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[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

April 12, 2008

Just for Kicks: Meet Taaz, My Beauty Editor

After conquering and completing most of the administrative tasks here at, I decided to reward my efforts by having a little fun with my Beauty Editor, Taaz.

No, I'm not that special enough to have my own personal Beauty Editor (although it sure would help out ginormously!) but who says that you can't find an online program to help you snazz up your style?


Taaz was brought to life by Photometria, Inc., a San Diego-based technology company. Many people are using this innovative online beauty program to view and share a new them! Whether the end result is only for you to see or it's shared with the world, the possibilities are endless!

From creating the simplest to the most daring looks by selecting your choice and style in eyeshadow(!), trying on realistic hairstyles, to fooling around with colored contacts, you'll almost be addicted to looking different that you just might find yourself doing it everyday! If not every hour! Ok, perhaps not that often, but at a click away from free registration, you call the shots.

Most of my life, I've always had long hair. It was until one day in 2003, I walked into a salon with a set mind that I was going to cut my hair (which was 4-5 inches below my shoulder) to Halle Barry short hair. I had never done anything that drastic in my life, but I welcomed change, and change... I did.

I've been up and down my backup cds trying to find an actual picture of when my hair was this short to share with the group, but to no avail I left the work up to my pal, Taaz, and this is pretty darn close folks! The only difference was that my bangs were always clipped to the side with those studded bobby pins and it was more spiked all over than laying flat.

In using Taaz, you have so many options when it comes to Skin, Eyes, Mouth, and Hair. As you may remember, this was taken from my MAC Technique Class FOTD but the only things I modified were the hair, some Freshlook Color Blends Contacts in Amethyst (oh I miss these!), whitened teeth, and Maybelline Shine Seduction Glossy Lipcolor in Purple Hex (I think I need to pick some up!). The rest is untouched.

But as time will have it, I eventually got tired of having to get my hair cut every 6 weeks so it ended up like this... and this is very exact!

Then I ended up having tykes and well, that's just another story, ha.

Have some free time to kill and a headshot? Then have yourself some fun with Taaz.

Mrs. Lynne

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44 makeovers:

mayaari said...

short halle berry hair looks really cute on you! I've always wanted a pixie cut but the maintenance/upkeep would be murder on the wallet :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Sis mayaari. I was really lucky because the girl that did my hair only charged $10 for the haircut. So even with tip I was robbing the bank for sure! But then I moved and sadly my stylist declined to come with so I ended up with long hair again, hah.

Is your hair now the shortest it has been?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thank you anonymous. I actually used to wear colored contacts all the time before. I don't even think I owned clear contacts at the time, hah.

Do you wear colored contacts at all?

nilla cookie said...

wow that looks pretty fun!

I heard about Taaz but never got to try it yet :)

Short hair suits you, girl! Super sassy!

B said...

I'm definitely diggin' the short hair, Auntie. Everyone can't pull that off but you are rockin' it!

Anonymous said...

omg lynne, sal has those pics from the day you got it cut! haha remember how nervous you were too.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya nilla cookie!

This was actually time well spent ;) Hah. I like that the hairstyles are at least decently realistic unlike those that are ridiculously fake, you know?

But I was totally thinking of you when I whipped out the short hair because I know we kept on talking about it since you cut yours. Sooo, I thought I'd hook you up with a visual, lol.

So, do you think you'll be going to the salon every so often to maintain your cut?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Really Chi?? I was really nervous that day. But take me to the salon now and the first snip won't even phase me ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thank you sis nessa! I can totally see your rocking an A-Line shorty also :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks BeautyTalk! You should definitely play around with it also! I had a fun time, lol.

Distinque said...

geez your brave. My hair has never been above my chest area. you look like a Mac employee this in picture;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Omg Distinque! I need to go cut my hair right now then, hah.

How are you doing anyhow girl? Are you on Spring Break yet?

nilla cookie said...

You look really good with short hair! I think you gotta really have good bone structure to pull it off - which I don't b/c my cheeks are so darn chubby! LOL!

Thanks for the visual girl, at first I couldn't picture it, but now that you posted it's like DUH, she's totally made for a cropped 'do!

I was just thinking over the weekend that I wanted to go back to the salon already - and it's only been a month! I think I'll wait until May before I get a trim. Boy is this hair gonna get expensive!! eek!

Krystle said...

You're brave to go that short! But you rocked it! The shortest I went was right below the chin when I was 12, but vowed to never ever go that short. Now the thought of my hair shorter than shoulders freaks me out!

Mukho said...

Hello, Berrylynne! :)

The Halle hairstyle looks gorgeous on you, it brings out your eye colors so beautifully!

I used to do all sorts of hair experiments till college.. at one point I had a crew-cut, lolz

But now, I'm a "married Indian lady" he he so I toe the line and regularly oil my long, reaching the twelfth vertebra locks :) dont mind the effort, really, I dont think short suits my round face.

So how's the week shaping up for you?

Jaclyn Rose said...

hi twin, I know I'm all late and stuff on commenting, hehe. wow! you look smokin' with the short hair. have you ever had your hair that short? if not, what's the shortest? I used to have the bob right above my chin and that was the shortest ever. oh wait, unless you count those darn boy haircuts my mom loved giving me when I was a kid. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you can so pull off short hair! Looks good ;)

christy kimchee. said...

