment?

Mrs. Lynne

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78 makeovers:

MrsDiaz said...

Wow this was such an informative entry. I love my paintpots, and had no idea if I put them upside down it would increase their usability. Ok I need to take on a whole new approach to caring for them..hehe

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey MrsDiaz,

I'm glad you found it useful :) Gotta make our monies worth, right? Hah.

Have a great weekend girl!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Lynne!

I was just going to comment that after the post the other day, I ran into the bathroom and turned all my paint pots upside-down! Then I was going to ask if you had any tips for storage, since they are less than stackable (Hello, MAC? New packaging idea!)!

Lo and behold, here you are with all the info already in place! I'm gonna grab a container and move my pots to the bedroom! Thanks! :)

i♥make-up said...

I love Paint Pots, they are sooooo pretty!!! <3 And make amazing bases to eyeshadows!!! <3

Jenn said...

thanks for sharing, Mrs Lynne!! i would never have stored these upside down before i read your entry! this is certainly very useful! :)

i'm still thinking of which paint pot should i get as a base - soft ochre or cash flow. soft ochre is really nude on me, but cash flow has shimmers which make colors pop! what'dya think? :D

andddd, Fafi and the beauty powders are finally available where i live!! YAY! :D

Tracy Roa said...

i actually don't own any paint pots, but i do have the indelible creme eyeshadow and gel eyeliner. i'm sure your tips can be applied to these. thanks for a very helpful post!

The 4 Rockstars said...

If you put them upsidedown(which I do anyway...just so I can see the colors. But I can see this has double benefits!) Wouldn't the bottom dry out by the time you reach it?

mayaari said...

very creative storage idea! I've been using sample containers from my mineral e/s to hold a scoop or two of a paint pot - definitely helps the product last longer, since only a small portion is at risk to dry out (vs. the entire pot).

Mukho said...

Hello there, Mrs. Lynne!
I recently discovered your blog and I'm amazed by the detail and hard-work you put into each post. I used your "gold" eye look for a wedding I attended yesterday. I never knew one could do so much with color, give such depth to the expression.
I'm refocussing my blog (abandoned some time back) on make-up for women living in India, and I want to say thank you soooooooo much for this great blog and inspiration! :)
Bye, keep posting

mandilicious said...

thanks Lynne for these tips..*runs upstairs to check if all my p/p's are tightly closed*..

these all make sense..i think p/p's will last you a lifetime, just be sure you to take good care of them..we don't want $16.50 x hmm..10? going to waste, do we?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Glosslizard! Great to see you again :)

Can we say that great minds think alike? I think so, hah.

So how are you enjoying your paint pots? Do you have a favorite amongst the bunch?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey iheartmake-up,

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Paint Pots. If you couldn't tell already, I have a mission to collect them ALL! Hah. And I love that they just emphasize the color in eyeshadows. It drives me silly!

Which is your favorite paint pot?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Anytime crazychick!

Girl, I would of course tell you to get both, lol. But Cash Flow would definitely be a good choice also. If you already have a neutral base, then I would opt for Cash Flow only because Soft Ochre is more of a neutral base rather than a color enhancing one. You can definitely have more fun with Cash Flow.

Oh girl. Please go and check out the BPBs! And then report back to me what you bought. I really REALLY think you're going to like them.

Are you going to be getting anything from Dress Camp, btw?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

They sure can Tracy. Which reminds me that I was going to put that in my post and completely forgot about it. I store my MAC Fluidlines the same way.

How do you like the indelibles? They look so neat, I don't doubt that I'll eventually spring and buy those also, hah.

How was your Monday?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Ruby,

That is a great question. I believe that the bottom would NOT dry out due to the fact that it isn't being exposed to air as the top of the pot would be. Unless of course you have a hole or something, hah. Plus, flipping it over also adds pressure to the cap to ensure no leakage of air gets in, no matter how tight :)

You can always transfer product to another container if it does worry you though. But honestly, I don't think you'll have a problem with the bottom drying out.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I couldn't agree more mayaari. I really should do that too but I'm so in love with the smoothness of the product that I don't want to destroy it, lol! I know, I'm weird like that. But I'll definitely be doing that when I travel - if it ever happens that I can leave this rock, hah.

Hope you had a great Monday sis!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Amita,

I am very touched by your comment and I want to thank YOU for saying such kind words. I'm so glad that you used one of my looks for a wedding! I bet you looked fabulous. I'd love to see your rendition on it, if you ever have time to send it to me. And I'd love to share it with the readers if that's something you'd be comfortable with. If not, I'd still love to check it out :) I'm always very excited to see how others do their own things with the looks!

