MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

April 20, 2008

Product Review: CoverGirl Lash Blast


"Get a blast of lush, volumized lashes! LashBlast's patented volume-boosting formula and patent-pending brush are designed to max-out each and every lash, leaving you with the ultimate big lash look. Now in waterproof, too!"
It's priced around what your average budget mascara would cost. And when you find something that works, this is a very decent price to pay over and over again.

The CoverGirl Lash Blast Mascara is a plump little sucker. It is quite the handful. Why CoverGirl had this design in mind? Perhaps it's the gimmick of volume, but with a bigger than normal wand, I guess it was only proportionate (or rather appropriate?) to make a tube just as big.

I don't know if I can say that I like or love the tubby of a tube, but this may turn off an audience who are more content with the slender packaging of regular mascaras.

I do wish the container consisted more of the smooth plastic material as the CoverGirl Lash Blast is comprised of a slightly textured plastic. I notice that if I have just washed or put lotion on my hands prior to applying mascara, that they don't grip as well as they would had the material been the sleeker plastic.

The CoverGirl Lash Blast features a Volumizing Brush and to be more exact on its construction, let's just say... fatty, fatty, fatty! A thicker wand designed for volumizing each and every strand with the help of "50% more bristles" than CoverGirl LashExact. And with promises to remain clump-free, I have experienced none other than a promise delivered.

This bristles on the wand look precision sharp, but are dense enough to separate lashes yet soft enough to apply mascara at the very base of the lash. I don't have to scratch the rim of my eyelid to do so; unlike other mascara wands I've tried.

The "volume-boosting formula" almost seems gel-like to me. Reminds me of MAC Blacktrack Fluidline.

All I have to say is that CoverGirl Lash Blast is my Holy Grail of mascaras! Even after 3 coats of it on my eyelashes, they weren't weighed down in any way (no eyelash primer used either), there was minimal grouping of the lashes (which normally gives off a sparse looking effect), and at the end of the day, no obvious raccoon or football player eyes.

I normally do 2 really good coats of the mascara and I can rest assure knowing my peeper wings will stand sturdy throughout the day. Because of the fattiness of the wand, it is a bit harder to get those loner hairs near the outer corners. I find that the wand doesn't do as good a job on my lower lashes but that's probably because I don't have any. But these are all things I can work around.

  • It doesn't leave a clumpy hot mess on me lashes or on me wand.
  • The volumizing brush. I like that there are so many bristles because it helps to separate the lashes and really comb them through maximizing a look of fullness with each strand.
  • It doesn't dry to a dull finish, but a nice satiny sheen.
  • With proper curling, I believe it does volumize the lashes.
  • It doesn't transfer (smudge or smear) to the bottom of my eyes as fast as most mascaras do. Albeit that you can't go 12 hours without some worn out residue, but it was pretty longlasting in staying put.
  • Washes off fairly easily (remember folks! rub GENTLY. gentle = less wrinkles)
  • Didn't irritate my eyes and I wear contacts.
  • It comes in waterproof as well for those that need that kind of security.
  • Overall it is great but I'll note that the wand is a bit oversized for my very outer lashes. Challenging to find the right angle in which I can do some good defining with out smearing gunk in my eye, near my eye, or on my freshly done eye makeup!
I personally LOVE this mascara. I will definitely purchase another tube of this when I run this to the bitter end. The wand and the formula is what really does it for me because I enjoy the fact that I can slather (well not that much) the mascara across my lashes and then use the wand to comb through it after without having to worry about flakes getting all over the place or in fear of further groupies forming. The pointed tips of the bristles really do a great job at reaching in and breaking up most lash cliques who vow to stay true homies to the end.

Lash Blast, you're a winner in my book. You have captured my heart and I hope I have done you right by saying a good few things about you :)

  • you are seeking a mascara that can do some really good separation by giving individualized attention to each strand.
  • you are fond of gel eyeliners and would like to try a mascara of similar consistency.
  • a lightweight mascara is in your standards.
  • you like L'Oreal Voluminous and want to change up the scene between brands.
  • you a looking to keep the artificial dark under eye circles away at least until a decent hour.
  • a budget friendly mascara fits your wallets needs versus a $20+ one.
  • fat orange tubes just scream "please, buy me".
  • you are looking for mascaras that also offer waterproof versions.
  • the wand seems like it's exactly what you've been looking for.
  • a mascara delivers on being clump-free.
  • anything bigger than your average slim mascara wand makes you uncomfortable.
  • you're not fond of gel-type formulas (I'm not sure if it IS gel that is the formula, but the formula resembles that of a gel-type consistency).
  • you're not ready to leave your already possessed HG mascara. I don't blame you. If you find something that already works, stick with it until your curiosity stops by again.
  • MAC Neo-Sci Fi is going to be enough orange for you this year.
  • ... as you can see, I'm making up some irrelevant reasons to dislike the product, because I really don't have anything else but great things to say on this one!
Hope everyone is having a dry weekend so far. We're getting some April showers here on the island but nothing a full length, end-to-end, pot o' gold rainbow can't make up for :)

Mrs. Lynne

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36 makeovers:

nilla cookie said...

