MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

March 25, 2008

FOTD: Heatherette... Here I Come!

Heatherette for MAC is one of MAC's (many) collections that has sent people through the roof. Although I thought it was a hit or miss release, I personally wasn't as floored as I wish I was. But I did manage to walk away with the Heatherette Eyeshadow Trio 1.

In this lovely hot pink bubblegum casing encloses Hoppin' (frosty baby pink), Mood Ring (light sea green with teal specks), and Cloudburst (smoldering black with green reflects) which is what I used to combat this look for the eyes. I selected Fafi's Perky Paint Pot as my color enhancing base and highlighted with Shroom eyeshadow, a permanent MAC product. Feeling Beauty Powder Blush enhances the cheeks while the Scuplt & Shape Duo (Shadester/Lightsweep) join forces to contour and highlight. Capping off the look, I used NYX's Aphrodite Lipstick.

Are your Heatherette for MAC goodies making friends with the rest of the bunch yet? Do share!

Mrs. Lynne

(all MAC unless stated otherwise)

Studio Finish Concealer NW35 (finger)
Studio Touch-Up Stick NW30 (undereye)
Studio Stick Foundation SPF15 NC43 (even out skin color - 242)
Buff'd Custom Formula One (182)
Feeling Beauty Powder Blush (169)
Shadester/Lightsweep Sculpt & Shape Powder (169, 129)


STILA Brow Set (266)


Perky p/p with moisturizer (lid - 242)
Hoppin e/s (lid - 239)
Mood Ring e/s (inner lid, inner lower lashline - 239, 219)
Cloudburst e/s (outer lid, crease, outer lower lashline - 217, 219)
Beige-ing s/s (base for lower lashline)
Shroom e/s (highlight - 239)
Blacktrack Fluidline (outer upper lashline - 208)
Graphblack Technakohl (waterline)
L'Oreal Double Extend Base & Covergirl Lash Blast

NYX Aphrodite

Would you like to share your Heatherette for MAC finished masterpieces with your fellow MakeupFixers? Please email me your photos along with a list of the products used and we'll showcase your talent! Remember, it's all about inspiration here :)

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

49 makeovers:

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Sis Chris. I imagine you were so close to seeing the colors in person since you almost took a stroll into the store. I can't wait for your first purchase!!! Hah.

Jaclyn Rose said...

looks good, mama! now I want trio 1, errrr.. what are you doing to me twin?! =) All jokes aside, I really need to cut back on the makeup buying, seriously. LOL. ok, i'm really not joking. errr.. but then you post up more info on upcoming MAC collections. aaaaaaaahhhh, what to do...

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I feel you Jackie. These collections are driving the bank mad! It's kind of sad that I'm hoping for not so good collections to come out just to recover :/

Btw, I thought you did get Trio 1. I guess I was mistaken?

Seymone said...

I love the look.. I am really starting to appreciate the Heatherette collection more.

Xuanie said...

i like the tech, you did on this very nice and something new! how the middle looks bare or is bare and the two side colors i def. have to try it for myself!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Seymone. I think I'm still on the fence about the collection but I can always make due, hah. But I love the looks you've been coming up with!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Xuanie.

Thanks girl. It does look bare, huh?! Hoppin' is so light on me but it's there, lol.

How is your Wednesday so far? Did your cousin go home yet or is he still here?

Xuanie said...

still the look looks very nice! i been testing out the middle light color. tried it on Saturday night when i went out, tried taking picture but didn't look right when i took pictures so i didn't post them.

my wednesday is good, nothing special just wish it was FRIDAY already! lol

my cousin is still here he will be leaving Sunday afternoon, so i have a weekend left with him!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I think using a light color in the middle is one technique that needs to be paired with the right inner lid color. If not, you get the scared look, lol. (I speak from experience, lol!) Not like going from light to dark which is MUCH easier. I don't think I did it right either but was just testing the waters. To me, it's almost like wearing white on the waterline. It's an acquired look and technique, I guess. Practice, practice, practice :)

I wish it was Friday also! I'm telling you. We need to speak to whoever in charge of dealing out only 2-day weekends. They should at least up it to 3 or 4, lol.