And I'm very happy for you to bring back your blog. I'm sure a lot of Indian women will appreciate what you have to offer as we can always learn from one another :)

I hope you're having a great week so far! Btw, what is your favorite makeup line?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey mandilicious,

Oh you bet I ain't wasting my money girl, hah. Of all my MAC products, these are my pride and joy. I am a very overprotective Paint Pot parent :)

So of you Paint Pots, which one do you enjoy the most?

BeautyTalk said...

I recently got into Paint Pots and I can't stop buying! Thanks for the advice on how to take care of them this is very useful! Check out my newest paint pot look :)

P.S. I added you to my blogroll.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I love Paint Pots BeautyTalk!! They are so pretty in the jar it just makes me smile all crazy, hah.

Hope you're Tuesday is off to a great start!

Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday, Mrs. Lynne! :)

Paint pots are my new love. I was never really that impressed with MAC (I know, I know) until Karen got me to buy a paint pot!

It's so hard to choose a favorite! I've only got 5 paint pots so far, and my fave is a 3-way tie (Girl Friendly, Perky and Nice Vice -- yeah, Fafi kinda rocked for me)! I noticed the Delft in your picture which is the one I'm really crushing hard on and the one I'm going to get next! Such a glorious peacock blue!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I totally snagged Fafi's Paint Pots Glosslizard! That purchase definitely put my Paint Pot collection on the map, lol.

Delft WOULD HAVE been my first ever Paint Pot but I could not track one down if my life depended on it. I saw it in a tutorial back in the day and instantly fell in lust! When they finally told me it was in, it was the happiest day in my life. Oh, and when you do get it... put something aqua over it. Can we say YUMMY?!?!

Ok girl, you need to head to MAC right now and get it. The crushing won't stop until you bring it home, lol!

Are your eyeshadows from MAC or another brand?

Jenn said...

you're so EVIL Mrs Lynne!! Stop tempting me! hahaha!! i'll probably go for cash flow, since i already have a base to begin with. another silly question i have - just wondering if the blue shadows will turn green if i apply it over cash flow? do you have that problem? i always seem to experience this! :P

oh, i got the Sweetness, True Romantic, Eversun and Joyous beauty powders! i wanted Shy Beauty sooo badly but it was out of stock! *wails* :'( they're soo pigmented!! the 187 sure comes in handy here! i notice that the pearl sheen for these powders are not as obvious as the usual beauty powders though. but they're still too pretty to resist!! :D

not sure if i'll be getting anything from dress camp. from what i heard, the palette's really sheer, so i'll probably skip that. i'm mighty interested in the gold lipglass though! :D will you be getting anything from this collection online? :D

Ginny said...

i love the paint pots. thanks for the advice. did not realize they needed all that lol. thank you!

Anonymous said...

Ha! You're right! Unrequited love is a painful thing! :)

I have one single eyeshadow from MAC (Brule) and the Heatherette Trio 2. The rest are from anywhere and everywhere! Chanel, NARS, Fresh, Origins, Urban Decay, Guerlain, Stila, Tarte, Clinique, and a bunch of others! Usually 1-2 from any given brand, I am a makeup tramp! LOL!

Anonymous said...

whoa, i've always read your blog but this is the first time i've posted a comment. thanks soo much for the advice! i lovee my paint pots and sure hope they won't dry or die out on me soon! : )

Anonymous said...

i love reading your up-to-date blogs. i haven't invested in any paint pots yet! would you say that they stay on pretty well? i'm scared that it might smear off during the day. so far i just mainly have mac pigments and the eyeshadows and fluidline!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

But I know you still love me crazychick :)))) Hah.

Come to think of it, Cash Flow may bring out the green undertones in your blue eyeshadows. By how much, I couldn't say for sure. But if you want something to back up your blue eyeshadows so that they stay as true to blue as possible, I would suggest Delft Paint Pot (which is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE btw!). But honestly, I haven't noticed that problem much with my application.

And yah!! You got half of the BPBs! Gorgeous aren't they? And you are right, they are pretty pigmented. Since I'm darker, I can get away in using a 169 for application, but for lighter skin tones, the 187 is an excellent choice!! The texture of the BPBs are definitely much softer.

I'm not too giddy on sheer eyeshadow. I need something to show up on my darker skin, lol! I haven't looked into Dress Camp much since I normally like to try it before I buy it. But that gold lipglass you speak of does sound quite interesting. I wonder what I'll pop my MAC lipstick/lipglass cherry on :X

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You are quite the makeup tramp Glosslizard! Hah. Do you have a favorite brand within that list in which you know you'll get good products no matter what you choose?

I'm quite the opposite. I'm actually hesitant to check out other brands because I have collector in my veins. So if I try a brand, I'll want EVERYTHING from that brand. I like complete sets. I don't know, just call me CRAZY!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi veeveeaan!