Great review!

Although I like Lash Blast, I'm not completely in love. What I do like about it is that the formula is a little more dry, letting my curled lashes stay somewhat curled when something wet touches it. How do you get yours to stay so curled??? I hate my wimpy lashes, they just fall when I try to put anything on it :(

Shizznizzle said...

I have to ask, what eyelash curler did you use? hehehe

awesome review btw, i'm still hunting for my dramatic effect mascara since my Maybelline Full'n'Soft tends to go 'everyday look'

justme said...

i like that mascara too, but one time when i tried to use it, the wand was so big and awkward that I accidentally poked myself in the eye with the bristles, that ish hurt! :)

yummy411 said...

hey lynne, great review!

i at first wasn't too impressed by it, but since using a different wand it's been a great mascara to use(weirdly bulky, esp. since i love dior's huge wand). my sister who has short dense, incredibly thick lashes love it because she doesn't get residue on her glasses like she got from my beloved voluminous. interesting huh?

B said...

Fab review, Auntie! I still can't get this mascara to work for me. The bristles on the brushes aren't long enough and I feel like I'm about to poke myself in the eye. What am I doing wrong? Grrr...

Jenn said...

WOW!! i love how this mascara coats and separates your lashes so nicely!! they look like fairy wings! so lovely! :)

awww.. so sorry to hear that you're sick! hope you're feeling alot better now already! manage to get some rest during the weekend? :D

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this mascara! Definitely my HG as well. I received it free in the mail unexpectedly. I'm assuming I filled out one of those freebie forms. Anyway, I love this thing. Gets all my lashes and does not weigh them down at all. My only problem with it is that it can't really get to my lower lashes. I have to use a separate mascara wand :(

Nonetheless, I still love it!

Unknown said...

i love using 1 coat of this mascara and 1 coat of max factor's volume couture :] they work well together & seperately

Mukho said...

Hi there? Feeling good as new and all ready to face Monday?

I gotta make a confession - I didnt know what mascara is for, until my wedding exactly 5 months ago :) :), when I learned to use it to bring my lashes back to their original coal black after getting too much e/s residue on 'em! Pathetic - go drown in a handful of water, yeah I know!

I haven't much experience with CG products, but I really love the "clean" pressed powder my hubby brought back from New York. I guess their mascara's will be equally good. But frankly, the orange does creep me out, lol!

I usually cant wear mascara because my lashes go and do their "windshield wiper" act on my glasses :) but when I do the effect is so yummy! Your lashes look really amazing in those pics.. just waiting to bat 'em at Hubbo, aren't u? ;)

My new look - green eye! will post a pic soon :) not the whole face, but atleast a macro of the eye.

And my alltime fave has gotta be gold. I'm very warm toned, guess that has something to do with it.

whooo boy! long comment! better copy it before I hit publish! :)

BeautyTalk said...

I've been hearing about this forever! Got to try it myself, but I've been trying to finish up my bazillion mascaras first!

Tracy Roa said...

great review, lynne! this is actually my mascara at the moment, and i like it WAY better than l'oreal's teloscopic. i still have to try l'oreal voluminous, though.

MakeupByRenRen said...

hmmm i've been debating about whether to get this mascara...i am used to thinner tubes however...maybe when I finally run out i'll have to check this big boy out! thanks for another awesome review :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi nilla cookie.

I like that it kept the curl on my lashes also. I've noticed that with some of the other ones, they tend to limp up and fall back to their normal starting point.

Actually in this one, I didn't even inch my eyelash curler like I've been doing lately. I did the pictures on this a while back. But all I did here was just curl them near the base (holding them and repeating the process) and that's it.

Have you ever tried any eyelash primers yet?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Nanzy!

I use the Tarte eyelash curler. Check out under 'Fixed On Eyes' and click 'Eyelash Curler'. I did a review on it when I got it :) I really like it and it works nicely. I want to try Shu Uemura though after all the raves but just haven't yet.

How are you liking Full'n Soft? I don't know if I've tried that yet. I know my mascaras by tube colors and shapes, not names, lol!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi justme,

I've had that happen to me a couple times too, hah. But with continuous use in anything, you learn to work with it ;)

Do you use a different kind of mascara now? If so, which one and how do you like it?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Which wand are you using yummy411? I haven't tried other wands just because I'm weird like that in which I tend to shy away from mixing and matching. Kind of explains why I mostly deal with MAC, lol!

