MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

March 3, 2008

Let's Discuss: Are There Any Makeup or Beauty Things You Should/Shouldn't Be Doing?

We all can admit to pulling off some huge makeup and beauty don'ts back in the day. When I started wearing pressed powder, I didn't know that you were supposed to change the puff applicator, so I only got a new one when I got a NEW compact. Looking back on it, that defines the word 'gross' ten-fold! Of course now, I will not come near the given compact applicators to save my life. Let's just say I'd rather shine.

But whether you're new to makeup or been wearing it since you walked out the womb, are there still some habits that are hard to break? Or perhaps habits that need to be implemented?

I'm not perfect and as much as I know there are some things I should be more cautious of, I have human tendencies to just live with the fact that I'll just deal with it when the time comes. I'm a lazy monster.

Here is my list of 9 habits that surface:
  1. Going to bed with makeup on. It is either extremely late or I'm dead tired for this to happen. (rare)
  2. Curling my lashes AFTER mascara is applied. I used to do this ALL THE TIME but have tried to practice getting the curl down prior to applying mascara. Now, I'll lightly pump at the base only just to lift the end result if after putting mascara my lashes are still sagging low. (moderate)
  3. Wearing an eye cream/moisturizer. I have one that I use from time to time, but I am not the consistent user I need to be especially as I'm clearly in my (ugh!) late 20's. I need to get on this. (rare)
  4. Touching my face throughout the day. I make a fist and gently bounce the middle bones on the outer part of my fingers against my cheeks and nose mostly to do an oil check. It's weird that I do this but I won't use a compact puff. I might as well since this is probably just as horrible, lol. (frequent)
  5. Rubbing my eyes. I am sooo guilty of this. And this is why I have such a loose skin on my eyes. Over the past couple of years, I've actually calmed this act down to barely/gently scratching my eyelids with the tip of my nail. (rare)
  6. Trimming my hair on a regular basis. Nope, can't say that I do. I'd love to be on it, but am not. (rare)
  7. Putting on lotion. I used to be anal about this but I've stopped completely. Especially when I moved here, it was just disgusting to have on lotion in the hot weather. Does lotioning my hands count? Hah. (rare)
  8. Popping my zits. As soon as those zit Chamber of Commerce members get together, I run the edge of my nail right over them. I don't use an acne treatment other than what is already in facial scrubs, if any. If I'm truly hot and bothered by it, I'll use toothpaste to dry out the zit. But then back to picking, lol. (frequent)
  9. Picking out clogged pores with tweezers. When popping zits just loses it's enjoyment, I find renewed energy in cleaning out my pores with my trust tweezers. Perhaps its an unadmitted fetish to see the disgusting junk beneath my skin. (frequent)
What's on your list?

Mrs. Lynne

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

17 makeovers:

ruthie said...

oh man. sadly i have to admi i always curl my lashes after i put mascara on... AND i heat my eyelash curler to do it. aaah! i know its bad bad bad but my lashes need the help. i wish i could give it up. someday i'll mature. ;)

Anonymous said...

i ALWAYS curl my lashes after mascara, haha. they just never hold the curl if i do it prior to the application. Even someone told me to use waterproof mascara after you curl because it dries quicker so it'll hold the curl througout the day: lies. never worked. haha. that would probably be my BIGGEST beauty no-no. well, that and still picking at my zits! Ah!

Jenn said...

i used to curl my lashes after mascara all the time too!! it looks so much better that way! lol!! :P i don't do that anymore though - i'm paranoid about my lashes dropping off in huge chunks! hahaha!!

i pick at my face all the time - thats my biggest vice. Squeezing those nasty zits and blackheads gives me an almost euphoric high! i always overpluck my brows too, i can't stand having even a single strand out of place :P

and oh yeah, i don't really take good care of my hands. i'm too lazy to use a hand cream, plus i always do my laundry / house chores without a glove to protect them from the harsh detergents / bleach. now my digits look worse than my mum's (no kidding!!). *sobs*

someday... someday i'll just break all these habits! lets just pray that that someday comes soon! lol!!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Ruthie Ruthie, I LOVE curling my lashes after mascara! I would actually do my lashes first so that they would be dry by the time I'm done with my makeup. Then I would curl them, inching up slowly. After that, they have that super elbow look to them, so I'd use my eyelash comb and when I combed through them, the would be perfectly curled. *drool*

I really miss doing it that way because of the results, but I'm trying to find another way to make it work since my lashes were starting to fall out and look sparse - that's definitely not pretty, lol.

What mascara are you currently using for your lashes?

Nikki I never heard of the waterproof mascara thing. But I'm not a fan of waterproof so I probably won't try it, lol.

Oooh, after I read your comment I had to go back and edit my list because I pick my zits also! I try not to keep digging at it though so that it doesn't permanently bruise my skin. Plus, I'm too lazy to resurrect dark spots, hah.

