MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is about love and whether or not you have a significant other to spend the day with, remembering those you care about and love is what this day is all about.

Aside from my passionate love for makeup because of its endless look/color combinations, I am quite the minimalist in general. I don't ever consider myself high maintenance other than the fact that I believe everyone should be respected equally and maturely. So when it comes to special days like Christmas, birthdays, and of course, Valentine's Day, I am quite the cheap date (lucky for Hubbo! hah) and am more humble in the fact that I'm just blessed to have what I do.

When Hubbo fell asleep last night, I went post-it crazy. I stuck little handwritten notes in hidden places that he eventually gets into in the course of the morning before leaving for work like his wallet, cell phone, the bathroom mirror, etc... and I made sure to attach a little sweet note to the steering wheel of the car, just when he thought he'd escape all the paper madness, right? Hah.

And when I woke up this morning, there was this pink card next to my pillow with my Big Boy greeting me "Happa Bah-len-time Dey".

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Look at the embossed sparkle detail on the card! I love texture...
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The Card:
We've shared a lot of happiness,
We've seen some dreams come true,
And every now and then we've had
Our share of worries, too...
But with every day our love has grown
Still deeper than before,
And with each passing year,
I know I'll love you even more.

Happy Valentine's Day

Hubbo's Note:
To my dearest love,
I couldn't imagine my life without you. You help keep me grounded and help me see more how truly special our lives are. You have blessed me with 2 beautiful boys and I couldn't be happier. Even though I am not able to shower you with gifts you truly deserve, I promise to make it up to you in the end. As you can tell I am not good with words. I love you with all my heart.

I'm a girl so of course I teared. Every word in this card really resonates with every aspect of our successes and struggles and couldn't be worded any better. I truly am lucky to have this genuine and caring person in my life as my life partner and father of my tykes. Nothing could be better than that.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Who are you sharing the love of today with?

Mrs. Lynne

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16 makeovers:

Xuanie said...

aww you and your hubby are too cute for words!!!! and happy valentines day !!!

MsLanie said...

awww... what a lovely card filled with your husband's words. I wish my husband writes like that (well, he does sometimes). Too sweet!!! Happy Valentine's day!

Jaclyn Rose said...

awwww... that is sooo sweet and sentimental. almost made me tear too.. i feel the same way too, i'm not so much so into the fancy schmancy, it's always the sentimental things that they do for us that pulls at our hearts and makes us do what we do for them... right? =)

Happy Vday to you too, dear.

nilla cookie said...

Oh Mrs. Lynne! That was so sweet of you to share! You and your husband are so lucky to have each other and we can only wish to share with our loved ones what you have together :)

Happa Bah-len-time Dey, to you and your whole family!!

xoxox, Lilan

Krystle said...

Aww you two are soo cute! Happy Valentine's Day!

I once put post-it notes all over the backseat of my bf's car telling him all the reasons why i love him. gotta love post it notes.

Caramel Macchiato said...

aaaaw! so sweet!
i'm new to your site mrs lynne, I love your tutorials! ^_^ thank you for spreading the beauty and happy valentines

mayaari said...

you and your husband are too cute! that card made me utter "aww" as I was reading it, and my BF asked what I was looking at :) it's not about extravagant flowers or chocolates or fancy dinners - it's the little things that count when you're with the ones you love.

am currently in a post-Chinese food coma and waiting for my stomach to settle, watching a little Romy & Michelle before working on a deadline for work :)

m said...

how sweet! i agree, it's all about the little things that make us melt :) you and your family are very lucky to have each other!

yummy411 said...

how beautiful! i love to see a blessed union! happy vday mama lynne!

MakeupByRenRen said...

awwww sighhhh too sweet! i love long thought out messages in are truly loved!

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is a beautiful card AND poem AND note your husband wrote!

Happy Valentine's Day xx

the Muse said...

*sniff* so romantic!

Happy V-Day!

My BF lives in the UK I really wish he could have been here ;)

Vanessa said...

OH MY GOD! How sweet! Awwww you guys are so cute and he is lucky to have you, and you are lucky to have him! I can't wait till we all go on a double date!

I hope you had an awesome V-Day!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Xuanie Thanks hun :) He's definitely a sweetheart, but can be a big baby sometimes, lol. What did you end up doing last night?

mrslanielovesmac Thanks girl. It's nice when they come out their shell, don't cha think? You folks got plans for the weekend?

missjaclynrose You said it sis! Hubbo always thinks it takes money to make a statement. And I tell him that there are so many things that we can do together that don't require us to spend a dime and that are more meaningful.

I think satisfying a girl is overrated because deep down, it is the sentimental things that do it for us. Well, at least for me and you for sure, hah.

Nilla Cookie Lilan, you would have no problem getting along with the Big Tyke, hah.

But thank you for the beautiful words. I know that you and bf have something very special because there's just a knowing when two people are in love :)

Happy Friday sis!

Krystle That's cute what you did. I bet he was happy to know all those reasons. I'd love Hubbo to use a pack on me, lol!

What's crackin' this weekend hun?

teng Hey Teng! Welcome and Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Glad you're liking the site!

Did you have any special plans for yesterday?

Mayaari That's right girlfriend - amen! Hah.

Uh, I wish we could find a decent Chinese place here. We used to have a decent variety when I was in CA but over here, we'd need to drive to the other side of the island to Chinatown. I'm not that down, lol.

You are a workaholic woman. You are definitely an asset to that company!

May Yah! Another sentimentalist in the house - woot! What did you end up doing last night?

yummy411 Thanks mama! Were you babyYum's Valentine?

Ren Thanks girl:)

Me too. I could actually care less what the card says, hah. The written takes precedent.

Julie Thank you Julie. How did you spend Valentine's Day yesterday?

the Muse But like you said girl, we don't need a special day to tell someone we love them. So even if he wasn't there, I'm sure that all the other days are just as special :)

Have a great weekend hun.

Nessa I can't wait to meet YOUR Prince Charming, young lady! He sounds quite the catch himself :)

JANE said...

What made my heart melt was when I read, "You have blessed me with 2 beautiful boys and I couldn't be happier". Your kids are also blessed with a great father and beautiful mother :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

ladyjane That is very sweet of you ladyjane! Thank you for the very heartwarming comment :)

Hope you have a great week!

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