MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

April 6, 2008

FOTD: Pink Pearl Pigment Attends the Nordstrom's MAC Technique Class and Tips From The Pros!

I attended a Nordstrom's MAC Technique Class today in which emphasis was on evolving a simple day look and fine tuning it throughout the day to eventually end the night looking just as fun yet hot!

There were about 20-25 of us ladies in the house and we had two excellent MAC Artists facilitating our class, Yvette and Tiffany. They each had one lovely lady from the audience as a model and the looks that they had for each girl complimented them very well. The transformation as they took it from day to night was just an amazing thing to watch. Not to mention they each got a lovely pair of lashes to go along with their makeover!

Throughout the course, we got to see how the Makeup Artists put their brushes to use. It never occurred to me to use my MAC 187 to apply my moisturizer nor did it dawn on me to use my 217 to put on my eye cream. Sounds pretty obvious, right? Well, this definitely attests to the fact that the obvious isn't always, well... so obvious (at least to me, hah).

As they transitioned from skin prep, to eye makeup, to finishing off the face, they would do a "shop stop" in between each so that us attendees could grab what we wanted while the information was still fresh in our minds. Professionally, I say good sales tactic matey! Le Visa Debit says "arg".

But as the two hours of knowledge finally dwindled to an end, I was thankful to my MAC binge over the past 5 months because I had already accumulated more MAC products over time that visual lessons like these allow me to just pick up things here and there. Walking away with the MAC Mineralize Loose Powder, Fast Response Eye Cream, and Painterly Paint Pot, I felt good knowing that things were within reason - yay me!

So after an exceptional time in the hands of Nordstrom's and MAC's finest, here are some tips straight from the Pros:

  • For those who aren't as comfortable with pops of color during the day, looks are well played with neutral eyeshadow choices. Preferably matter or satin finishes. But night-time is always a fun time, so don't be scared to play with some color within your comfort level.
  • The use of a brown liner on the waterline (such as Brown Border Technakohl) emphasizes your eyes in a much softer way than using black.
  • Lining the lower lashline also emphasizes more defined eyes. Lining eyes halfway (from the outer to the middle) allows eyes to appear more open.
  • The lip difference between day and night can be as simple as giving lips some shine with some lipgloss and/or going a shade deeper from the day pouters.
  • Know where you're placing your eyeshadow on your brush. Do not grind the brush into the pot as too much product will be deposited into the bristles. Blending brushes like the MAC 224 only need color on the tips in order to create precise placement.
  • Make sure your paint pots and fluidline jars are tightly shut and stored upside down to prevent drying. I also always make sure to turn my jars upside down when I use them to make sure they're not exposed to air for long periods of time. I'm scared of my gorgeous colors drying out on me!
  • If you use a brow setter, brush the gel in the direction against the hairs first then along the direction of growth to coat both sides and maximize staying power.
  • When applying eyeshadow/base on the eyelids, hold the brush bristles down and deposit eyeshadow/base near the lashline sweeping up and blending out.
  • If you wear sleeve-less shirts, you may want to consider buffing cheeks with a bronzer so as to match your face to your shoulder.
  • When lining eyes, use the side of the brush starting from the middle and working outward. Once the guideline is established, line the inner part connecting to the initial line started in the middle (this is exactly what I do).
Wow! Is that a cheat sheet or what? No matter what level you are in your makeup application, it's always good to refresh, if not add to, the knowledge you already have. You can never OVER-saturate yourself with knowledge.

So you got the skinny on some notes I took for you folks. But you know I wouldn't leave you hanging without showing you how I showed up to class, right?

From the recent release of Heatherette for MAC, I welcomed one of my first MAC pigments to the collection, Pink Pearl. I paired this gorgeous duo chromatic pink with blue pearl pigment with Moon's Reflection and Hepcat eyeshadow along the lid. Using my HG Signed, Sealed from Matte2, I darkened the outer V slightly but made more emphasis with Carbon, placing it at the very corner to really create the depth.

The first set of photos was my trial run with the look while the last two photos are spruced up with some new NYX falsies I hauled and evidence of what I wore to class. What a difference lashes make, yah?

I hope your weekend is full of color folks!

Mrs. Lynne

Monistat Chafing Relief Powder-Gel
Studio Finish Concealer NW35 (224)
Buff'd Caramel (182)
Secret Blush Beauty Powder Blush (169)
Shadester/Lightsweep Sculpt & Shape Powder (169, 129)


STILA Brow Set (266)


Frisco Rose p/p with moisturizer (lid - 252)
Frisco e/s (highlight - 217)
Moon's Reflection e/s (entire lid, middle lower lashline - 239, 219)
Pink Pearl Pigment (inner lid, inner lower lashline - 239, 217, 219)
Hepcat e/s (outer lid, crease - 239, 217)
Signed, Sealed e/s (outer V, outer lower lashline - 217, 219)
Carbon e/s (outer V - 219)
Blacktrack f/l (upper lashline - 208)
Graphblack Technakohl (waterline)
Prep & Prime Lash & Covergirl Lash Blast

NYX Pandora & Galaxy

You can hardly tell in the photos, but I used Secret Blush Beauty Powder Blush lightly just to add minor flush.

