MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

February 16, 2008

FOTD: If I Can't Play With Color, Then Let Me Look Fresh

As a continuation to Valentine's Day, Hubbo came up with the idea that we go to the zoo. So, to the zoo we went!

Whenever we go out anywhere, "getting ready" is my only opportunity to play with makeup. Once you have tykes, there's no such thing as "just playing makeup" unless you can incorporate it into the "getting ready" regimen or everyone is asleep.

Budgeting my time in the bathroom is always challenging when it comes to seizing the play-with-makeup opportunity. And I'm sure I'm not alone on this one ladies! Considering that Hubbo was dressed and the kids were ready to go only added more pressure to the gig.

So, out jumps the "if-I-can't-play-with-color-then-let-me-look-fresh" look. It's quick and easy and in the long run, you score time reserves for when you do need those extra ticks on the clock when your beau is rushing you out the door.

Because oily eyelids are still a problem throughout the day, I use Urban Decay Primer Potion. Sure, its somewhat of a waste of product since you're not wearing any eyeshadow, but consider it another quick fix for freshness. And since UDPP is slightly cream tinted, it lightens up the dark shadows around the eyes. You don't need much like when using eyeshadow, but just enough to deposit into the crease to prevent oil and anywhere else you want to lighten any dark shadows around your eye.

I dusted some Shroom e/s under the eyebrows just to highlight since UDPP knocks the shadows on my lids down a notch. These two things alone make my eyes match the rest of my face encouraging the overall natural appearance.

Assuming that your foundation of choice is already on, finish off the eyes with some curling, mascara, and a nice darkened waterline. Add life to the cheeks with some blush, contour if you like, smack on a pair of rosy lips and you'll be wishing life was grand to wake up like this!

(all MAC unless stated otherwise)

MAC Studio Finish Concealer NW35 (finger)
MAC Studio Touch-Up Stick Concealer NW30 (finger)
Buff'd Custom Formula Two (182)
Plum Foolery Blush (129)
Shadester/Lightsweep Sculpt & Shape Powder (129)


STILA Brow Set (266)


Shroom e/s (highlight - 239)
Covergirl Perfect Point Plus (waterline)
Covergirl Lash Blast

Bare Slimshine
NYX Rose Sparkle Lipgloss

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Bare naked folks! You can even slightly see where I highlighted with Shroom e/s.
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The Hubbo and I
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Big Tyke and I - He's not mad, he just doesn't understand what I'm doing, lol. "Pictures AGAIN!", he's thinking. And I wish my skin looked like his skin ALL day long!!
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And who could forget Baby Tyke. Lucky for us he slept the ENTIRE zoo trip! *wipes forehead*
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Do you ever have those days where you just leave the color off your eyes? What is your "so fresh and so clean (clean)" secrets?

Mrs. Lynne

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

52 makeovers:

Elizabeth said...

how can you still look so great bare naked??? You really good very 'fresh'

And your son. BIG gigantic eyes!!! so cute!

You have 2 sons? no girls? Time for a 3rd one!

mayaari said...

i agree with liz - how do you look so good with so little makeup? whenever i'm running late/feeling lazy, i just swipe some soba or Jane rockstar e/s on my lids with some brown eyeliner & curl my lashes.

your two boys are adorable! but you need a lil girl that you can play makeup with :) and both your boys can be big brothers, haha (i have 2 older brothers 7 & 11 years older than me)

MakeupByRenRen said...

hey honey bunches! aww a trip to the zoo sounds so much fun, you have such a beautiful fam! you look so fresh and awake...definitely a MILF....hmmm my clean look issssss probably my no makeup look, lol, b/c I either usually do funky dramatic or nothing at all.