O_O You look like Halle Berry! :D You could totally rock this in real life :D

Jenn said...

whoa!! you chopped off your long hair for a halle berry! i salute you for your courage!! haha!! i have been thinking of getting a bob ala Victoria Beckham for the longest time ever, but i can never bring myself to chop off my waist long hair! i'm someone who likes to hide behind my hair... i'd be lost without my security mane! lol!! XD

you look great in both hairstyles!! so chic! but then again, with your amazing facial features, i think you can carry off any hairstyles you like! :D

Anonymous said...

Ha! I just found out long, blonde curly hair would look amazing on mee. Too bad my hair is super straight and light brown. :P

yummy411 said...

girl this is hilarious!!! i love it though.. so on spot! thanks for sharing!!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I like you already with your short hair nilla cookie. It's so defining and really compliments you nicely.

That's the thing about short hairstyles. You save on shampoo and conditioner only because you have to maintain the cut more often :/ When you go back for a trim, do you think you'd add highlights to it?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I love short hair Krystle! It made getting ready sooo easy for me back in the day. I would just run my head under the faucet, slap some gel on, and voila! Lol.

How has you week been going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Mukho!

Thank you sweetie for the lovely compliments :) You were quite the daring girl as well it seems ;) Hah. Isn't it funny that after you get married the experimentation seems to die down a little? Kind of makes me feel my age,... eh. LOL.

I used to put baby oil in my hair when I was younger because a friend of mine (and come to think of it, she was Indian as well!) back in elementary school did it and her hair always looked so pretty. I asked her what she put in her hair (see how young I started the whole interest in beauty?!) then I figured I'd try it also. One day I put too much because my hair looked like a total oil slick and that was the night of my piano recital - LOL. In the pictures my hair looks fake because I used soo much.

So far the week is looking alright. I think my tykes are coming down with something because we have runny noses since yesterday :( I hope it's just a runny nose though because when the coughs and throwing up start kicking in, that is definitely not enjoyable for them at all.

How has your week gone so far? Have you recovered yet from your makeup splurge the other week?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Twin Jacklyn,

My hair actually used to be styled like those two pictures above. I just couldn't find actual pictures to share and lucky enough, Taaz had those wigs stowed in her closet!

Oh, and I do know of the haircut you speak of. I didn't have that many, but I had me some non-stop perming in my days. And I totally blame the perm for the reason my hair is naturally wavy now because as a child, I always had stick straight hair. Did your mom ever perm your hair too?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Heya (g),

I was very nervous that day I got it done. The first cut was just the stylist chopping it straight to my chin. After she did that, I asked her if I could have a moment to myself, lol!

I like your makeover though. Do you think you'd ever dye your hair blonde like that? I think you found a nice shade that works well with your skin.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Julie!

So how are you doing with your BPBs so far? Did you get the others in yet?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Christy!

Believe it or not, but I actually did back in the day. It was easier when I lived in CA because my stylist there knew exactly how to cut it when it it was time to get a trim. I referred her so much business just from the short, short hair alone!

But then I moved to the islands and sadly my stylist declined the offer to move with me. So since then, I've just let it grow out. My hair how it is now is layered but I cut it myself because I didn't know who to go to plus I didn't want to pay a grip for it.

What's the shortest you've ever gone in cutting your hair?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

LOL - "security mane"! But you know, there really is such a thing. That first night I couldn't sleep because it just felt so weird. I was used to having my hair no shorter than my shoulder and when I cut it to less than an inch long, the less weight really threw me off.

If you were to ever cut your hair short, would you keep the trimmings? Or does a bag of hairdoll-making-material creep you out?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hah! Did you ask Taaz also Wolkje? What you could do is just get highlights done to your already light brown hair! It'll brighten up the color but without the completely bleached out look.

And I so wish I had straight hair like you. My straight hair is a by-product of a flat iron, hah.

Have you always wanted curly/wavy hair?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Omg, yummy411. You should totally do yours! I'd love to see what you look like with long hair!!

nilla cookie said...

That's true! I DO save on shampoo and conditioner. Although I use cheapie stuff and my haircuts burn a pretty deep hole in my pocket so it doesn't quite balance out but I'll just tell myself that it does ;)

I don't think I'll get highlights when I get a trim. I like it dark for now. And I like to save the money, LOL!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I use cheapy stuff too! What are you currently using? I just bought a Sauve one and the smell is soooo clean. I LOVE IT. You know how you buy those soaps that smell so clean and fresh? That's exactly what the shampoo and conditioner is like.

Do you also pay attention to how the shampoo and conditioner work for your hair or is it more about that the products smells good and cleans?

nilla cookie said...

I'm using Garnier shampoo and conditioner right now. I can't really tell which ones are better for my hair so I just buy what works and smells good :)

I guess I'm not very hair savvy!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I am sooo not hair savvy either nilla cookie! I like whatever smells good too ;) Gotta cut corners somewhere, hah.

Do you use any other products for your hair? Like gel or hairspray? Because you know, we're still the in the 80's, lol!

nilla cookie said...

Most days I use a "volumizing" mousse and apply it to the roots so that it gives it a lift and doesn't look so flat. Then I finish off with some hairspray :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I really like mousse nilla cookie. I don't use product in my hair but I can't deny a little mousse frenzy ;)

How's the Monday going so far?

nilla cookie said...

Oh the Monday is just so-so.. I really wish it were Thursday and my work week would be almost over! ;)

How is your day so far? Hope it's good!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I know what you mean nilla cookie! Almost over with a weekend to look forward to, huh?! *sigh*

My day is fine so far. I kind of feel productive since I haven't done my daily ponder yet which normally takes up a good part of the day ;) Heh.

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