MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

February 19, 2008

Let's Discuss: Would You Work For Your Favorite Cosmetics Company?

When I'm at the MAC store, I get this feeling of exhilaration because I'm passionate about color and I love cosmetics. I've often left the store muttering to myself that it must probably be so great to work there. Having access to the entire collection, skinny on the new releases, sharing makeup skills with others, learning firsthand techniques from the company I nearly pour all my disposable income into,... the list can go on!

But are all the reasons that make me love shopping there enough reasons for me to tolerate working there?

I've had this conversation with myself on a couple of occasions. And when it all boils down to it, I would honestly love the opportunity to work for my favorite cosmetics company; in this case MAC. I'm all about the experience in being able to flourish my skills and challenging myself to get more creative beyond my capacity that to embellish a career in it would just be a blessing.

Or if I can blog about it for a living, that would be great also :)

If you were given the chance to work for your favorite cosmetics company, would you hop on it? Or is your makeup obsession something you would keep separate from your career?

Mrs. Lynne

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

34 makeovers:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's better to have them separate. But if you're truly passionate about it and not only just applying makeup to yourself. Then go for it. Can you handle the mass of customers? Can you separate your own taste with that of your company and customers? Does M.A.C. makeup test on animals? While in college I had this dream of working for L'Oreal (cuz you're worth it lol). But after learning about the industry, it's not much fun. Or may be too much fun. It's all about image (it's the makeup industry DUH!). Everything IS about image and your outer appearance had to be perfect at least for L'Oreal. Lots of parties to attend too. You make a lot of money but you spend a lot of money too to look the part. It's tiring if you ask me. Work hard and party hard and at the end of the day you're empty or run dry. For me, as much as I love makeup and it all, I can't keep up. And honestly I feel shallow because you are selling an image and self-esteem. I hope that didn't totally ruin your whole image of it because it can be fun and may be you can do well. BTW I love your blog. :-) I never comment.

Unknown said...

hell yea i would work for mac, but i dont think i'll make it as my money maker. hahaha but i actually want to pick up a part-time job there just for fun... but i dont think they'll hire me :(

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

I don't think I could ever work for any makeup company because I'm not comfortable applying makeup on other people. Also, everyone has a certain preference when it comes to how they like their makeup and I'm not sure if I'd be able to conform to something that I don't agree with. I love colors and I love PLAYING with makeup but I don't think it's something that I could do for a living. :] It's just for fun for me, and I hardly ever put on makeup so it would be an EXTRA hassle to have to go to work all dolled up all of the time. :P Maybe, I'm just a lazy ass. LOL!

Thanks for the comment on my blog sis, google videos has THOROUGHLY pissed me off though. UGH! LOL.

mayaari said...

I think if you're passionate enough about something, pursuing as a career AND enjoying it as a hobby would be worthwhile.

I'd love to work for MAC, or get a license as a makeup artist or something of that nature, but unless that was some kind of miracle stepping stone, I would keep that as a part-time job or freelance...I'd still want some kind of "regular" job stability to pay the bills...and pay for more makeup! :)

Vanessa said...

I prefer to keep makeup somewhat separate from my career, I love what I do (advertising), and seriously it's a nice step away from makeup and collections sometimes (just the hype and questions about certain products), but then again I have days where I like delving into makeup and it's joys and not be bothered with anything else!

I basically look at it like it's paradise and I just don't want to get "sick" of I can never live in Hawaii because I like looking forward to going there, if I lived there, it wouldn't be so much of a special place for me to go to....

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Anonymous Hi there! I toootally agree with you too on everything! I also think about the industry and the upkeep just to maintain an image. That definitely does sound draining to me especially with the tykes and not having enough time to get ready, you know?

But I guess the opportunity I see that I'm just fond of is learning makeup application techniques from the company. I'm kind of weird like that that when I'm taught to do something, I like being taught from the source. I would suck all the challenges up and do it for the experience and if it turned into a career, then cool. If not, then I'm at peace with that also. The whole when a door closes, another one opens :)

And you didn't ruin the image of it at all hun :) I do a lot of advocating in all my decisions and I've definitely encountered those same points you addressed.

But I completely appreciate your input. It's interesting to just know how others respond to these "Let's Discuss" based on either their experiences or if they were faced with the given situation :)

Also, thanks for semi-introducing yourself, hah. I hope to hear from you again! Have a great week.

Anne Yah, girl. I totally wouldn't mind a part-time job there to learn more tricks. More likely a dream that'll never happen though, lol. But that's cool :)

What are you going to be doing while bf is out of town?