Shawnta said...

ain't no body dope as me I'm just so fresh and fresh and so clean clean!LoL And now i must listen to the song for reals.
yup mascara, eyeliner, and brows done and maybe a bit of blush since I'm just getting into it makes a nice presentable fast face for me.

word verification:

Jaclyn Rose said...

wow, girl, you still look great with an au natural look. and those boys of yours, awwww, reminds me of mine when they were that young. so no more babies after this? i want one more because I want my baby girl, but knowing my luck, i'll probably have another boy.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Elizabeth Hey homie! Thanks for the diggs :)

A 3rd one?! Lol. Not anytime soon girlfriend. Still trying to recover AND ADJUST to having 2, lol! But I do hope the next one is a girl. Let's cross our fingers that we get it right the next time ;)

What about you? Hurry up! My kids need some other kids to play with, hah.

mayaari Girl, me and you should have been living near each other when we were growing up! I don't have brothers but two sisters who are 13 and 16 years older than me. Can we say mistake?? Lol!!

But I do want a girl. Only one though, lol. I can't imagine raising two of myselves, hah!

Ren That's so how I am too!! Like, I'd rather go all out or none at all. But it's great that we're comfortable that way too though, you know?

I didn't know what Hubbo had planned since it was a v-day extension so I just had to look at least decent in case it was somewhere nice. But I don't think the animals were checking me out today, lol.

How did your v-day extension go?

Shawnta I agree too! I only have time for waterline though. I'm not fast at doing my eyeliner unless it's pencil. But even at that, I'd rather just scribble, hah.

What the hell kind of word verification is that?! Dude, they are going to be freakin' paragraphs before we know it just to leave a comment!

missjaclynrose Thanks mama!

So will you and Mr. Man be trying for another one soon? Or going to wait another year or so?

I definitely want a baby girl. Need me a makeup buddy :) This baby was supposed to be a girl, but we obviously did something wrong, lol. But he's still such the blessing nonetheless.

I only can handle one girl though because the thought of raising two of me just makes me shiver. Would 3 be it for you or would you cap off at 4?

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

MOST days i leave the color off of my eyes. hehe. :] i call it faking au naturale. haha. ;] i just use foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, either contouring or blush... with a neutral gloss, lipstick, or lipliner. :]

your family is so beautiful. how happy do you all look. your kids are adorable and the hubbo and you look great together. :]

Unknown said...

You always look beautiful with or without a lot of makeup! Maybe it's your nice skin...or big eyes...or perfect bone structure...the list goes on.

Your boys are gorgeous and oh so adorable.

My weekend has been going well. Had my first MAC makeover today and I think I'm addicted! Then went out for a yummy sushi dinner with the husband.

Distinque said...

Hello! Oh gosh you look good with this look. I do this often because my eyelid is so angry with me right now. I don't look as good as you though! Cute family! Your lashes look awesome. Is the lash blast the one with the orange tube?

Seymone said...

Your family is beautiful.. you look so awake and fresh. I need to try some mineral makeup.

By the way, I use the cream colour bases mostly as creme

Stephanie said...

Love the natural look lynne! Simplicity at its best especially when heading to the zoo! hehe. You have a beautiful family! Glad you had a fun day at the zoo =)

mandilicious said...

it's always nice to take a break off the crazy colors and stick to the are beautiful!

and btw, you and shawnta were right..i'm in love with the fafi p/p!

Stephanie said...

Ooh yeah I forgot to mention about Cash Flow...I actually really like it too! I think this purchase marks a new beginning for me and the wonderful world of paint pots. lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Chris Hi sweetie. I like to fake it also. I wear color when I can to make use of all that I have and to practice more and more blending, hah.

Thanks for the comps on the ohana :) It really is a blessing.

Cindy Thanks for all the nice words Cindy. I hope one day you open up your blog so that I can sneak a peak at your FOTDs :)

Oohh, your first MAC makeover! How fun! What did the MA use and did you end up buying anything?

Awww... dinner out with the beau is always nice, huh? Lucky you girl! I bet Valentine's was sweet to y'all.

Distinque Omg sis! Why are your eyelids angry with you?

Lash blast is the one in the orange tube. I FINALLY got a hold of one in black. They always had it in the other colors so I patiently (not really!) waited, lol. I really like it so far though. Will give it another week or so to make sure I'm completely sold.

Seymone Thanks ma!

Mineral makeup is really nice. Especially the foundation I have on here. It's so lightweight. Can't even tell that it's on! I'd definitely recommend Buff'd.

