MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

March 8, 2008

Welcome to

I am Mrs. Lynne and I am the online personality behind It brings me great pleasure to unveil to you a place I call my second home. A place where I hope you'll find "a motherly dose of anything makeup, anything beauty"!

The site was revamped with one thing in mind: to make the information on here, as well as upcoming, easier to navigate through so that existing and new MakeupFixers can find what they need with some sort of ease.

This blog started off as a personal makeup growth journal in which I could reference my progression as I tried new makeup techniques/looks and posted my journey. Since the doors opened in November 2007, the blog has escalated in exposure and the people responsible for the survival of this place are none other than the loyal MakeupFixers, who are a remarkable bunch to say the least and I cannot thank
each of you enough!

So, you know that I love makeup and that I run this shop, but what else lies behind the identity of Mrs. Lynne?

For starters, I'm happily married to my Prince Charming, a mother of two magnificent children, and a person in shock (or denial) to the fact that I have officially entered my late 20's. MAC is currently my favorite cosmetics retailer and I'm an NC42 for reference. I'm the youngest of three girls, born and raised in the Silicon Valley of California, and now reside in the lovely paradise known as Hawai'i. I'm a perfectionist at heart and a slightly OCD one at that. I have a sugar tooth for Haribo Gummy Bears even in the early hours of the morning.
I'm a huge advocate for personal growth and love self-help books. I like to laugh, comically make fun of people I know, and I try to incorporate humor into everything I do (voted 2nd place as Class Clown in highschool) because I believe the harder you laugh, the longer you live, and the more fun you have.

Makeup and color has always been a passion of mine since childhood. Some of my professional experience and knowledge derives from the days when I used to be a Distributor for an all-day makeup company as well as my ongoing passion as an aspiring Freelance Makeup Artist. Through these milestones I've acquired experience in product training while some of my work has been summoned for special events.
I never worked a cosmetics counter or went to makeup artistry school, but would one day hope to fulfill a long awaited dream of mine to go to Cosmetology school and perhaps concentrate on Esthetics as well. But in the meantime, I live and breathe this blog and will continue to tinker and research as I pursue to grow and mold my cosmetics-hungry-brain.

Now that you know a little bit more about me, I can't wait to learn a bit more about you as we embark on this beauty adventure together!

MakeupFixers... Do you have a great beauty tip you want to share? A look that finally makes you feel good about your blending skills? Fighting an endless battle on creasing eyeshadow? Have yourself on makeup buying probation and need a shoulder to lean on?

Press/PR... Would you like to have your product(s) put to the test and see an in-depth review featured here on Want to collaborate schedules to do an interview?

Advertisers... Want to gain exposure to promote your business? Would you like to know what advertising options are available to you?

...then send an email to me so we can further discuss the matter.

Thank you everyone for taking time out to make this site a part of your beauty and makeup "fix". I appreciate it and look forward to building a prosperous relationship with each and every one of you!

Mrs. Lynne

Finding the site useful? Then show your support by mentioning us in your post, linking to us, subscribing to our feed, or have email updates sent directly to you!

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

73 makeovers:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I LOVE the revamp, Mrs. Lynne! Did you do all the coding yourself? You're talented!

I love reading your blog and seeing your many different looks as well as your reviews :]

Have a lovely weekend!

mayaari said...

Love the new site layout Lynne! I can't wait to read more of your wonderful updates :)

Vanessa said...

Love the new site SIS! I agree, we REALLY do think alike and you are my sis! haha, and I love Haribo Gummy Bears too! Do you ever miss Cali?

B said...

Auntie Lynne! I am impressed! It looks great up in dis piece!! Absolutely beautiful and fitting for your personality. I second on the Haribo Gummy bears...especially when they are a little hard.'re the youngest of 3 girls? I'm the oldest of 4. Somehow, you've always seemed like the oldest to me. Hmmm..anywho---happy weekend!! And congratulations on the new layout!

Mandie said...