Well, it's finally nice to meet you sweetie. Thanks for shouting out :)

I do hope your paint pots live a long and healthy life. Living just wouldn't be the same without them, haha.

Do you have a favorite amongst your paint pot family?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi there spankedelic. Thanks for making me part of your reads, yo! I feel so honored :) *blush*

For me, the paint pots are a no-budger as long as I have UDPP under them. Alone, they get swallowed but I'm willing to pair them with UDPP because I just heart them that much! Hah. If you like fluidline, I think you should give paint pots a chance. Or at least try it with a makeover. They are great at enhancing the color of your eyeshadow which is the primary purpose I use them for. Some people can get away in using it as a base, but unfortunately, I need a little UD support :)

Hope you're having a great week so far hun. If you bite the bullet and get one, please let me know how it works out for you, ok?

Mukho said...

Hey Mrs Lynne!
To answer all ur qns:
Sure, I'll email u my pics (I took snaps hoping I could share 'em :) )

Favourite make-up line would have to be Lakme by default bcos its the m/u giant of India, but I dont like their range of foundation shades. Too much copycatting the pink-white caucasian skin tones. My husband brought me a Covergirl compact in Ivory, that seems to be real nice for me, but till cg establishes its presence in India I gotta make do with real cheapo stuff from small local brands, atleast they cater to our golden brown skin tones.

Anonymous said...

My shadow promiscuity stems from my tendency to search for the perfect color AND the perfect finish, i.e. a neutral deep brown metallic or a violet iridescent. I can usually find one or the other, but not both together. I don't like really flat or matte finishes and a lot of brands make their shimmers really over-the-top or add a bunch of sparkle where I don't want it!

I think that if I had to name a favorite, it would be Chanel. They're soooo pricey, so I don't have many shadows from them, but what I have I love! Their textures are always silky and luxurious! Also, their pearly and shiny finishes are excellent in that they are satisfying, but never garish!

Shu Uemura is also good in terms of reliability, and the way they categorize shades by color and finish lets you find (or rule out) exactly what you're looking for!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Mukho,

Ugh, the foundation struggle. I hear ya girl. I've had a good share of too yellow, too pink runs. One drugstore brand that I actually like as far as powder and foundation is Maybelline. I haven't used it in so long but again, I'm not sure if that's available in India.

Have you ever thought about trying mineral foundation? There are some brands out there that have some really great selections for skins with golden undertones. And being that it is mineral foundation, it's also healthier for the skin.

And I believe they offer Int'l shipping! Yay for that, hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Wednesday Glosslizard!

That is good that you are particular about your makeup selection. Although I'm sure it has its fair share of frustration to go along with it, hah. For me, I'm just a color nut so as long as it shows up on my tanner skin and the shimmer ones don't have chunky glitter on it, I'm good to go. Although I know my wallet sure wishes that I was more particular like yourself, hah.

I haven't checked out Chanel or Shu Uemura products. Like I mentioned before if I like it, I tend to want it all so I do myself right by not venturing (at least not yet). I do imagine my curiosity will peak at some point and I'll scope the counter but until then I have to utilize my self-control, lol! Or lack thereof I should say :D

Are there specific colors that you tend to buy more of? Or wear more of?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you get cred with your wallet for resisting Chanel and Shu if not for being choosy! ;)

I love purples and teals/greens!!! I have recently exercised great control in forcing myself to buy some neutrals for blending and shading! I also like golds and pinks because my favorite way to tone down a bright-colored lid look is to do a duochrome look with the more neutral shade (or pink or gold) at the inner corner blending to the brighter color at the outer corner!

I gotta have some of every color, though (except oranges, can't do oranges!) so I can play with any look that crosses my mind!

Anonymous said...

thanks for replying back. i will have to try some! which one is your favorite one?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

'Tis definitely a half-glass scenario, huh Glosslizard. Either that or some really good justification, muahahah. ;)

You must have some stunning looks girl with those combos and techniques! I totally dig purples and teals/greens also. I'm so curious to see how you pair yours. You should send me a picture one of these days so I can peep your talent in action *hint hint* haha!

I hear ya on the color. I'm a color whore! I have orange but I sometimes use it as a crease color to blend out the color. On me, it gives dimension rather than an actual "orange" appeal. It doesn't actually appear orange but just brings out the depth in the crease for me.