Do y'all plan on taking the cuz anywhere for the remainder of his stay?

Krystle said...

I likie!!!! I don't even know if thats how you spell it. haha. I can't wait to see the looks you create using your pigments!

Karen said...

That is one hot look, mama! Great outer V action. I will have to try your lash combo some day!

Piece of Cake said...

I envy the countouring job. Seems one needs a PhD to get that one right. I still yet to master lining my eyes like yours. I just bought blacktrack and my current lining work looked like it was done by my 5 yo girl. Perhaps a tutorial is in order, Mrs. Lynne. *hint hint*

Btw, are all the heatherette shadows shimmery? The ones you had on seemed to pack on lots of shimmer on them.

Jenn said...

Your lashes are amazing Lynne!! they fan outwards so nicely!! i'm eyeing this es trio too! hows the pigmentation for these shadows? good?

You're sooo right! i'm so going to expand my miniscule brush collection! lol! i'm eyeing the 182, 169 and 129 brushes next (yeah you probably can guess that i'm a blush girl! lol!) :D i'm still undecided whether i should get the 208 or the 266 for lining though... i'll save that headache for myself until i officially get my first fluidline! lol!

my favourite blue has got to be the all famous parrot! Freshwater comes a very close second! whats yours? :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Much mahalos Krystle! I'm almost a little shy to use my pigments. I'm better at potted eyeshadows so I'm a little intimidated with loose eyeshadow. But I know that Pink Pearl is calling my name! Do you own any pigments?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Sis Karen! Mmmm, I don't really think the base of the Double Extend is really anything just to be honest. I just use it because of the microfibers and plus, it's just sitting there. Gotta make use of it somehow, haha.

What mascara do you find works well for you?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Piece of Cake!

I think makeup in general needs a PhD, lol! I still have FOTDs (that I don't post, lol) that are proof that I don't have my degree yet and are exactly like the circles my 2 year old draws, hah.

The liner tutorial is definitely on my to-do list. I'm thinking that I may have to do a video on it though because I don't think that a picture tutorial would justify my way very clearly. We'll see. But it is coming :)

As for the Heatherette shadows. The trio that I have are semi-dimensional colors. Well, more accurately there's a Frost, Veluxe Pearl, and Velvet. So those have some edge of shimmer to them. But it may seem more pronounced on the pictures because I did use Perky paint pot under which is a shimmery pink color base.

Are you contemplating on getting one of the Heatherette Trios?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey crazychick!

The pigmentation of the trios are nice, but not bold. Like they're not jewel-toned or anything. This particular trio seems just in time for Easter, hah.

OMG! Those are my every look 3 face brushes. I love my 182 which I use to buff my foundation on. And of course the 169 and 129 for cheek action ;) As for the liner brush, I find that the 208 works better for me than the 266. The 208 is shorter in bristles which give me better control on my lining. I was having a hard time maintaining control with a 266 because the length of the bristles are longer and a bit more flimsy for me. I can use it, it just doesn't make me feel comfortable though. So I just use it for my eyebrows, hah.

I LOVE PARROT! It's sooo pretty. My favorite blue would probably have to be that as well. And if Delft p/p came in eyeshadow form, then that also, hah. Speaking of Freshwater, I would probably break that out sometime soon. Haven't used it in a while.

MakeupByRenRen said...

ohhhh pretty! i really like that look...with the nude color in the middle and darker outer crease...that's a look i think i'm going to try super soon...i love pairing these heatherette eyeshadows with my fafi paint pots, they belong together!

(g)ezebel said...

oooo, very pretty! i made a heatherette order online, but my card was maxxed out already. i'm hoping that MAC will just cancel the order, though. eesh. $105 in lipstick and lip gloss. i wasn't impressed with the eyeshadows, but they sure look fantastic on you!

Xuanie said...