The site looks great, i love it! i have two little ones too :-) my youngest little boy loves finding my makeup and throwing it into the bath lol. He is now 11 months and is everywhere ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love the new lookk of your blog! BTW - I love your Monroe piercing and seeing it has inspired me. I'm thinking about getting one, too!

yummy411 said...

lynn! the site is gorgeous!!!!!!! congrats! ok haribo gb's have a cult following! i love them, but i am in love with sour gummy worms!

Shawnta said...

I'm probably not seeing the site in all it's glory because of course I'm at the J.O.B on a Saturday, but I just wanted to say that it looks cool from what I can see so far!

Jaclyn Rose said...

wow, twin! love the new layout! love the pic too! you're so gorgeous! inside and out!

Nikkia Chanel said...

I'm loving the new layout very chic and gorgeous!! Congrats on everything

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Julie,

I'm glad you're enjoying the new skin. Thanks for being a part of this site. It would not be the same without you :)

Any plans going down this weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi mayaari!

Thanks hun! This is a tiny way of saying thanks for the all the support :) You're awesome!

How is your weekend going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hello Sis Nessa,

Aren't Haribos THE BEST!! You have to try S'ghetti if you haven't already. Those are the BOMB DIGG!

There are moments when I wish I never left CA and other times that I'm very glad to be far away from everything. All in all, my heart is here on the island but we'll have to see how staying here plays out. It really is very expensive to live here that living in the bay area is actually much better. Can you believe that? LOL.

Do you plan on staying in So Cal?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Miss Divine Blackness!

Thank hunny love :) You all have kept me inspired to keep truckin' with this blog that it's my small way of showing my appreciation to y'all.

Haribos are sooo good. When you come back to the island, you have to check out Price Busters here. It's like Haribo HEAVEN! They have so many different kinds that it's sooo crazy.

I am the youngest although at times it does seem like I am the oldest, hah. Oh, families :)

So are you finally settled in from all your moving?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Saturday Mandie,

Thanks for the love girl :) Feel proud because you are definitely part of this longlasting creation.

YAY! Another blogging mama! Oh girl, I have stories myself of my kids getting into my makeup. Well, my oldest moreso who is now 2 - yikes! My youngest is only 4 months but I just know that there is more wreckage to come, lol.

How old is your old child?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aloha Toya,

Thank you sweetie! I'm glad the new look resonates with ya :)

You should totally get one!! I have a fetish for piercings. It's my 7th one, hah. I've taken all the others out and this is the last one left. After this I plan on upgrading to a tattoo. Still in the designing phase though.

Do you have any piercings or tattoos already?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya yummy411!

Thanks for the huge support mama. You know you're my girl :)

I honestly never even knew that other people KNEW what Haribo was! That is so great to hear I'm not the only one. And I have such the sour tooth also! I can eat a warhead without any facial expressions, hah.

We should have a sour candy throw down. Are you in?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aloha Krystle,

Thanks my dear. I'm glad you're feeling the new do up on here. You're definitely one of the many reasons this blog is so successful :)

What's the deal this weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Mama Shawnta!

Oh, yah it's Saturday. I forget sometimes. Boo for not-so-fun WORK! Hah. Well, definitely make sure to check it out when you get home and let me know what you think :) You've definitely helped keep my flame lit in this new cyber world, so thank you for that love.

You and the girls have plans this weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Sis Karen!!

Thank you so much. It means a lot coming from you seeing that you are like my long lost pal that I never met but yet have so much fun with. You missy have definitely given me inspiration (and still do) so this is a tribute to bringing me up another level in this blogger's world :)

*click* or *slurp* (shave ice) haha.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aloha my twin, missjaclynrose!

Thank you so kindly for the compliments :) I hope one day that we can really hang out, let the kids have a playdate (although that probably won't be cool to them anymore, lol), and play makeup or gaze at your super cool computer room!

Do you and the ohana have plans this weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya slvrlips!

Thanks sweetie! I really appreciate all your support and continue to get my inspiration from lovely gals such as yourself. You keep me grounded here and I cannot thank you enough :)

Hope you're having a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the newly revamped site! It looks great =)
You look tanned too girl! I need to live in Hawaii too, haha

nilla cookie said...