Chris I'm probably just as lazy as you are! Lol. I think I'll just stick to doing makeup on the side instead because at least with that, I can go at my own pace :)

Boo for the technical difficulties! I got your back sis. You just let me know ;)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Mayaari I really like how you worded your response. I feel the same way. I would love to work for MAC if the opportunity presented itself, although HIGHLY UNLIKELY, lol.

But I wouldn't mind do something else either and keeping my makeup gig on the side :)

Nessa I'm at that same intersection sis! I have those days when I want everything to do with makeup and those days when I want absolutely nothing to do with it. At the same time, isn't everything kind of like that? Hah.

And I thought about the same thing before I moved here. But I think being born and raised in CA and then coming here, I have more appreciation for where I came from. Plus, I like change (sometimes, hah).

The nice thing about living on the side of the island where we live is that when we do take a night on the town, it's just like we're on vacation :)

Anonymous said...

well lynne, i think that it would be a great opportunity and experience to work part time at MAC, helping and applying makeup to others. You get to encounter so many different problems and finding the way to solve them is the best part. There is a lot to keep up with and in this industry if you don't look the part, you just won't get the respect, unless you are absolute BOMB at applying makeup to others. that is the key point, you become a makeup artist when you are able to create and execute, not only on yourself, but on others. That is why you don't need to have a license to practice makeup artistry. the ability to understand light and color are the basis for any art, the ability to keep the creative juices flowing with new ideas and keeping it fresh is the hardest part, but all that comes with talent and passion and you my lovely have both. keep doing what your're doing and i guarantee you will love working at mac....i don't recommend working for sephora tho...

L said...

i don't think i'd ever be able to work for a cosmetics company only because of i know how some girls can get. but if you're interested, go for it!! i'll definitely come visit you at a MAC store.

yummy411 said...

oh mrs. lynne! this is two questions in one that i've actually been pondering about for the last few months.

part one: would i work for one? yes, but given that i'm a single mom, i don't think i'm ready to take on two jobs (three with blogging hahha) a kid and making sure he's top priority. i feel like i'm doing okay with one full time and having a "passion/interest" in makeup. i also thought about sacrificing it for a few months for the experience, etc. however that whole being dolled up to work there is a blower. one MA i would talk to had to dress the theme of the day (during smoke signals) smokey eyes, nude lips, trendy black clothes, heels... all while battling terrible allergies...oh hell no! LOL things like that make you think!

part two: combining your career with your interest/passion... ugh this makes my stomach turn. since my day job isn't one that i love (nor do i hate, but i know i can't be complacent) i know i have to keep moving in a different direction. i thought, 'why not make money doing what i love?' sometimes, putting a price to your passion that others don't always appreciate takes the fun out of it. dealing with the industry or any other parties also sometimes takes the fun out of doing what you do.

it's all stuff i have to consider if i want to take this further than just an interest/passion......

p.s. are you going to join us for our beauty bloggers 80's theme challenge?

Anonymous said...

Sephora has its own line of cosmetics, right? That's one of my dream jobs, to work for Sephora at their US corporate HQ. But no, I would hate to work the counters, if that's what you meant.

Jaclyn Rose said...

hey twin, funny you should ask this. not too long ago, i was actually debating on if I should change industries. I've been working in the computer industry for so long now. I mean I'll always love computers and technology no matter what, but I really wanted to get into cosmetology. I even looked into classes and everything to get my certifications. But because of my busy schedule with work, I would have to sacrifice a lot, IE: working less hours at my current job to go to classes (which i can't afford), time with my kids and hubby (which I won't be able to get back). Changing careers is definitely going to be tough, but if you're starting out in it then definitely go for it. As for the makeup industry, just like any other, you gotta have the patience and motivation and most of all the passion to get into it full fledged as a career.

Stephanie said...

I love makeup, but it's not something I could see myself doing especially on others. lol I don't have the confidence for that, at least not yet. I'm still working on my own look..haha. Plus, my career passion lies in the medical field =).

Xuanie said...

if i was really good at makeup i would probably want something to do with the makeup industry, as for applying it on other people probably not because some people can be picky and its hard to please people. but i would love to be one of those people that try out new products, i think that would be fun!

Jenn said...

i would LOVE to work at MAC! that'll be like a childhood dream come true for me! just being around those rows and rows of colors makes me ecstatic! my mum is a beautician, and i remember how excited i was when she applied makeup for her clients (especially the brides! lol!) that she had to shoo me away (was always poking my head beside hers to get a better look!)! lol!

i don't think i'm good enough for the industry though, i still have trouble applying makeup on myself!! haha!!

thanks for asking about my weekend! i had a wonderful 6 days trip to Bangkok with my darling, where i get to visit the magnificent ruins of Ayutthaya, stuff my face silly with all those delicious food, and of course, shop till i literally DROP! my legs and arms were aching for days following that! lol!