That IS interesting that this mascara doesn't mark up your sister's glasses! At least she knows which one to use when she has to wear the specks :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

They aren't long enough Divine Blackness? Mmmm... when I apply mascara, I coat my lashes first then go back and separate. I place my brush at the very base and wiggle it in the same spot (the base), then brush up, blinking midway. I don't know if that's the "right" way but that how I get my wings done :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi crazychick!

What mascara are you using now?

I did get some rest yesterday. Not a lot of rest but I did take a 2 hour nap with the family when I got home from work. I got home just in time because it was 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep since the kids were just going down for their nooner nap.

How was your lovely weekend? You and the beau do anything fun?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Joanna,

I notice that I have to turn my head slightly away from the mirror to get my lower lashes when I actually do coat them. Otherwise I don't know how close to get and I end up LINING my lower lashes, lol! What a mess!!

How is your Monday so far hun?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey there!

That's great that you combine this with another and it works for you! You must have some fluttering wings after your done paying those goodies some attention :)

Do you like anything else of CoverGirl or Max Factor?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Mukho!

Feeling as good as I'm going to get I'm afraid :) Nonetheless, another day that will come and go too quickly.

You are too funny love. But don't be embarrassed about not knowing. That's how we all learn anyways because we all came from a point of not knowing.

The orange tube is quite the eye catcher. But again, another marketing ploy to perhaps make it distinguishable from the rest. Who knows! Lol.

Girl, you must have some loooong booty eyelashes if they're scraping your glasses up! How about we trade? I'll ship my Int'l to you, hehe. Omg, but let me tell you hun. My son's eyelashes are really looong. Like everytime I stare at them, I wish I could just curl them for the lift and put mascara because they would look AMAZING!!!

Oooh, a green eye would suit your skin beautifully! I love greens.

And earthtones are definitely your ideal shades. But I'm glad your experimenting in all avenues of color because it's always fun to change it up a bit :)

Hope you're having a great week so far and that it's not getting to hot in your spot of the globe.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Tracy!

You know, I like Telescopic for the fact that I love how black it makes my eyelashes look. But it ain't got nothing on Lash Blast when it comes to fanning the suckers out!

How are you doing hun? How's your mineral hauling coming? Anything new to play with?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You bet Ren! If you can handle a slightly bigger wand, then don't mind the packing girl. It all takes some getting used to but I really think the formula and the bristles work well.

I hope you are having a great Monday so far although I'm sure yours is nearly over now, hah.

Vanessa said...

I like this mascara too but I agree I hate the chubby wand! I notice i've been sticking to my L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara...

Krystle said...

Thanks for the thorough review! I need a new mascara (Maybelline is not cutting it), and I think I'll check this out when its time to purchase a new tube.

Anonymous said...

i tried this mascara and at first i didn't like it, but now i do use it! i just don't like the wand. it feels so big in my hand! it was giving me a little bit of clumping at first, but now it's been working fine! have you tried diorshow mascara? i used that one. i think that would be my favorite one, but i have no places around here to buy it, so i order off sephora! i'm gonna have to reorder soon! i heard there's one by prescriptives that is supposed to be reallllly good. i need to find out the name of it and try it out too!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Nessa,

You know, after I bought this, I haven't even touched my Telescopic :X I'm getting spoiled! Hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Krystle,

The Wal-Marts here FINALLY have this mascara! It's been out for the longest time and I finally was able to get my itching hands on it. And now, I think it's past the introduction point because the shelves are always full of them. They are even offering them with a free CG product! Although I'm not really fond of their products in general (other than the mascara), I can't deny a little free loot :) Hah.

How is your week so far girl?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I haven't tried Diorshow spankedelic. I've heard many great things about it, but just haven't been ready to hand over the $20+ to buy it.

Are you in the states?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi justme,

Oooh, I have Telescopic too and used that all the time before I bought the Lash Blast. I still like it but have neglected it since this purchase :( I think I'll have to take it out again because it just doesn't seem right to have abandoned such a great little buddy like that, hah.

Are there any other makeup products out there that you have big hearts for?

na said...

lol Lynne, you're hilarious! I love that little tidbit about Neo-Sci Fi and orange. :P

I totally agree with your review! It's definitely one of the better mascaras out on the market, although the brush is huge! Have you seen that new spin eyelash thingymajig? I saw it at Target, and it's essentially a rotating mascara wand.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Emilee. I'm so glad I'm not alone in my love for Lash Blast. I know that the ginormous brush is what will either create a love/hate relationship with this thang. But you gotta love the results it pulls off :)

I have NOT seen this eyelash spinner you speak of!! That sounds quite the catch. Boy are we becoming a lazy bunch of beauty nerds or what? Lol.

How is your Friday so far? Anything neato happening this weekend?

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