I've tried the actual creme blushes once and they are rather nice. The though of cream on cheeks is kinda scary, but the results are so pigmented! And the cream is very easy to blend and buff out.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Stephanie Thanks girl :)

There's no looking back now hun! You have been struck by the paint pot fairy FOOOREVER!! Hah.

Mandilicious Thank you hun.

Which of the paint pots is your favorite so far?

Xuanie said...

you and your family look so beautiful!!!!!! love the "no makeup" look on you! very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying I don't love your other looks, but I have to say that this one is hands down, my favorite. You look as lovely and as fresh-faced as your children (the youngest of whom, methinks, will grow up to be a heart breaker. Too cute for words!).

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww. Baby Tyke has the biggest, cutest eyes ever. Now I wanna go to the zoo =P.... Love the blog!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Xuanie Thanks Xuanie! How's the weekend going for you so far?

MandyPandy Thank you MandyPandy! It's always nice to break away from the world of color and have fun with what we're given, hah.

Thank you also for the lovely comments on the tykes. I do hope they'll be the heart breakers. I don't want anyone breaking their hearts, hah. That's mother for ya ;)

slvrlips Hiya ma! Thanks for the digg :) What have you been up to this weekend?

Jackii Hi sweetie! We had so much fun at the zoo. Never been to the one here before and now that Big Tyke is older, he can enjoy it more.

How has you weekend been so far?

Anonymous said...

Girl, your kids are cutie patooties! This "let me look fresh" inspired me to do the same look today.

m said...

You have such a beautiful family, Lynne! You look great as always (I would say better because your natural beauty is shining through)!

Yes, I wish we ALL still had skin as if we had only been alive for a few years, lol!

nilla cookie said...

Your family is adorable!! Your oldest son looks like you, it's so cute :)

And your skin is flawless! Please, tell us your secret.. pretty please with a cherry on top?

My fresh face is pretty much the same, only I need eye liner on my upper lids or I look super squinty ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the look! & those kids are soo cute ;)
I think tomorrow I'm going to get Bare slimshine & some Fafi stuff. Hope you had a nice weekend!

Vanessa said...

Yeah you look so gorgeous with NO MAKEUP! I am jealous! See I gotta wear some sort of makeup or I look fugly lol.

And OMG you have the cutest family! You and your hubby look so cute, and he looks so young! The babies are adorable!!!

I get the weird feeling imma have all boys too...I really want a girl! My mom wanted boys, haha and guess what she got! 3 girls! Luckily only two of us are into makeup haha

na said...

So cute! I'm sworn off of kids for a while after watching Kate&Jon + 8 on Discovery channel, lol.

You seriously look amazing with so little makeup on! I don't think I've ever gone that "bare" before.

Bliss said...

Thats a great bare look and as you said made you look fresh+ pretty. You and your hubby looks so young to have two kids and off course your kids are too cuteee, this is the definition of sexy mummy heheh, i wanna be like you if i have kids :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I've been "lurking" for awhile and thought I'd pop in and leave a comment. I *heart* your blog (I'm just discovering the wonderful world of makeup!)

Your kiddos are adorable and I love the natural, clean & fresh look. That tends to be my regular FOTD since I have 3 little ones myself.

I use Bare Minerals foundation, so when I want to go au naturale, I apply a little multi-tasking minerals (concealer) for highlighting my eyes, a little warmth on my T-zone and my favorite chapstick, Blistex Silk & Shine

Anna said...

THATs the yes I want =( lol you look beautiful. fresh indeed. have a great week =D

(g)ezebel said...

woah. you are absolutely gorgeous with your "bare" look. and i have GOT to get that "bare" slimshine now since it looks so great on you. :0)

psychoexgirlfriend said...

Mrs Lynne: You look great all fresh faced! What I like about the look is that it's you but better! So no one can tell you're wearing makeup but you just look extra polished.

Anonymous said...

You look so good with the 'no make up look' Makes you look so fresh and bright eyed :]

Thank you for sharing pictures of your boys, LOL.

Have a great week, Mrs. Lynne!