When did you start going makeup crazy? Did you ever go to school or is it just purely obsession?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the encouragement, perhaps I'll send in a picture one of these days! :)

I've loved makeup ever since high school (I was more of a tomboy as a little kid). I think it was an extension of my dabbling in every art medium I could find! I found the changes you could make to a face to be fascinating (plus it was the 80's, so I got to play with some pretty wild looks)! I didn't experiment much for a while, and only ever shopped at the drugstore or occasionally a department store brand if they had a good GWP (bein' frugal). Then after college and after I had my first son (he's 7 now) I kinda gave myself permission to fully indulge my girly tendencies! I subscribed to Allure, learned about Sephora, and the rest is history! It's all about the love, baby, I haven't taken any classes...yet! ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Wow, what a story Glosslizard! I find it very interesting as to how others got to where they are now. Something about hearing the journey is just exciting for me.

Aww, and you're a mommy too! I really enjoy learning about the baggage factor as well. I'm only new to mommyhood though as I just celebrated (well, not really "I" per se, lol) 2 years. But boy are the 2 years very apparent in this house. I think that is the very reason I NEED TO PLAY with makeup, lol! It keeps my sanity at a decent level ;)

And you're right! It IS all about love and passion. I've always been fascinated with the outlet since my tyke years and could sit in front of the mirror for DAYS. But only until this past year did I really realize that I have that kind of a passion for it, you know?

So if you were to take classes for it would you go full on to a makeup artistry school or would you do something like an estetician/cosmetology program?

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I tell people that my makeup and skincare routine in the morning is my coping mechanism! I think it's especially important for us parents of little ones to indulge ourselves a little so we can get down to the business of taking care of others all day! Besides, I'm always in a better mood if I feel like I look fab! :)

I'm thinking of taking some independent classes, or maybe a weekend workshop kinda deal. I'm not sure I need a full-on degree, but I do need extra experience.

My dream is that when my littlest guy starts kindergarten (in 2010 -- OMG, is it really coming up to 2010?!?), I can start developing some sort of makeup consultant job from home. I especially want to focus on helping people with dermatological problems find makeup that will work for them and help them look like they want to look, whether glam or low-key! A job playing with makeup! What could be better? :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I couldn't agree more with you girl! I really do take advantage of my bathroom time especially if Hubbo is home to watch them like on the weekends. Although I'll have to wash my face and then come back to do my makeup, I really try to maximize the time I have and enjoy it. I mean, you gotta look good when you're laying down the law, right? ;) LOL.

And what better job than PLAYING WITH MAKEUP is correct! Nowadays everyone is finding a way to make their passion pay for their bills. Shooot, that's exactly what I'm hoping for, hah.

And I could have sworn that we just celebrated New Years for 2007! Where DOES the time go? My baby will be 6 months on the 22nd and I can remember the first birth like it was yesterday. Thank goodness for cameras I say :)

Do you have any special plans this weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi spankedelic,

Sorry about that! Almost missed your comment there.

My favorite is Delft and Nice Vice (from Fafi). I have a feeling I'll like Artifact also, but haven't made the go to get it yet. But Delft for sure is one of my favorites because the blue is just amazingly beautiful. If you can hunt down a Nice Vice, I really think you'd like that one as well.

What are you using right now to support your eyeshadows?

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! I'm very excited for the weekend! My birthday is coming up next week, so Hubby is taking me shopping for skincare at Union Square in SF tomorrow! Whee! I can't wait! Grandma and Grandpa (Hubby's folks) will have the imps (as we call them), so I can do some quality shopping! And believe me, I can sure relate when you describe those lightning-quick MAC trips with a stroller! ;)

Hope you have a fab weekend planned too!

BTW, I got Nice Vice just a few weeks ago on E-bay! I hate to support the hoarders, but it is a resource! I so wish I had gotten Totally It too!

Anonymous said...

hey, mrs. lynne. right now i'm using urban decay primer potion as a base. are paint pots supposed to be used alone for color or are they better used as a base? i like the rollickin' one. i think it's like a bluish shade. i wear a lot of blue =) i haven't bought any paint pots yet. i didn't know if they were really creamy and oily. i love the mac eyeshadows. i have a few of the pigments, but i'm not tooooooo crazy about mixing them with mixing medium and all. i think it's just laziness on my part. if i don't put the mixing medium, it feels like my pigments don't show up vivid and it feels like the pigments fade faster. do you wear pigments alone or with mixing medium?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

LOL! "Imps" - that's a GOOD ONE! I love it. Oh, and Happy Early Birthday to you! Sounds like you'll have a great time looking for some goods. I love being able to take my time and not let crying force me into pressure buying or leaving what I wish I would have bought.

And glad to hear from another Bay Area chick in the house! Woot, woot! I was raised in Santa Clara (born in Daly City) and miss it dearly, well sort of, hah.

Yay for Nice Vice! That is definitely one of my favorites. I'm actually really scared to buy things off of E-Bay. I don't like having to deal with it not being the right product once I get it. Returns just aren't my thing unless I'm still physically in the store.