The same look using NYX #117 lashes and only NYX Pandora on the lips, no Galaxy.

Do you have some tips of your own that have helped you accomplish certain looks? If you would like to share them, please do so in the comments or email them to us!

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

28 makeovers:

Anonymous said...

The colours are so faerie like !

Ahh, thanks for the cheat sheet :) Do you have any tips on undrying .. dried up fluidlines?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Julie!

I have read that Fix+ helps to remoisten a dried up fluidline. If you don't have that available, then you may want to try a homemade mixing medium (3 parts water, 1 part glycerin). Always test on a small area of the fluidline first just to be safe :)

How is your weekend going so far my dear? Studying hard, I'm sure :)

Distinque said...

I'm glad you attended the class. Yvette came to our last class here too. She's actually a trainer to Mac employees. She does a great smokey eye too. LOL becuz of Vanessa I'm also using Monistat Chafing Gel as a primer. A review of the fast response eyecream please? Thanks!

B said...

Pink Pearl looks as fab on you as I does on me, Auntie! You came to that class lookin' jazzy....I always show up lookin' halfway and then impress them with my skills. I'm such a show-off. *wink* Thanks for thinking of us and providin' the tips. Enjoy the upcoming week!

Shawnta said...

I love the lashes honey! They look fabulous but not over the top! I'm thinking about adding pink pearl to the collection as well.

mayaari said...

love the NYX lashes, and you look great! thanks for sharing those tips - I never knew the one about storing paint pots upside down.

Nikkia Chanel said...

Gorgeous look!!! And those lashes add extra umf!! Now I have ideas for pink pearl lol
And thanks for the tip about the fluid lines and paint pots that explains why my first black track dried out so fast. Off to turn them all down now
Have a great weekend!

i♥make-up said...

I love these tips girl, u r so pretty <3 im glad i came across ur blog!! <3 Im def bookmarking this wonderful post. Thanks for sharing hun<3

Jaclyn Rose said...

wow, twin! great tips, I'll definitely keep those in mind!

and look at your, soooo pretty with the color combo you got going on. your black top looks soo cute from what I can see.

Unknown said...

You look so gorgeous and ethereal!! You look great in any jealous! j/k
And OMG the lashes are gorgeous and so natural yet has a dramatic impact at the same time =) I must have these NYX lashes.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

sexy mamas! :) those lashes look stunning on you! :D did you and the hubbo go out in the pictures of you with the lashes on? you look all dolled up. :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Distinque!

Yvette is awesome. I would LOVE her job!! And her makeup looked so good that day.

I am liking the Chafing Gel especially since it doesn't cost in the double digits and works just as well!

And once I've done a good run on the eye cream, consider it done mi'lady. But I can tell you that it makes your eyes feel very smooth. It's just like have the Chafing Gel on your eyes. Nice and silky!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh Divine Blackness. My tactic is to look as good as I can so they'll offer me a job, lol! But I did get complimented by 3 of the employees. At least that makes me feel good knowing I'm in the right direction with what I'm doing, hah.

Which class did you attend when you went?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Girl Shawnta, Pink Pearl is really pretty. I just love that it dazzles pink one way and a bit blue another, and together they look lilac. Oh, pigments pigments pigments. They are such mind teasers!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Anytime mayaari! We definitely need to take care of our Paint Pots. Because at $14 or so a pop, I ain't letting that thing dry out anytime soon! ;)

And you should definitely check out NYX lashes. They have some really great styles and more importantly, affordable!!

Have you ever tried false lashes yet?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks slvrlips! Oh, and no problem about the tips. Gotta make the moneys worth honey :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi iheartmake-up!

Thank you for the lovely compliment :) And I'm glad you enjoyed the tips. Hope you have a great week :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Definitely get your mitts on some Cindy! They are great! And thank you for the kind compliments girl *blushes*

Hope you have a great week :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Chris,

Thank you dear for the kind words. Actually, I wore that look to go to the Technique Class, hah. Didn't even go out with Hubbo at all!

Krystle said...

I am loving the look with the piggie and the lashes! I think the lashes open your eyes more and gives the look some glam! Thanks for tips! I love it when everyone shares their MAC class tips. I always thought everyone stores their paint pots upside down to see the color.

yummy411 said...

i want to go to a MAC class! boo hiss boo, i can never make one! i'm glad you reported on your notes! thanks for sharing!

Jenn said...

thanks for sharing these tips with us Mrs Lynne! i'll definitely keep them in mind! :D

Lovely makeup you have on as always! you totally rock the pinks! i can't for the life of me wear pinks because they make me look swollen! lol! i love your faux lashes too! :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Krystle,

Thanks for the compliments and you're welcome on the tips! I really love the look of false lashes but just wish I were better at putting them on. Its hard trying put them on when you're supposed to have your eyes halfway open, lol!

How is your Monday going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Anytime yummy411! I want to go to one of the more advanced classes though. I'm very interested to see what they teach you in there!! Hah.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You're such a sweetheart crazychick. It took me forever to get pink worthy of wearing. It was always going on light for me, hah.

So how are things on your side of the world?

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