Lynne, the site looks great! Kudos - you worked so hard and it definitely shows!

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Christy. It really means a lot girl :)

How are you doing this weekend? Is the weather good on your side?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi bgirldskco! Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying the new face of the site :)

Girl, I'm not even tanned, hah! That's me staying indoors as much as I can with 2 tykes, lol. I get really dark when I tan. The sun LOVES to crisp me up without remorse.

Hope you're having a great weekend bgirldskco! Thanks for stopping in. It's very nice to meet you and I hope to hear from you more often :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Sat nilla cookie!

Thank you sweetie. That's very soothing to hear :)

I am having a great weekend so far although I'm already feeling Sunday kick in. I don't like that feeling at all! Make it go away :( Hah.

How's the domestic weekend coming for ya? Doing 6 loads again? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
Yes, I have three tattoos - a ladybug, a butterfly in flight and a tribal "tramp stamp" (ha!). I'm ready to try a piercing and the Monroe seems the perfect thing to me - dainty and beautiful, but totally badass at the same time!

nilla cookie said...

LOL, not as domestic this weekend. I haven't done any chores today. Actually, I went shopping and spent too much money (again). In fact, I'm blogging about my purchases right now!

Tomorrow will be laundry day (2 loads maybe) and then we're going to party in the evening - baby's one-month party to be exact. Hope it doesn't get too crazy! LOL

What are you doing tomorrow?

Xuanie said...

loving the new site its bright and just love the colors! i love Haribo Gummy Bears too and i like them if you leave the bag open for a lil while, for them to get harder! so yummie just writing about it i want to go get some! lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Wow Toya! Aren't you the badass of all time already with yourself nicely tatted up, hah. Since I'm always getting new piercings, my sister is always asking if I've gotten a tattoo yet. I just say it's pending, hah.

I LOVE piercings. I honestly think I have an addiction for pain. Not like torturous pain or anything, but I have a high tolerance for it. I had to get allergy shots when I was little; 2 shots each arm 3x's a week for almost FOREVER. So needless to say, needle pokes are nothing to me. But a needle tearing at my skin, we'll just have to see ;)

The Monroe IS dainty. They pierce it with a much larger stud than what I have. But as soon as I hit the time I was able to switch jewelry, I went and got that one. And believe it or not, it's a nose stud that I'm using, hah. The smallest Monroe ones I could find were still too big for what I was looking for.

Do you plan on getting anymore tattoos?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh nilla cookie! Isn't it funny how things like THAT should be considered domestic? I mean, it literally feels necessary to drop a load on shopping. Almost part of our well being! Hah.

Tomorrow, we'll probably attempt to take Big Tyke back to Gymboree. When we went today he was just running to spots of the mat to lay down and sleep. Can we say naptime? Lol. We'll probably go carseat shopping for the baby, look for a toddler bed for Big Tyke,... wish we got our tax return already. I need some retail therapy :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Xuanie!

Thanks girl :) I had to make sure I spruced it up girly style, hah.

Yay! Another Haribo lover - woot! And you know I totally have to leave the bag open. As soon as I buy them, I open the bags and just let them sit. And I normally buy the bags 4 or 5 at a time (I love them THAT much!).

Do you have any other all-time favorite hard candies you enjoy?

Elizabeth said...

i love the new look of your site! I couldnt access the page the past few days because i need an 'invite' but now i can =D

I think its time to re vamp my blog, mine is SO boring!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

Hi sista love! I tried to post earlier but blogspot was acting stupid and not letting me post. LOL. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I LOVEEEE the new layout, it's so professional looking! I'm glad to see that you're doing big things! :] Just remember all the small people when you get famous, okay? *ahem ahem* Hehe. ;) I can't wait to see everything that you have lined up, and I'm glad to have known you and your blog all the way from the beginning up until you explode into something huge! Hehe. You show them how to rock it love! ;)

Unknown said...