Have you bought anything else makeup related through E-Bay before?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Howdy spankedelic.

Paint pots have that dual purpose in which they can be used as stand-alone color or as a color enhancer while having crease protection for certain skin types. Paint pots alone on my eyelids crease like crazy which is why I have use UDPP under to refrain from creasage. Some people are able to get away with using a paint pot as a base, but I need the extra support.

I hardly ever wear my paint pots just as they are because I'm weird in which I have a tendency to want to "set" anything cream that touches my face. So I will always put eyeshadow over it. In that sense, I use it as a color enhancing base not as a crease-free solution base, if that makes sense.

Some think that it's a waste since alone the paint pot doesn't suffice as a base for me and I do have to spend money on another product (UDPP) just to use it, but for me, I like color payoff more than I do a consolidated product. Consolidation is fine if it works, but when it doesn't, I'm okay with that.

If you like blues, then Rollickin' and Delft are definitely in your arena. Rollickin is almost like a baby blue where as Delft is a deep navy blue.

I don't ever have time to use mixing medium/FIX+ with pigments. So I just don't, hah. But that's why I like the paint pots because if I'm wearing purple eyeshadow and I have a purple color enhancing base under, the colors are still vivid in comparison to just putting purple eyeshadow over a non-colored base.

If you have time, you should check out my Base Trials under "Eyeshadow Bases" under the "Fixed on Eyes" category. I experimented with a ton of base combinations and you can see how they worked on me.

Do you use your pigments anywhere else besides your eyes?

Anonymous said...

i haven't used my pigments anywhere else but my eyes. i'm not tooooo artistic. hehe. and i think i am just lazy with all this college studying. hehe. i need to experiment, though! do you have any good ideas? it's kinda crazy cause some of the mac colors aren't made to be near your eyes at all! i bought black soul but i haven't used it, cause i read it wasn't made for the eye area. i just thought it'd be pretty for a smokey eye look. i was just gonna use it at the outer corner of my eye, but now i am scared. what do you think?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Honestly spankedelic, I'm not one to mess with my eyes when it comes to things that aren't tested to be there in the first place. Could be because I already have sensitive eyes not to mention an eye problem known as Keratitis. So for me, I err on the safe side when it comes to things that just aren't meant to be used in that area. I bought reflects glitter from the Originals Collection and went right back to the store to return them when I saw the heartbreaking warning label. I was very sad. But I've seen many looks in which ladies use the forbidden pigments and haven't had a problem with them. So it really just depends on your own personal comfort level.

Depending on what color pigment you're dealing with, you can use them for highlighting, adding them to lipstick/lipgloss, sassing up blush, mixing it with nail polish, sprinkling it in your hair, going over liner, etc... I haven't gone to the extent of trying those out but there's definitely a good amount of fun in that jar that is bound to last for CENTURIES!!

Will you be graduating soon?

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday! :)

Yeah, I've lived in the East Bay for most of my life, I do love it here! I even met Hubby when we went to high school together! My family is all around here too (except that Hubby's brothers have migrated to Seattle) which is great! The only down side is that I don't have relatives in exotic locales to give me excuses to visit! But hey, that's a great reason to cultivate web friends, right? ;)

The only reason I bought Nice Vice thru E-bay was because I had already seen it and I knew I wanted it! I just didn't hit my paint pot mania until after NV was pretty much gone for good in the stores! So I poked around E-bay, found a store that specializes in makeup (I only do "buy it now", I can't deal with bidding!) and provided a good close-up. I compared one of my paint pots to the photo to make sure that it was an exact match (also the dealer swore that she only dealt in legit merchandise and would accept returns). The final kicker was that the price was jacked up exactly $5 from the in-store price which, to me, meant that this dealer is one of the ones who buys up limited release products and then sells for a profit. Bad news, I hate that practice! Good news, chances of being a dupe are low. So with all that in mind, I bought a shade that I'd already tested and knew I'd love! Way conservative! :)

I had never purchased makeup over E-bay before (I generally don't trust it) but I did buy a meticulously studied (again, a merchant who provided close-up proof that it was an original, not a knock-off) Tokidoki bag! Yay!

I'll think of you while I'm shopping in SF today! Are you doing anything fun this weekend?

Winnie said...

I store mine upside down anyway because it's so much easier to see the colours that way! But now I realise that I'm also giving them a longer shelflife too! :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Saturday to you too Glosslizard!

Aww, that is so sweet. We're you and your Hubby highschool sweethearts? Or did your hook-up happen after that? One of my really good friends married her highschool sweetheart a couple of years ago. That is definitely something very special and now their expecting their first *tear*

And you can totally use ME as an excuse to come and visit the islands!!

