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April 4, 2008

Just For Kicks: 6 Random Facts/Quirks

Well, the game of tag seems endless here in beauty land but what a great game to help pass the time, yah? Although blogging is work, work WILL be fun. And you best believe that if I'm going to be dedicating my time anywhere else other than to my family and loved ones, that I'm going to have fun while I'm at it! Hah!

My lovely Baltimore Bella, Shawnta, invited me to share my 6 Random Facts/Quirks. Here you go MakeupFixers! Knowing a little bit more about Mrs. Lynne :)

  1. I make my bed nearly everyday. Even though my room is struck by natural forces of a revved-up two-year old, something about having the comforter nicely laid down makes me feel at ease. What an illusion!
  2. I whistle throughout the day. I don't know where I picked this up from, but I'll just perch my puckers together, blow air, and random melodies will come out. It's more so apparent when I'm doing dishes.
  3. I'm right-handed but have more strength in my left side. When it comes to putting full force on something, I use my left arm/side because the right arm/side is limp as noodles.
  4. I love to daydream. I don't know what people think of when it comes to daydreaming, but I can literally sit in a chair facing a wall and think of anything BUT the wall. I can probably sit there for a good hour too if time were to allow that but I'm sure my house would be on fire at that point.
  5. Stick-shift was the first car I learned to drive. I definitely loved a stick-shift back in the day, but now, I love me a good 'ol automatic. Call me old, but I'm lazy.
  6. I broke my finger snowboarding. One season, Hubbo and I bought season passes to Sierra/Northstar and went avidly every week, sometimes twice a week. At the START of the season, we had gone with a bunch of friends (they're all men mind you) and on the FIRST RUN of the day, I broke my finger causing it to swell ridiculously in my glove. But I sucked it up, boarded the rest of the day, and just watched out when I fell, hah. The next day, I went to Urgent Care who ended up taking me off of work for 2 weeks, and in which I had to see another doctor to help my finger bend back into normal position since I tore the ligaments. Those were some painful finger exercises!
Join the fun folks! Share your 6 Random Facts/Quirks about yourself either through comments or on your blog! I'm curious to find out!

Mrs. Lynne

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8 makeovers:

mayaari said...

OWW to the broken finger - I've never broken my digits, but I don't know if I'd continue my day the way you did :)

I used to make my bed every day...and then my bf arrived, haha. he sleeps in well after I leave for work, so I've given up on trying to make the bed anymore.v

Shawnta said...

I would love to know how to drive a stick shift because I feel that everyone that drives should be able to drive anything but I don't think anyone that I know who drives stick has the patience to teach me. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Lynne, do you still work? For some reason I thought you stayed at home with the boys!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi mayaari.

I never broke anything before either until that time. And I'm sooo careful about getting hurt. Almost too careful that I barely take physical risks for fear of getting scraped, lol. But that day, I was with a bunch of dudes and I didn't want to be a crybaby and ruin the fun :/ So I had to suck it up, hah.

If I leave it up to Hubbo, the bed sheets probably would never get washed let alone made, lol. I feel ya homie.

How is you anyhow?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Shawnta,

Stick isn't that hard really. It's just a matter of evening out your pedals. I'd teach you in my older car though, hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Kristen Elisabeth,

I actually just started working part-time a couple of weeks ago. But I do stay home during the day with the tykes. Before that though, I was a full stay-at-home-mom. Well, still am, hah.

How is your weekend going so far?

Krystle said...

lol the word verification on here looks like ekolu, except its ekoul.
anyways.... I wish I could drive a stick! The bf has been trying to teach me for the past 5 years (you think I would know by now, but nope), but all I can do is drive around a parking lot! Did you have to learn on the mean hills of San Francisco?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I actually didn't Krystle. I didn't even start off in a parking lot! My friend and I were stopped at a red light and he just switched seats with me, lol! But after getting it down, the SF roads really aren't too bad. It's just about balancing the pedals, hah. I did encounter a mean hill in Oakland though. That was so bad that I actually had to put my brake on while at the red light and gas the heck out of it when it turned green!

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