Anonymous said...

MAC is also my favorite line, but no, I would not go to work for them. When I decided to become a makeup artist, I wanted to give myself the opportunity to freelance and be my own boss and that's what I've done. Working as an artist in the stores/at the counter would give invaluable experience, but I think I've had similar experiences on my own.

Now, if MAC were to come and ask me to be one of their big-time celebrity artists? Well ... that might be a different story - LOL!

nilla cookie said...

Ya know, I think that I'd love to work for my favorite cosmetics company!

I used to work in the cosmetics and fragrance dept at Macy's and it was SOO much fun! I'd consider doing it again - if it paid all my bills! :)

(g)ezebel said...

hmmm. good question! i've always, always, always wanted to work in nordstrom -- in the women's shoes department!!

i like to buy and apply makeup, but honestly, i don't believe i have the skills to put makeup on other people nor the patience to deal with stupid people. and the fact that my face totally shows whatever emotion i'm feeling. like if someone picked out a really ugly eyeshadow, i'd have this really gagged out look on my face and lose the sale!! haha

MakeupByRenRen said...

good topic...actually i've thought about working for MAC, done my research and everything...and honestly i think it would be great to be there and experience it and all...but then i see how ppl say that a lot of times they just hire for looks and if that person can sell...i want to be able to do makeup without fear of being reprimanded for not making my quota you know? now if they elimated all that...then i would be down!

Anonymous said...

Hanford?! Oh my gosh! It definitely is a small world! That is quite funny. I used to live in Lemoore actually. Which is even closer to Hanford than Visalia. Well, I absolutely love what you've done here! Providing help and tutorials for those who are makeup-incompetent. Keep doin' what you do!

B said...

I soooo used to want to for MAC when I first got obsessed with their products. But that would mean droppin' my other future aspirations. And I'm not big into wearing make-up all day everyday. You kinda have to if you work for a make-up company. Being a make-up artist seems like so much fun, though. Only in another life. *siiiigh*

Mrs. Lynne, said...

chi Well said. I think it would be a great opportunity also, but I think I'd only jump on it if they offered it to me because they heard I was good. Very fat chance of that happening, hah.

Lisa This is more of just a hypothetical situation so to speak. I don't think I'm ready to go through the entire process just to work there, unless it was offered to me - which I doubt, lol. All personality differences aside though, I think it would be a great environment to learn and gain experience.

How are you enjoying your Fafi loot?

yummy411 I couldn't have said it better myself! You hit my feelings exactly right on the money.

And I am partaking in the 80's challenge! Oh shoot, did my comment not go through?

MandyPandy You know, I wouldn't mind working behind the scenes either. Like work for the company, just not in the retail end of it. I'm totally down with that! Where do I sign up?? Hah.

missjaclynrose Each conversation we have girl, I'm starting to discover more and more how alike we are. We must have been separated at birth!

Cosmetology has been a dream of mine since highschool but I never enrolled because timing was just never right. And speaking of it, I was actually supposed to start school at Paul Brown next month. But since Hubbo is going to finish school, I'll wait until he's done, unless things change by then.

But it's hard to make these decisions when you've got little ones to think about. I like what I'm doing now, which is blogging about it and doing hair/makeup on the side, and definitely wouldn't mind if I can pull it off as a living and put food on the table with it, you know?

Stephanie Hey girl. That's good though that you have passion elsewhere also. If I was to go into medical, I'd do either Rad Tech or Pharm Tech. But shhhh... don't tell my parents that, lol.

Xuanie Ooh yah. Product testing is always fun! If you find that job and they're hiring, you know where to find me!!

crazychick That's really awesome that your mom is in the industry. That means you get dibs on what it takes from the get-go!

And Bangkok? Wow! Wish I could say that! Sounded like tons of fun!!

Toya I'm so with you girl! "If MAC came to me..." I'm soo there, hah.

So how do you like freelancing so far? I wish I had more hours in the day.

Nilla Cookie You did! That's why you're so on the Bond No. 9!! It all makes sense now, hah.

Which counter did you work?

(g)ezebel LOL. Yah, probably best you stay on the other end of the counter love, hah.

OMG! You must have a million pairs of shoes in your closet! Any Manolos?

Ren That is exactly true sis. I would totally do it for the experience and would suck it up because that's what the industry requires, but in the back of my mind, that's also why I wouldn't want to work there.

When you find a store that has those rules, you come refer me girl! That would be so much fun, hah.

Nikki Thanks for the love girl. I appreciate it :)

I always see the Lemoore exit when I'm there so I know exactly how close that is! It's crazy, huh?