Hey mrs lynne! I will totally keep in mind what you said about the inner lid color when i try this tech next time. thanks

I totally agree with you on the whole weekend thing! why only 2 days? i think it should be 3 days. 2 to party and 1 to rest and relax! dont you think that would be perfect? lol

as for my cousin, i believe were just having a house party for him on Saturday, so hopefully that will be fun. what are your plans this weekend? taking the little ones anywhere?

Krystle said...

Yea, the pigments are intimidating (and messy!) I like to put them in little jars (like MAC sample jars) and use them from there. I only own Tan and Vanilla pigment. I want more, but I don't see myself using them as much. LOL. I do want a pink pigment (maybe pink opal) that I can use to mix with my lipgloss for my lips because vanilla and tan make my lips look gold or brown. haha. Have you seen Pursebuzz's Joys of Vanilla Pigment video? She lists several ways she uses vanilla pigment. Thats what got me into it.

nilla cookie said...

Love it! It's kinda like the gray I did, but mine's not as good, ha!

I also really love the lippie, gorgeous as usual!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

They sure do Ren! I've even tried Mood Ring on top of Rollickin' - yawza!! Can't wait to see how this technique rolls on ya. I'm sure it will look amazing. Your looks always are :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey (g).. as long as your credit card is open for May's releases, passing on Heatherette will be very forgivable ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Happy Friday Xuanie!!

Not working in general would be all fab with me, lol! I know we can all make better use of our time if we didn't have to.

As for this weekend, probably not much. Have to take the Big Tyke to Gymboree since we have him enrolled in one of the classes for his age. It's good because then he release that hyperness on the other kids there, lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Krystle!

I did see Pursebuzz's video on the Vanilla pigment! Who would have ever thought that it could be so versatile, huh?

I'll have to check on the Pink Opal next round. I'm not familiar with pigments so I'll have to crash course it sooner or later, hah.

Have any plans for the weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi nilla cookie,

Aphrodite is a gorgeous NYX color. I only wish it was a little more creamier. But definitely nothing a little lip conditioner wouldn't fix, hah.

I really liked your gray look! I'd love to see you tackle a true matted smokey eye though. I wanna see the true Nilla Cookie Vixen! ;)

LeAnne@Hairs My Story Team said...

Very beautiful. I'll add your site to my blogroll and don't be surprised if I write a piece on here.

na said...

Great look! I bought this trio as well, but was tired of the same look that all the MAs seemed to be sporting (teal on lid, black in crease).

nilla cookie said...

Every time I try to do a darker gray smoky eye, I feel like I look like I have a black eye! LOL

Hope your weekend is a good one so far! :)

Jamie said...

I think your eyes look amazing! I love the shimmery shadows and the dark black liner. Very glam!

JANE said...

You have beautiful big eyes Lynne :) I love the trio on you. It's hard to resist buying these trios when everyone's getting their hands on them and coming up with such gorgeous looks, like yours!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi LeAnne! Glad to see you back, girl :) Thank you for the add. Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Heya Emilee,

Yah, don't the normal placement of things get kind of redundant after awhile? I was kind of feeling the same way and thought I'd see what would happen if I switched it around. Haha.

How is your day going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Nilla Cookie!

Smokeys are hard, huh! I've only done the ones that are on this blog. Other than that, I'm still a full dark smokey newbie, hah.

My weekend is now over :( Time for a new week - ugh, lol! How was your weekend?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Aww, you're such a sweetheart ladyjane. Thank you :) Did you get anything from Heatherette?

nilla cookie said...

Hiya Mrs. Lynne!

I had a great weekend, I'm totally exhausted from Chicago, but I'm glad to be back. :)

I'm so bad at smokey eyes and am super lazy at practicing too.. one of these days!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Glad to have you back nilla cookie!

I don't have time to practice either. I kind of just cross my fingers and hope it looks good. If not, it doesn't get posted ;) LOL!

Anonymous said...

I loved this look. I replicated it today with mineral eyeshadows in similar shades, and it looked really good :-)


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