I don't really buy many things through E-Bay and if I do, it's either through a recommendation of someone who has already bought from a store or what I'm purchasing is a product that is for sure authentic. I wouldn't trust makeup unless I really wanted it and did my research. Plus, I'm a "BIN" gal also. I don't wait, lol.

And I'm so there with you virtually girl! And I'm using my imaginary Black American Express ;) Hah.

As for this weekend, not much. I work so we'll probably just run errands and hang out outside of that. That's our usual during the weekends anyways. We're boring, hah. Plus, it was raining and the dark clouds are still hovering so it's best we stay close to home if we were to go anywhere.

You'll have to share with me what Hubby gets you for your birthday today. I think I'll get my indulgence when Mother's Day comes around ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Isn't it great diamondcanopy when what you're already doing has dual purpose? Hitting two birds with one stone, I say :)

Hope you're having a great weekend so far!

Anonymous said...

i'm finishing up my last two classes and then i'll decide whether or not i'll pursue the nursing career or respiratory therapy one. not tooooooo sure. i can't seem to make up my mind. just something in the medical field! either one of those is fine for me. i'll be finished with school in about 3 or so weeks! then i gotta wait to see if i get in for the fall =/

Anonymous said...

Good morning!

The first time I met him was at our high school talent show. He was a senior and I was a freshman. The next year he had graduated but I ran into him at his house after becoming friends with his brother doing the school play. Hub-to-be and I became good friends and finally started dating when I was a senior in high school. Five years later he proposed, and one year after that we got married! :)

Thanks, Mrs. Lynne, I was hoping you'd say that! ;) No, really, if we ever do get our island vacation plans together, I would love to come and meet you!

I'm pretty much with you, E-bay is a total last resort! Unfortunately, I often waffle instead of BIN, so I end up in these situations!

Hope you got yourself a little virtual something! :)

Hah! Usually we're boring too, that pretty much describes a typical weekend in our house!

I splurged on a glossimer (Astral), Clinique's Even Better (with a super-fab GWP) and a bottle of Prevage... 'cause I'm not likin' the number this year! ;) Ended with lunch at our favorite sushi place! What a lovely time! I hope you get equally (if not more) indulged come Mothers' Day!

So today I play catch-up and do all the stuff I should have done yesterday, but it was worth it! Have a lovely day over there in the tropics! Honestly, it's like a virtual vacation for me thinking of you doing your makeup in Hawaii! I love it! :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Good for you spankedelic. Your parents must be so proud :) I don't think I could ever be a nurse. If I was going to do something medical, it would be Rad Tech or possibly Pharm Tech. Or a Therapist if that's considered medical.

Good luck to you in the fall! I know you'll do great. Are you currently interning at a hospital?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Omg, Glosslizard! You two are just the cutest. I'm so happy that you two have found each other and more importantly that you two are committed and what seems to be happily married. Kind of seems like love like that is hard to find nowadays :/

Well, if I ever go back to the bay area to visit before you come here, we'll definitely have to grab some coffee and chat it up. Of course we could always go shopping too, hah.

Ok, so I had to google Prevage because I had no idea what it was. And after reading a little bit about it, now I'm curious! You'll have to report back to me how your experience is. Although, I'd like a more natural alternative, I still can't help it when my interest is piqued. I'm a little too easy to fully convert, lol.

And good for you in playing catch up. I've BEEN trying to do that for a few months now and it doesn't seem to get any better, lol. Like, I've MEANT to update my sons' site in which I have week-by-week pictures of them since birth, but you know how easy it is to get behind. Argh, no me gusta :/ I needs me a My Buddy (or 5!).

Anonymous said...

Thanks! :) I'm happy for you too, it sounds like you and Hubbo are a wonderful couple!

Oh, I would love to buy you a latte and talk makeup! Any old time you're here, girl!

I've been interested because it's really been getting talked up by dermatologists and in this month's Allure, so I figure I'll try it! I'll report back on anything noteworthy! Natural is nice, but as I understand it, more natural antioxidants are less stable and/or lower concentration. A notable exception is coffeeberry (available in the RevaleSkin line, which I haven't tried). Overall, I like high-tech skin products, while I try to enhance their effects by eating and drinking more natural sources of antioxidants!

Well, I don't know if I'm getting THAT caught up! ;)

Hope you're in for a wonderful week!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You know Glosslizard, I have noticed the less stable factor in some natural products that I've tried. Which is EXACTLY why I can't fully conform. But the one thing that I will not change is my oil cleansing routine. But I'm always up to try the natural approach. I mean, if it does have fewer ingredients, works to my liking, and gives me the results I'm looking for, then by all means I'm all over it, lol. But if not, then I don't think twice about purchasing commercial products that grab me.