How's the weather in your hood?

crazychick Same here crazychick! I LOVE curling my lashes after mascara. The results were AMAZING, lol.

Euphoric high! LOL.. that's a good one. That's exactly how I feel when I get to 'deep clean' my face, lolololol.

I don't take care of my hands either. But I actually do use gloves when I wash dishes and use household cleansers. I used to work at a coffee shop before and the sanitizer ate at my hands really bad plus washing my hands all the time made them dry. So now, I've got me some gloves, hah.

Anonymous said...

I have this thing where I look at my pores with my magnifying (x10) mirror. I look at each and every pore. LOL. Call me crazy but I love looking at my pores and when they're clean, I'm soo happy. I also look at my hair with a hand mirror to see what my hair look like in all different angles. Then I turn my head upside down. Make a little space so I can see and look at the back of my hair. I don't wear makeup but when I do I blot blot blot every 5minutes. I also push my cuticles back with my nail after showering and that includes the cuticles on my toes. Weird, huh? LOL.

Krystle said...

I have to agree with you on the lotion + humidity = gross! But I do try to use lotion here since the air is dry.

here's my shopping list:

1) Occasionally using SPF on my face and neck. I know I should be doing this everyday, but for some reason my face likes it when there is nothing on it.

2) Picking zits. I'm trying to quit, I swear!

3) Putting my hands on my face. My left cheek is evidence of this. I rest my hand and my fist on it. And when the head is buried in the books, my hands also touch my forehead. aiya

4) Not sanitizing my phone at least 2x a week. My poor left cheek has the evidence for that too.

5) Not washing my face at the end of the day regardless if I wear makeup or not. I've gotten better at this, but I spend at least 2-3 days out of the week where I don't wash.

6) I know this isn't makeup related but.... Posture! I have a problem where I can't sit up straight. I try to, but end up slouching after a few minutes and I want to be a physical therapist. haha.

oh and about ur laptop... Thats how I broke my adapter too! I would use it on the bed and it would bend. I am trying to be careful this time, but still haven't broken that habit. hmm you can add that to the list too!

Unknown said...

I also used to use the sponge that comes with compacts until the powder ran out. Looking back now just makes me cringe! lol

My biggest habit now and the one I am always vowing to break is touching and picking at my face. My husband and sister will smack my hand away especially if I am doing it subconciously. They've gotten progressively more violent at it and I think they secretly enjoy smacking me around =)

mayaari said...

I've gotten better about washing my face at night (not just using facial wipes), but there's probably one night a week I just get too lazy to do it.

I can totally understand about the lotion thing - I hate putting lotion on in the summer when I know it's a really humid day, but the rest of the year I'm pretty vigilant since my apt is so dry.

haha, I can't help but pick at my face if I see zits! I try to wait until I see a head, but sometimes I just can't help it. I've resorted to asking my BF to pop them for me, because I tend to kill my skin in the process & scar.

and my cuticles are a mess, even though I have about 4 different things of cuticle cream/oil sitting around.

Stephanie said...

Haha..I didn't change the puff applicator as often as I should too. To top it off, I would use the same puff to reapply even more powder throughout the day...Definite No-No!

Touching my face while I have makeup on and popping my zits are also a beauty thing I did and still kinda do, but instead of touching my face with my fingers, I use

Oooh my biggest beauty don't was OVER-Tweezing my eyebrows and using a brow PENCIL (the red ones by Maybelline i think) to fill them in!! Man, I had chola eyebrows!! haha ...memories

Shizznizzle said...

Biting my lips AFTER I put on lipstick... -_-' *sigh* some lipstick just smell/taste/smell-AND-taste yummy.. I can't help myself sometimes heheh

and popping zits of course, i mean come on...who's not in 'guilty' box on that matters huh?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Anonymous Girl, you and me are one of a kind! I actually LOVE feeling the tip of my nose when all the little pores are emptying. It's such a satisfying feeling! Lol. I think in each girl, we all have something we're all weird about. Clearly, I listed 9 of mine, lol!!

Has Monday been kind to you?

Krystle Krystle, I sooo don't sanitize my phone and I have the tykes, lol.

And I agree with you wholeheartedly on the slouching. Matter of fact, I'm doing it right now! I really try to be conscious of it but a millisecond later I end up slumping. It's gotten so bad that my back is weak and hurts when I bend at certain angles. I feel sooo old! Lol.

And don't laugh, but I'm on my 2nd charger and just ordered my 3rd! Hubbo scolded me about not taking care of it and of course I tried to justify that I was. As he entered the account info to PayPal he goes, "obviously not!" LOL.. it was priceless!

So are you from the Windward side of the island? I remember you said Maryknolls. Speaking of which, I passed by there the other day when I was playing taxi, hah. I totally thought of you.

Cindy Oh Cindy. What a scary feeling, huh? I remember how there used to be spots on the puff from the accumulation of oil. And all I could think was, "why does it keep doing that??" LOLOL!