I LOVE the new layout! It's so much more bright, happy, and it just brings a smile to my face =)

My husband loves Haribo gummy bears too. The first time I tried them I thought my teeth were going to crack because they were so hard but now I can't imagine eating the soft gummy bears lol.

Thanks for always sharing your looks, reviews, and hauls're so personable and so open. I think you're lovely

Mandie said...

My little girl is 8 (i cant believe it lol) and it took us 7 years to have another baby, so there is a big age gap. She is so good with him though she is like the best big sister ever, its lovely to watch :-)

lol yep you have loads of wreckage to come, but fun wreckage lol, my son is so funny at the moment hes just learnt to walk and he looks so small and cute, and now he is just everywhere, he is full of energy :)

Speak soon :)

Mayya said...

Congrats on the new look i absolutely love it!

I love your looks and you are one of my fav makeup bloggers!

We have so much in common both of us are married, with 2 kids (although mine are both girls!), both in our 20's i turn 26 this year grrr...and of course both of us love make up but i am not as good as u.
I am just a newbie but very excited on learning all there is to learn about makeup :)

I thank you and all the makeup bloggers out there for sharing ur tips, techniques and FOTDs with us its a lot of work and very much appreciated :)

psychoexgirlfriend said...

Hey Mrs Lynne, the new site looks great! I was trying to log on to your blog site via the old link but it didn't seem to work so well. I'll update! Congrats again on the new site!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Elizabeth!

Aww.. it was unaccessible because I had to upload the new layout. You must have missed my post on the site being unavailable for 48 hours.

Oohh, so do I hear a new layout in order for your bloggy blog?? I can't wait to see what surprise you have planned!

Hope you're having a great weekend, unless it's already done over there :P

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Sis Chris!

I was not a huge Blogger fan yesterday especially after the launch. But now that it's in working condition, I have a change of heart, lol!

And I'm so honored to have known you from the get-go! Watching you grow your site is truly exciting. It's like I'm watching you grow up right before me *sniff*.

But you know you're my OG girl :) And I loves ya' for that!

Hope you're having a good weekend!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Cindy for making this such a great place to be and for keeping me going. I can't even describe how thankful I am to have such an awesome audience, but just know that I truly am :) Your wonderful compliments definitely make me feel bright, happy, and brings a smile to my face :)

Oh, I can't imagine having soft gold bears in my mouth, yuck! Hah. I'm so spoiled with the toughness. I have to leave the bags open. Or I'll put them in the fridge for faster results, lol.

Do you have a favorite color of the bears? I love the white and red ones!!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Mama Mandie,

Wow! You're little princess is almost a young woman already... aww! And she sounds like a very good big sister. Your baby is so lucky :) My sisters and I are 13- and 16- years apart so 7 years hun, is not that bad, lol!

Your son walked very early. With my oldest we were so sure he wasn't going to walk by his 1st birthday. Then my mother-in-law's friend was in town a week before my son turned 1 and she has 3 little girls. Then guess who decides to show off and start walking! BIG TYKE, lol.

But seriously Mandie. He is the definite meaning of energy. He'll go non-stop if we let him. My baby is more the mellow type. They really are like night and day.

Are your littles one fairly similar or are they distinctly different in behavior?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Anna! Hope you're having a good weekend :)

Btw, how is your skin doing now? I hope it's decided to be nice to you :) I hate it when my skin wants to be evil and plague me with disgusting skin.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Sunday Mayya!

Thank you for the kind comments and it truly touches my heart to be one of your favs :) *blushes*

We DO have a lot in common girl. Now if only you lived here on the island we could probably have some playdates for the tykes. Hah.

How is your day so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Emilee! I'm glad you digg :) How are you spending the rest of your weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thank you for the compliments psychoexgf :)

That's weird that the old link didn't work because it should be redirecting. Oh well, I'm just glad you still made it, hah.

Have a great day love!

Anonymous said...

your site looks great Lynne!!!!
Hope the kiddos are doing well.

Stephanie said...

Yaye! You're back up!! I completely forgot you were shutting down for the revamp of your site...I thought something happend. haha. I really do need my makeup fix off of your site! ;) Buy I totally L-O-V-E the new layout and everything else!! You go girl!! Looking forward to your future posts and where everything in life takes you!!!