Divine Blackness Isn't there always so much to think about when you really ask yourself, how passionate are you? I'm passionate, but only for experience. And that's them coming to me and offering that, lol. They ain't coming soon girl that's for sure, lolollolol!!

nilla cookie said...

I used to work for the now defunct Tommy Hilfiger body and makeup. It was right next to Origins (where I found my love in Perfect World), Bourjois (discovered baked shadows here), Lorac (my favorite blush of all time), and Laura Mercier - uh, hello? EVERYTHING from Laura is FAB!!

Working there really fueled my curiousity in makeup and fragrance. I'd work part time at a counter again just to play with makeup and get to know the girls.

My real dream would be to work in brand marketing at some company.

PS - Sephora corporate is in SF, if ya ever wanna come back ;)

Anonymous said...

Well I can tell you from my own experience (I have worked for MAC for 3 years) that it is very exciting and interesting at first but then, you get stressed and caught up with the whole "sale" and "daily goal" focus and you may not enjoy being there anymore...If you do decide to work in a store or a counter, make sure that the team you work with is fun and that people help each other a lot. I worked at Pentagon and they have the best makeup artists was just like a lil family! I don't know where you live but if you are in the DC area, avoid working in VA as the regional manager (Kelly Chang) is just a b@#$%. Just an advice...
Nice blog you have!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Nilla Cookie Wow! That does sound very exciting. I wouldn't mind trying it out when the boys get older. That way I actually have time to look the part, lol.

Brand marketing does sound like a great aspect of the company to work for. I wouldn't mind that or being a product trainer. I like being the one to demonstrate things and educates on how certain methods/products work.

My good friend actually used to work for Sephora Corp. in SF. She was a Digital Production Artist but ended up leaving because of really bad management. She gave me the heads up on UDPP, lol.

You're not working for them now, are you?

eVaDiVa Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and giving insight on the discussion.

I'm located here in Hawaii, and I can definitely see how the bells and whistles can fade as time goes by. Even in my own experience as a customer in the store, I can sense the pressure on the MA as they are immediately turned off once you decide you're not purchasing anything. I'm the type of person that likes to give advice and offer my knowledge without there being some sort of incentive for my effort. I really like building the relationships with others because I think that solidifies more than just a quick sale.

Thank you kindly for informing the readers on here who are curious about working in the DC area. From the aspiring artists on here, this is just good to know.

Thanks for the kind words on the blog eVaDiVa! I truly appreciate it. Hope you're having a great week, and I do hope to hear from you more often :) Take care.

nilla cookie said...

Happy Aloha Friday!

I think that brand marketing would be really fun, I had actually wanted to work in PR when I was in school, but couldn't find anything fun. So now I'm a sales development manager for an online company.

Don't I WISH I were at Sephora now!! :)

nilla cookie said...

PS - You'd be GREAT as a product trainer!! You're always so throughout in your reviews of products :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Nilla Cookie OOohh, you sound important my dear! Is that the reason you moved to the bay area from SoCal?

Hubbo's friend actually does PR in the bay for some company. He said he loves what he does.

I think that me being thorough is just an OCD of mine. I'm very meticulous when it comes to certain things and I'm very scarily detail-oriented. But I'm glad it makes for good reading, lol.

And Happy Aloha Friday to you as well my dear!

nilla cookie said...

eh, I'm not that important - I just act like I am!! HA!

I think PR would be really fun. You never know where this life will lead us, ya know!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

I think I'm important, but not to anyone else, lolol. You know we all like to think and act like we're somebody famous sometimes.

PR, PR, PR... Yup, live it up girl. We're only here once. Better make the best of it :)

(g)ezebel said...

LOL!!! if i had manolos, my husband would KILL me, no joke. most of my shoes are muuuch cheaper: steve madden; 9 west; chinese laundry; bcbg; charles david, via spiga, j-lo; carlos santana; stuff like that. and yes, i have a BAJILLION shoes, most of 'em 3 1/2" to 4" stiletto heels.

psychoexgirlfriend said...

I think I'd like to work for a smaller makeup company, like Lola or Fresh. Ultimately, I'd like to blog for a living too since it combines two of my biggest passions - writing and makeup. Of course, this isn't feasible for everyone so I'll have to keep my day job (for now?)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Karen So would I sis! So would I :)

(g)ezebel Dang girl! Work out those legs. Boy, one day I'm going to go shoe shopping in your closet. YAY, shoe shopping at G's house ;) Hah.

psychoexgf I'm with you girl! I would LOVE to blog for a living. Hopefully with hard work and dedication we can one day live out our dream :)

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