Girl, you had me cracking up at my laptop about your husband and sister smacking you around! At least you have some sort of (physical) intervention. I have to muster up some will power to fight my habits. And you can imagine the kind of will power I have if I see cosmetics I like that subconsciously make it into my cart. Hah.

mayaari I'm not that bad at washing my face. It's a blue moon that I actually will not doing it. But I wake up in the morning and have to wash right away. Makes me shiver, hah.

I actually used to be the same way about lotion. Had so many different scents and what not, but now I don't even bother. I should because I'm so ashy looking, but I figure as long as my makeup looks good, it don't matter ;)

I pick my zits. I should wear a darn badge for doing so, lol. I try to squeeze without the nails and instead use tips of my fingers to apply less pressure.

The only time I do my cuticles are when I do my nails. And after having the tykes, I don't do them on a regular basis anymore. Oh well, lol.

Stephanie Hey Stephanie! I totally did that. It was so gross because it had patches of where it looked wet on the sponge but it was really the oil that accumulated over time. Talk about gross, huh!

I give it up to you girl that you use a tissue. I pop mine right after I wash my face since everything is clean. Then I go to town, lol.

Ooohh, the red pencils. I still have some of those but I keep them in my purse for waterline touchup, just in case. Never happens but then never say never :)

Have you ever gone back to look at your pictures before you wore makeup and seen your face in the full grown out era? I was looking at my pictures a few months ago and thought if only I could have that bare canvas to work with now. Untouched, hah.

nanzy I think everyone HAS to pop their zits. I really can't stand seeing whiteheads. They are sooo grossly unattractive. I'd rather see bumps and redness than a whitehead. I'm such a beauty sinner, hah.

So through your buffet of appetizing lipstick, which one is the best tasting? I have a friend who would eat lipstick/lipgloss out of the tube if it weren't entirely weird.

B said...

When I was younger, my friends and I would share mascara and now that I look back on it....that is nasty and extremely unsanitary!

I'm guilty of touching my face all of the time too which is a bad habit.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Divine Blackness Oh yah girl. Been there, done that also with the mascara. How gross we were back in the days, lol.

Xuanie said...

hello mrs lynne, i swear i wrote something last night, but i must of not written out the right word code, because sometimes my letters can get mixed up. lol but anyways really good question!

i always tug on my eyelids when putting e/l on, i know its bad but i cant put e/l if i dont it just doesnt turn out right.

i always wash my makeup off no matter what, how late, how tired, or how drunk i am! lol

i have to put body lotion on after i shower if i dont and i realized it i take everything off and put lotion on! lol im weird i know

i like to pick at my face, if i see a pimple it will be taken care of, i pick at my blackheads and all that

i never get my hair trim, its either i let it grow out or cut it for a new style

i know this is probably bad but i dont throw out my mascara after 3 mnths i forget sometimes, and im just w.e with it.

anyways thats all i can think of for now.

MakeupByRenRen said...

again, another great post! soooo a lot of times if it's late...i'll take off my makeup with a makeup remover wipe, and that's it! no follow up washing or moisturizer, bad me! and there's always evidence of it the next morning when i see the eyeliner residue on my waterline that can usually only be removed with a q-tip, ewwww

Krystle said...

I actually spent half of my life in Waipahu, then moved out to the Windward side my soph year of high school. But yup little Maryknoll stands beside the freeway. Can you believe the portion of the freeway in front of the high school used to be Maryknoll property?

how's the new site coming along?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Xuanie Hiya Xuanie!

I know how that is on the eyelid tugging. I used to do that so much before and to accompany that with rubbing my eyes, let's just say that my eyelids are losing their elasticity :( So due to the scare, I no longer stretch my lids when I apply liner. It sucks but I make due.

I'm always picking at my face. Not as much when I have makeup on because I don't like seeing foundation under my nails. But when I'm bare faced? Oooh, Disneyland, lol! Do you ever pick at your pores? I get strange enjoyment out of this. That's weird, hun!

I'm guilty of keeping my mascara a bit longer also. Especially since I don't do my face everyday, I like to think that the 3 month rule applies to the days it's used and not 3 months use or no use, hah. That's me being naive ;)

Ren Oh sis! You know what I noticed? Even though I don't tightline, I still have to remember to run a Q-tip across it because the liner from my waterline transfers. I had washed my face and knew I had taken my waterline liner off but was wondering why it kept on getting dark. Then I ran a Q-tip on my tightline area and there was the culprit, lol.

Krystle Ok, I hope that was the right school. I saw Maryknoll when I was trying to get to the freeway from McCully, if you remember that street. It looked kind of small but it was probably just a small corner of the school.

The site is pretty ready for launch. I'll have to go and update the posts as an ongoing project, but the gist of the layout is complete. We can always grow from there ;) Thanks for asking :)

Btw, did you ever get to check out Soft Brown yet?

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