Jaclyn Rose said...

hey mama, to tell you the truth, I say I want another one, especially a girl, but deep down, I think I'm pretty much done. 2 boys is more than enough for me to handle. but if I am blessed with another, then I would welcome it with an open heart for sure.

so, twin =), when can I get linked on your bloggy blog? =P

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Arlene Thanks for the tyke compliments Arlene! And I'm glad you were able to put a little 'fresh' into your day. Woot!

Have you been doing any foiling yet?

May Thanks hun :) You know, I look at my kids skin everyday and only wish someone would have told me to take care of my skin because somewhere down the road, I'd be OCD about it, lol. But I guess better late than never, right?

How are you doing so far this week?

Nilla Cookie Thanks love. I always get mixed comments on who the Big Tyke looks like. He really is my mini me because if you look at my baby pictures, he's an exact replica. But comparing Hubbo's and my baby pictures, you'd think we were related. Isn't THAT gross? LOL!!!

And flawless skin hunny? No no, it's called concealer, lol. I do probably the number one no-no on the beauty list which is not to pop zits. I am full blown guilty. I run my nail right over it, pop the sucker, because I can't stand them even for a minute and don't have patience for acne medicine, lol.

But I do drink a lot of water. I never really did until I got preggo. Then after that, I always drink huge glasses when I'm at home.

I wouldn't mind liner on my upper lids, but I'm not fast at it like I've seen some people apply. My perfectionism kicks in. Hah.

But you have to tell me what YOUR secret is to your skin! You were so scared to show it, but it seriously looks amazing!!

giles22-atl Hey Andrea! I did have a nice weekend love! Took the Big Tyke to the park yesterday to fly a kite and grabbed some shaved ice so nothing could have been better :)

I LOVE Bare Slimshine. The slimshines in general are very nicely formulated. I think you'll be impressed.

How is your week going so far? Did you have today off?

Nessa Fugly?! No way hun. I think you're just not comfortable wearing less makeup out. Once you do it a few times, it doesn't phase you anymore :) Hah.

Hubbo is 3 months younger than me if that's what you mean, lol. I actually think he looks older because his hair is all grown out. When his hair is buzzed, he looks even younger!

Emilee OMG! I didn't watch it but I saw the previews!! Hubbo was like, "if they can do it.. so can we".. say what?? O_O

I think everyone can sport their natural beauty. But it does take some getting used to go out that way. I guess I've just frumped it for so long having the kids and all, I don't even care, lol. Some days, I just don't even wear anything period!! Yikes, hah.

Bliss Thanks Bliss. Just drink lotsa water girl. Your skin will thank you :)

Alora Sweetser Hi sweetie! It's nice to meet you. Thanks for introducing yourself :)

I just peeped into your Ink blog and your kids are sooo adorable! It is hard to capture the smiles at the same time, huh? But such a precious moment.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your crafty skills. I definitely have an artsy-craftsy fetish and go nuts inside craft and paper stores. Next to MAC, those are Disneyland for me. I also make my own cards and invitations, although nowhere as good as you. But you have definitely inspired me to kick up my game. How did you come across being passionate about crafts?

Anyhow, my dear. Thanks again for saying hi. I do hope to hear from you more often. It's always nice meeting other folks who love what they do. Take care and have a great week!

Anna Thanks Anna! I hope you do as well :) How's the research coming along?

(g)ezebel Hey ma. It's my first Slimshine and I'm really glad that I chose Bare over one of the pinker ones I was eyeballing. It's really versatile and the moisturizing agents in there are great for dry lips like mine. Have you tried Slimshines yet?

psychoexgf Thanks hun! Wouldn't that be the day that we all wake up looking polished. *dreamy sigh* Hah.

How's your week going so far? Any new makeup toys?

Julie Hiya girl! Thank you for the compliment. I had to make sure I didn't scare the monkeys at the zoo, hah.

I hope you have a great week as well!

missjaclynrose I'm feeling the same way ma. Hubbo and I really are aiming for a girl, I've done so much research on how to get this accomplished (lol!), so hopefully we do it right next time! Hah.

