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[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

February 27, 2008

Site News: MakeupFix Is Getting A Makeover!

Behind the scenes here at MakeupFix, I've been breaking out my webmaster skills and working some extra hours to develop a better site layout and incorporate a more user-friendly navigation for you folks. I'm so excited to share with you the end result and my hope is that it will help you, the readers, have better access to the information on here as you are the reason this blog keeps thriving in it's success. Which I cannot THANK YOU enough!

I will be unveiling soon, as I need to do some tidying up, but some things will just be an ongoing and on-growing process. But my main focus is that the information for the avid and loyal readers as well as new incoming readers are able to navigate through 100+ and GROWING posts with some sort of ease. If you've been a part of this amazing creation from the beginning, you're quite lucky you don't have much catching up to do, hah.

During the period prior to unveiling, I will be disabling the blog temporarily so you folks can't peek at the layout until it's completely ready. I will post the details beforehand of when the disabling will happen and for how long. This is a just a heads up since some of the readers called me out when I was incorporating my domain name and it was forwarding to a parked page, lol! I got your backs yo!

In other news, I realize that there are starting to be days between my posts as well as comment and email responses. Believe me that it's not because I don't have anything to blog about, that I'm hitting blogger's block, or that I'm purposely avoiding my audience. I have TONS to write on, just so little time to get them accomplished. The 4-monther is phasing a constantly changing schedule (could it be some teeth??) and energetic Big Tyke is well... energetic and definitely in the toddler years, hah!

But rest assured that offline, I'm very much active in formulating content for the blog: I have an excel spreadsheet made for the requests I've been getting as well as a standard college rule notebook to note my product reviews as the products are put through rigid trials and thoughts on post topics.

And as I'm patiently (!!!) waiting for a new laptop charger to be sent my way, I'm working off my bandaged-with-electrical-tape-laptop (no joke!!) with the disco-effected flickering screen of a battery who can't make up it's mind to stay on or off. Clearly, I'm trying to haul this bad boy to it's bitter end before I have to give it up and bring on a new technical member.

Thanks again folks for always being so patient with the requests and most importantly, for understanding that at times I literally have my hands tied but that I really do try my best to divide and conquer. Don't ever let that discourage you from contacting me or leaving comments, just know the reason behind my delays. You folks are the best and until the day that I can hire help (for the tykes! lol.) or do this for a living, it's only me versus y'all so I'll do my best :)

But hang tight with me folks. This ride is just getting started...

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

14 makeovers:

Seymone said...

Hey Hey.. I wish you all the best with the website. By the way, I am back from my hiatus.

mayaari said...

looking forward to seeing your new site :) and your poor laptop - hope that new battery gets there soon!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Seymone Thanks Seymone! I'm excited...

Ooh yah. And welcome back love!

mayaari Oh sis. Me too! You should see it, it's sooo ghetto, lol! The corner of my laptop looks like someone (or something!) chewed it off because it's missing. And then I got the electrical tape holding the charger plug in place because the wires are loose! These words don't justify, hah.

yummy411 said...

you are so sweet!

can't wait to see the new layout.

blogging is a hobby (passion). the baby's are a priority ;) hang in there!

Xuanie said...

i cant wait to see the new site i bet its great. mus tbe hard to try to maintain everything and plus have a family eps with two little kids, but your still great for doing the site! much love!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

yummy411 Thanks mama :) It does seem tough some days when I'm also battling the drive to make this a working passion, but my kids will ALWAYS be my priority :) They are only small for a little while and I'm soaking in as much as I can. I'm sure that's what you did with Baby Yum :)

Thanks for the support mama. I really appreciate it!

Xuanie Hey girl! I really hope the new layout delivers. I just know that the way it's setup now its kind of all over the place, hah.

But thanks for the love Xuanie! No matter how challenging the days get behind this screen, doing this blog and interacting with you cool readers is what keeps my sanity at bay. I am so thankful :)

Vanessa said...

I love you sis! Can't wait to see the new site, I am almost done with mine and I get the feeling I will be switching it up more often! :)

Jenn said...

Hey Lynne! I can't wait to see your new site too! :) I really salute you for raising two kids without any help, plus authoring all these great detailed entries! i can only imagine how exhausting this is for you! Hang in there! :)

BTW, i had a "bandaged" adapter too!! mine happened because my father chopped one end off to fix unto another spoiled adapter of his to see if it's really a cable issue or the adapter itself is spoilt for good. :P so my adapter has a "tumour" - a wire connecter wrapped in plenty of tape, so ugly!!! hahaha!

nilla cookie said...

Hey Mrs. Lynne!

I cannot WAIT to see the new site - but then again I think you already knew that, LOL!

We know that you love us and that you still have a life beyond this. We love and appreciate you for always giving great content whenever you can :)

xoxo, Lilan

Krystle said...

nooooo don't go offline for a few days! haha just kidding. I am excited to see the new site.

Did your charger break again or is this the same one?

Jaclyn Rose said...

ooooh, twin, so excited for the new site. and I can so imagine what your laptop looks like. hehe, we get customers who come in with the craziest looking laptops and dust ridden desktops.

and just wanted to say thank you for bringing all of the informative and lovely info you bring on your site here. i know what it feels like to be a mommy and trying to balance this thing we call life. so I can definitely imagine where you're coming from on being pressed for time. if only they had more hours in the day, we can accomplish so much more right?

B said...

Peace 'an blessings, Auntie Lynne. You know we ain't goin' nowhereeeee. Although I do understand your sentiments in not wanting your readers to think you have forgotten about them. No worries. We are all students, workin' women, Mothers, and have responsibilities that most of the time have to come before the blog. Tis cool. I just can't wait to see the new home!!!!!

Today's word verification is: payaouf.

It will ouf! LOL!

Jackie said...

i just discovered your blog, but seeing how i already like your current layout a lot, i can't wait to see what you've got in store next!
if you ever need any help (writers block or anything), i'm here and i'm bored :]

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Nessa I can't wait to see yours also!

crazychick Thanks for the support crazychick.

LOL! Your adapter had open-heart surgery girl! I'm so glad mine shipped out the other day!!

Nilla Cookie Thanks for your loyalty and encouragement Nilla Cookie. I truly appreciate it!

Krystle Hey Krystle! This is actually the same one. It got worse and I think it's because I use my laptop on the bed and it gets bent all weird. I taped it with electrical wire, but now it's at a point where it needs to be bent in a different direction just to hold the charge, lol.

missjaclynrose Hey mama! I've seen some pretty weird ones too when I used to work retail for a computer accessory store. But I still feel ghetto-fied by mine, lol.

And I'm so glad that we can relate on so many levels. It's definitely challenging here on the other side but we all keep it on, you know? But I appreciate the heartwarming comments twin :)

Divine Blackness Thanks for being so understanding Divine Blackness. You are a such a sweetheart to me and I really appreciate your support.

And YES!! This will all pay 'ouf' in the end :) Cheers to that!!

eikcaj Hi eikcaj! Thanks for offering to avail yourself to me. That is very sweet of you :))))

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