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[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

March 28, 2008

Let's Discuss: Are You Gentle To Your Face Like You Should Be?


When I watch commercials on beauty products, I always notice how application of the product is always done so delicately, barely grazing the surface of the skin. You never see even light pressure applied to the skin when the spokeswomen apply eye cream or wash their faces with a cleansing cream. They dab lightly and splash water up in their mug without any skin contact.

Back in the day,
my mom bought me one of those blue containers of Noxzema after subliminally wanting to recreate the commercial in my beauty sanctuary. Given that I was probably in late elementary school or early middle school when this happened, I continued to splash my face with water (just like the commercial visually suggested) only to get frustrated that not only was I making a water park out of my sink, but that there were parts on my face where the cleanser just wouldn't come off unless my hands physically assisted.

At that point, I was convinced that being gentle to your skin was a load of hoopla simply because I didn't know better. From there I picked up naughty habits of tugging at my face whether it was wiping it dry, applying eyeliner, using a face scrub, rubbing my eyes... you name it - I WAS NOT GENTLE!! The thought of wrinkles never dawned nor did the lemming to maintain youthful skin.

So here I am, nearly 20 years later and after raising my awareness on skin, I've been more proactive about being gentle. Let's not age sooner than we need to, please.

Are you waiting for a beauty tragedy to take action on your skin or have you been preventative all along?

Mrs. Lynne

Do you have a makeup and beauty topic you'd like to see discussed on Email your suggestions to have it featured in an upcoming post.

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18 makeovers:

mayaari said...

I was never that gentle to my face; when I started getting into makeup/skincare, my mom bought the Clinique skincare line for me, and lightly splashing the water to rinse off the soap made such a mess of the bathroom! and I seriously had to rub that Clinique moisturizer into my face (never became a fan of that stuff). These days I try to be a little more conscious, but I still tug on my lids to apply eyeliner & when applying eye cream. I can't help it!

Anonymous said...

I am so rough on my face! I rub my eyes (several times a day!), tug at my eyelids when applying liner, constantly pull at my lashes, sleep with make up on(once in awhile) and use a face scrub practically daily, but I do have clogged pores so you know.

I'm definitely going to pay for it in the coming years.

MakeupByRenRen said...

hmmm yah...i try to be more gentle b/c if i dont my bathroom mirror gets all those annoying water and toothpaste spots...after all my beauty blogging i am more aware of being gentle around my eye area...and i've been trying to take off my falsies more gently..

Vanessa said...

I think I am very paranoid when it comes to my face simply because I have sensitive skin and I am scared of trying new products like moisturizers or cleansers that'll make things worse, but so far I've been taking better care of my skin, washing it at night and of course using Mario Badescu!

Xuanie said...

oh gosh its more like what im not waiting for to happen. lol. i just think one day im going to wake up and my eyes are gong to be all wrinkly and have tons of bags because i always pull my eye lids.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi mayaari!

I can definitely attest to the mess. It was like a darn flood up in my bathroom, lol! I think the one thing I'm guilty of now is scrubbing my face a bit too hard and rubbing my eyes vigorously if they get itchy. And just like you said, I can't help it! LOL!

What kind of eye cream are you using right now?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi lemon_rosebud,

Doesn't it make you wonder what your face would be like had you not done that in the first place? I know I ask myself that, lol.

What face scrub is it that you are using for your pores?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Omg Ren! I've had the unpleasant experience to witness what tugging does to the skin. So my eyelid skin is loose, right? But my cheeks kind of look like they're sagging where the apples are. Not to mention I have expression lines starting to form :X AGH... I'm getting old!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Sis Nessa! Why couldn't you have been my neighbor or something when I lived in CA??

Oh, and I found Mario Badescu at the Nordies here! I think I'll check them out sometime. I was there yesterday but the second I parked the stroller, crying started. So I literally glanced and left, lol! I'm so glad it's working for you though. I wish I would have been more preventative before.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Dude, Xuanie

My left eye has a permanent double eyelid now from rubbing my eyes! That's why I'm all scurred about being rough now. Not to mention my cheeks got some sagging action going on and fine lines are starting to make their way on. Grrrr...

I am so gentle my pores are clogged, lol. ;)

LeAnne@Hairs My Story Team said...

You're not even twenty? Wow!
Well i've done the same thing you have with desperately wanted to use Noxema. I remember stealing my cousins bottle when I was the same age hoping and praying to get a pimple so I could be like the big girls in the commerical.

Krystle said...

They opened nordstrom already or was this nordstrom rack?

I think I use water that is too hot and it strips the oils off my face and body. I can't help it! It's too cold here. LOL.

Jenn said...

I'm soo guilty of not being gentle to my face!! i tug at my eyes when i remove my makeup and believe it, i can really pick a blackhead with the badass blackhead remover loop! lol!! :P i use cleanser on my eyelids and i bathe in steaming hot water. ok somebody send me to the skincare detention camp! lol!

JANE said...

I never used to play attention to my face skin until it got really sensitive a few years back. Now I try to remember to pat down my wet face instead of just rubbing it dry. I use SPF more often now and wear sunglasses so I don't squint and get wrinkles. But I still pick at my blemishes and that's probably a bad habit I will never stop.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi LeAnne,

I'm actually in my late 20's, hah. But it's been about 20 years since I saw that Noxzema commercial and tried to recreate its effect in my bathroom. Boy, how time flies, huh?

And that is hilarious that you wanted to get pimples! Can you believe that I prayed for glasses and braces? Glasses I got, braces I didn't but I tried making my own retainers before out of paperclips, lol! We sure are creative when we're small ;)

How was your weekend LeAnne?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Krystle,

They opened up an actual Nordstrom in the back of Ala Moana. Nordstrom Rack is still in Ward. But you know its a big deal here being that we don't have one. What's funny though is that when I lived in the Bay, I hardly ever went to Nordstrom. But I've already been to the one here twice, lol!

Hope you had a great weekend, hun!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Oh crazychick. We're all guilty of that one way or another. I'll see you at skincare detention camp, hah. We can pass notes to each other ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I'm a picker too ladyjane! I will never stop, haha.

Patting down my face too a while for me to get used to. But now, I'm scared to tug even though I know it feels good, lol.

But at least you're making a conscious effort girl. That's better than most :)

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