But then I think about how much is on my plate now and the thought of another is just beyond me. But at the most we'd have 4. But believe me that I'm far from planning more this moment considering that I'm only 4 months post-partum! Hah. But my family is thinking that I'm going to pop kids out every year since I had one in 2006 and another in 2007.

Aren't your boys close in age too?

Unknown said...

you dont need makeup girl! but that's good that you can look that good without it!!! au naturale!

you got good genes running in the family. if ya'll have a baby girl i bet she'll be pretty just like her momma.

my bf's going to hawaii without meeee prolly on the week of my spring break :( *JEALOUS*

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Anne Hi hun. Thank you for the lovely comments!

So the beau is visiting home, huh? And how come you aren't coming with him? You can totally come and hang with me for a few hours and we can play makeover! Hah. But I'd have to let you know that we'd need to multi-task that with babysitting, lol.

How are you enjoying your Fafi stuff so far?

nilla cookie said...

Too funny that you and Hubbo's baby pics look the same! The BF and I like to gross people out too by wearing our matching glasses. Folks say we look like brother and sister and then we just sit there and make smoochie faces at each other ;)

I dunno what my secret to good skin is - I don't take care of it as well as I should be. But I do drink lots of water also because I read once that wrinkles on your face might not be age-related, but rather your face is dehydrated. And baby you know, I DON'T want wrinkles if I can do anything to help it :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

They say the same thing about us too! I'm like, oooh, let's make out in front of them so that they get disgusted!! LOL.

I really try to be careful with my skin too especially because I'm starting to see fine lines and my expression marks are starting to stick. Talk about a RUDE age awakening!!! That's also why I really try to avoid using my fingers on my eye to apply products like paint pots because the skin on my lids is loose as it is. I don't want more droopy eyelids. Yikes.

Have you noticed the signs of older age yet? God, isn't that a scary thought to know we've reached that part in our lives?!?!?

the Muse said...

oh my gosh is that your son Lynne? SOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

You're looking gorgeous as always!

nilla cookie said...

I'm starting to see a couple of lines here and there too, I really REALLY need to look into eye creams.

The thing that freaked my out the most was when I started noticing wrinkles on my neck and cleavage a year ago(oh the dispairs of bigger than normal Asian busts - LOL!)

I've been religiously moisturizing my neck and chin b/c those wrinkles ain't cute if I get a turkey gobble someday :D

Jenn said...

You have a beautiful family Lynne!! and yeah, like what the rest have said, you look really AMAZING with so little makeup!! you make great skin - so smooth and even toned!!

your sons are too cute!! :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

the Muse Hiya love! Yes, those are my boys :) My pride and joys!

Thank you for the love hun :) I appreciate it.

Nilla Cookie I am definitely in search of a more natural eye cream. I actually like MAC Fast Response but am hesitant to drop nearly $30 on it. Then again, what am I talking about, lol.

Gosh woman! I wish I had bigger than normal Asian busts!! Mine are only decently sized right now cuz they got milk in them, lol. I wish I had cleavage and backaches, hah.

You know, speaking of the neck (and I know Karen has the same problem), a few weeks ago I noticed a straight line right across mine. I thought it was because I was looking down at my laptop for a long time. But now I'm going to monitor it. Definitely don't want to be sorry down the road!

crazychick Hey love! Thank you for the lovely words. I really appreciate it. I'll be sure to let the boys know how many fans they have :) They'll be ecstatic to know, hah.

How's your week going so far hun?

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Sliding through all late to say what a gorgeous family. Is it wrong that I wanna bite the little tyke?



Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hijabi Apprentice Lol. I don't think it's wrong unless it's in the literal sense and a vicious chomp at that. But I highly doubt this is the case, hah. But I either get that or "I want to pinch his cheeks".

How's your week going so far?

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful with nothing on. And you have a gorgeous family. Hope you guys had fun!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

juvenescent Hi there! Thank you for the lovely comps hun. We did have a lot of fun at the zoo. Do you remember your last trip there? If ever?

Hijabi Apprentice said...

LOL Mrs. Lynne! I promise I wouldn't viciously comp your little guy. He is adorable!

Karen said...

Lynne, your family is adorable! You are so blessed and lucky. :)

(and ya look pretty, as usual!)

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