Jenn said...

Hi girl!! congrats on the new site!! it's absolutely pretty and girly! i like it very much! :D i love gummy bears too!! my father and neighbour usually buys us a huge bag of them whenever they visit the states... needless to say who devoured most of them! lol! :P

you look very lovely in the pic btw! ;) take care and have a great week ahead!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aloha PeeChee!! Thanks hun :) It means a lot.

The tykes are as wild as they can be. I'm sure this isn't even the peak yet, lol.

How are your little lovelies doing?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hiya Stephanie :)

Aww,.. aren't you too cute! Thanks for the support hun!! I'm glad you're getting some good stuff off of here. You are definitely one of the many reasons I continue to take pride in continuing this. Your encouragement truly is a blessing.

I hope you had some exciting events happen this weekend. I'm trying to recover from Big Tyke & Energy. Then again, I'm trying to recover from that on a daily basis, lol!

Thushaa said...

Oh my gosh.
Looks so good now! Wo0t!
I wish you extreme luck in the future.. not that you need it girl!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thank you crazychick. It's fab readers like yourself that push me the extra mile to keep going :)

I love gummy bears! Have you ever tried chocolate covered gummy bears? Those are soooo good!

I hope you have a great week as well sweetie.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Rae! Thank you so much :) I'm glad you're liking the new clothes we decided to dress the blog in, hah.

Hope you have a great week!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi there Thushaa.

Thank you for the kind compliments mi'lady. It really means a lot :) You all really keep me on top of my game.

Hope your week will be off to a good start.

Bliss said...

Ooooo such a lovely new website, im still linking you heheh :).

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Bliss! Your kind words mean a lot and thanks for showing your support by linking :) I truly appreciate it.

How is your week going so far?

Mandie said...

Hey :-)

The two kids are very different, at this stage my son is very active, and is everywhere he is so quick at everything aswell, he has been climbing up the stairs from around 5 months which is amazing lol.

My daughter is so clever she is very bright, but is also so much fun, and she plays loads with babba, she adores him which is great.

My girl seemed a lot more calmer as a child then my boy does, but they are similar in a way that they are both very sweet and cuddly children, they are always giving me hugs and kisses which is gorge :)

wow a 16 year age gap, how did you find that? are you both close or is it harder cause there is such a big gap. I have a sister and she is 4 years younger than me, and we used to argue all the time lol she would steal my clothes, silly things like that and drive me mad. We are now very close which is great :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That is so cute Mandie! It definitely makes us mommies smile to see the kids having such a great time together. Better we soak it up now because there will be days when they aren't so happy with each other, hah.

I have two older sisters who are 3 years different between them two. I am actually closer with my middle sister who is 13 years older than me. It's nice that we can BE sisters but sometimes the authoritative side of her comes out in wanting to be more parental than sisterly. That kind of bugs sometimes. But nonetheless I have a great relationship with them. I remember wishing I had someone to argue with growing up and being able to share stuff like clothes and makeup with.

Do you plan on having any more kids or you done?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mrs. Lynne.... the 'real sisters' were just perusing..... We were really shocked to see the '80s picture when you were just a little one! Am proud of you! You're doing a great job!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Anonymous! I'm glad you guys took the time to check it out. Thanks always for the encouragement :)

Anonymous said...

I see that congratulations are in order on your page ranks! Keep up the good work! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mrs. Lynne! For your great advice on this site.

Anonymous said...

I found out your site when I was looking for reviews for MAC's slimshine and WOW! Just want to say THANK YOU for writing all these reviews and tutorials: how to fill in eyebrows, foundation primers, exactly what I need. Great sources for a beginner like me!

StacyRochelle said...

Hello Lynne. I am a new reader and I am sooo in love with your site. I really appreciate the time you take to give such detailed information. It really helps a beginner blogger and new makeup lover like myself. I wish you the best in all you set out to accomplish.

Peace & Blessing to You and your family,

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