So, are the tykes in school or are y'all hanging out this week? I think it's somewhere around Spring Break, right?

Anonymous said...

The most important thing is to find what works! I never turn up my nose at anything until I've tried it! :)

Ha! Last week was Spring Break! I thought it was going to be such a fun week, but then we had pinkeye and a round of colds to contend with (everybody seems ok now)! Urg! At this rate, I'm very happy to see school start back up!

Your little ones aren't in school yet, right? Are you going to start the older guy in preschool this fall?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I totally agree Glosslizard. You know what's funny is that I hardly read reviews on beauty products before I buy them. I'll run across reviews, but I don't take the extra effort to do a thorough research on a product before buying it. I always figure that the only way I'll know if it will work with my skin is to just try it. The only thing I HAVE to read reviews on before purchasing are on electronic items.

Oh no, pinkeye doesn't seem too fun for Spring Break. But I'm glad that everyone is feeling better. I think the boys are starting to come down with something also. They both have had runny noses for the past couple of days now and slight coughs, but that's it. I'm hoping it doesn't escalate to the fevers and such *knocks on wood* because not only would they be sick and miserable, but the entire household would be also.

The tykes are not in school yet. The oldest just turned 2 at the beginning of February and I think that certain schools here start preschool at 4. So looks like I'm stuck with him during the days for a couple more years, hah. But Big Tyke is enrolled in a Gymboree class here which is great! He gets the chance to interact with other kids his age and the classes are sectioned off according to age and development.

Will your youngest be starting Preschool for the first time in Fall, or is he already a seasoned veteran with the school system?

na said...

Wow, look at all those little treasures! You weren't kidding when you said you liked paint pots, lol.

Anonymous said...

I like to check out MUA when I'm looking for a certain type of product and am trying to decide which brand to try, but, of course, the proof is in the sampling!

Oh, I do hope the tykes feel better soon!

Those Gymboree or babygym-type classes are awesome! I took Brendan to one starting when he was nine months old, and it evolved into a full-fledged playgroup with some other moms and kids we met there! Ultimately, three younger siblings (including Brendan's little bro, Ryan) were born within a three week period! We kept up the playgroup right up until they all went into preschool!

My guys are aggressively social, so Ryan started pre-school last fall (he was 3 and 1/2) three days a week. He'll move to 5 days a week this fall. Wheeee! Oh, sorry, it just slipped out. ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I LOVE paint pots Emilee!! LOL. Those are like my wing men in makeup ;) Is there anything in your stash that you like just as much?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That's really awesome Glosslizard that you and the other moms turned it into a playgroup and kept in contact with each other. I'm really enjoying taking the Big Tyke to Gymboree classes and I know he really enjoys it too. We're always asking him "what time is it?" and he goes "Gy-bo", lol.

We'll probably start Big Tyke in preschool perhaps sometime in fall next year. He'll be 3-1/2 then and that will be perfect timing I think. Although I wouldn't mind to drop him off now ;) LOL.

So, your a mama of two boys. Does the whole "touching" phase get better?

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! You gotta love it when they let you know they're happy!

Preschool is the best! You get a break, and they get to meet new kidlets and do new things! I used to freak out thinking that if I didn't teach my kids something, they would never learn it, preschool completely defused that particular anxiety!

Everything gets better! At the toddler ages, everything is a stage (except their inherent charm, that stays)! There's something wonderful in every single phase they go through. Some action or gesture or sound that just really reminds you how amazing they are! Some days, I had to remind myself to look for the positive at certain ages, but if you look, it's there! Later, it's so gratifying to see them gaining their independence! Ah, I'm babbling! Long story short, this too shall pass! :)

P.S. I went out to my local MAC on Wednesday and found Rollickin'! Yoink! Got Bare Study too! :P

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks for the reminder Glosslizard :) I really do try to remind myself the same thing everyday, but I'll also admit that I sometimes find myself getting caught up in the moment instead of looking at the overall picture. I take a lot of deep breathes throughout the day, lol. At the end of the day, I try to inventory how the day went and what I wish I would have done differently, and try to build off of that on the next day. But in the end, it IS just a phase. I'm sure when he's all grown up, he'll know to keep his hands to himself ;) Hah.

Yay for you, girl! Rollickin' is sweet. I don't have Bare Study yet (surprise!) but I have it's shimmerless partner, Painterly.

So what's the deal with this weekend hun? Any plans with the fam bam?

Anonymous said...

Oh, deep breaths are key! See? You've got it down! ;)

LOL! I actually swatched both on my hand, bought Painterly, walked outside and looked at my hand, then turned right around and went back in and exchanged it for Bare Study! The MA's were very amused!

This is my actual birthday weekend! I'm going out to dinner tonight and tomorrow night, and then there's an aikido seminar on Sunday that I'll try to get to! The joint is jumpin'!

I hope you can fit in some good books or something, between nice long naps and getting better! :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm starting to get one with deep breaths and biting my tongue, Glosslizard, lol ;)

I am very impressed with your instincts for finding which products meet your needs. I think I need to up my standards instead of buying "whatever looks pretty", heh. Seriously, it's an open window with no restrictions. No wonder I get scolded sometimes! LOLOLOL.

And lookey you! Two birthday dinners? That is great! Do you know where you'll be having dinner at?

The Aikido seminar sounds fun! I don't remember, but I think that's what my nephews used to take in San Jose. My sister married Japanese so the kids were doing martial arts and partaking in festivities like the OBON in Japantown. Not to mention they lived right down the street from there!

I think I'm going to attempt to take a shower since the tykes are down for their noon naps. I think that washing away my outer sick layer will make me feel better. Then I'll probably have to get on some checkbook balancing and hopefully squeeze another post out, hah. Anything but screaming kids makes me feel a million times better ;) Thank god for naps - woot!

Oh, and I know I said it already, but Happy Birthday again! May you stay 18 forever :)

Anonymous said...

It's been a long road in learning what I like! I think I've thrown out hundreds of dollars in drugstore makeup that ended up not looking like I wanted it, having a funky texture or just being hard to work with. Since I've become more discerning, I spend more money per item, but I think I'm saving overall because I actually end up using it all!

I know, two dinners! I feel so lucky! It was kind of a coincidence, really, but I'm lapping it up! :)

The only difficulty will be waking up early for it after dinner and dancing all night long tonight! LOL! OBON in Japantown sounds like fun too!

Oh, I always know I'm on the mend when I have that long shower that gets all the sick funk off of me! And yeah, you know you're a parent when paying bills or doing dishes starts to feel like a vacation! ;)

Thanks, you're totally sweet! :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I definitely need to find my discerning instinct of this hobby like profession. But when I pass them up, I swear like the dang eyeshadow pots have feelings and scream my name! Errr, lol. I guess my road is only starting so perhaps I'll need to learn a little harder to learn my lesson ;)

And you know ma that even just a moment of alone time in the bathroom (and not even playing with makeup mind you!) is worthy of being considered "me time". Although I beg to differ that that is just well deserved time alone for the sake of everyone's health, lol.

Where did you end up having dinner tonight?

Anonymous said...

Just remember that if you pass them up, someone else who loves them more will give them a good home! ;)

It's like the saying goes, "If Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy!"

We had dinner at Asia SF, crowded, but fun! Check out the website at for an idea of what it was like! Hubby and I met with four of my very best friends, so it was a great evening! :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Very good point hun. I guess I feel sometimes like I NEED to be that someone to give them a good home, hah.

Asia SF looks like fun! The menu looks really good too. What did you end up ordering? And how was the music? Rock your socks off?

That is also great that Hubby joined you and the gal pals. Nothing like spending the increasing years with loved ones.

Anonymous said...

You have to do a set menu if you have more than 3 people. We had six, so we got the platinum menu! It was really good! The food is impressively tasty for a somewhat gimmicky place like that! The drinks are pretty fine too! ;)

Yeah, Hubby is awesome! My best friend's husband and one of my guy friends came too, so we had a Y-chromosome mutual support network! LOL!

Anonymous said...

i haven't interned at a hospital yet. the nurses start interning a few months into the program. i think for respiratory therapy, students intern at the hospital after 2 weeks. i used to want to do radiology but we don't have a school for that. the hospital offers a program but only accepts 5 people. the respiratory program only accepts 18 people and nursing will take about 45 or so each semester. it's really competetive to get into anything here! i know my parents are proud, but i know they worry about me going back to school. i think they'll feel better once i get into a program. i'll feel better too. hehe.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I could definitely use me a night like that. Well, it'd be nice if Hubbo and I had our friends here on the islands instead of back in the bay area :P

And that's nice that your Hubby had some other males to mingle with. Hubbo can hang when it's just me and the gals, but I know he'd enjoy it more when there is at least another dude around, hah. Or as you say "Y-chromosome mutual support network" lol!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey spankedelic,

There is only one school on the island here that offers Rad Tech also. And you have to qualify to get into the program because it's just as competitive here. The counselor told me before that they only accept 20 students during Fall semesters. And it's according to a point list that is based on your grades on the classes that make you eligible to get in in the first place. The higher your grades in those qualifying courses, then the more points you have meaning you're higher on that list.

Good luck with everything sweetie! I know all that hard work will pay off for you :)

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