MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

January 8, 2008

BaseTrial: Paint Pot Only vs. Paint Pot w/ Moisturizer

Slightly oily lids
Double eyelid on the left-side
Lid skin is slightly loose
Sensitive eyes
Crease prone near tear ducts

The following trial is based on MAC's Paint Pot on its own (left eye) and MAC's Paint Pot with a bit of moisturizer (right eye). This trial was done for my Version 1 Parrot FOTD and results are reported as of the end of the day. Directional cues are according to how you see the pictures on your screen (your left, not my left).

Delft Paint Pot Only (Left-Eye)
Color payoff
Still great color payoff but you'll see that it's EVEN MORE vibrant on the right-eye. Do note that depending on the color of the Paint Pot chosen, that overall color of the eyeshadow may be altered. However the crease factor should be the same despite the color of the Paint Pot chosen.

Crease Factor
Near my tear duct. I probably should have known this before, but this trial made me realize that I'm crease prone a bit past my tear ducts unlike some that are crease prone all the way to the middle of their lid. I knew I creased there, just never noticed the consistency of it until these trials. In the proceeding pictures it looks like I may have applied a bit much near the tear duct. So in the next trial, I plan on putting base around or near the crease prone area by my tear duct area instead of directly onto it .

Ease of use/blending
All you have to do is just load your brush (or clean finger) and transfer the Paint Pot over your lid. Dab the Paint Pot on first all over your lid, then go back and smooth everything together. Blending worked well. Not dry and difficult at all.

Firm bristles brushes like the MAC 242, 252 or a clean ring finger.

Using it this way is great if you have...
normal or semi-oily eyelids and/or want to have noticeable color, just not bright color.

Using it this way is not so great if you have...
dry or really oily eyelids.

I'd do it this way if I was in a hurry but the overall finish turns out to be quite dry looking unless you apply some sort of eye cream to your lid before starting your eyelid masterpiece. But I actually prefer mixing the paint pot with a moisturize instead because of color payoff.


Delft Paint Pot with Moisturizer (Right-Eye)
Color payoff
Noticeably more vibrant than using a Paint Pot on its own.
Do note that depending on the color of the Paint Pot chosen, that overall color of the eyeshadow may be altered.

Crease Factor

Same as with the left-eye, I experienced creasing a little past my tear duct. It's slight but I'm more captured with the color payoff to give a hoot, lol.

Ease of use/blending
It does take an extra minor step which is slightly moisturizing your brush before grabbing product from the Paint Pot. I would recommend transferring some of the Paint Pot product to another container when using this method as not to possibly contaminate the entire Paint Pot jar. Blending is even easier with this method due to the slightly extra creamy consistency that the moisturizer gives.

Firm bristles brushes like the MAC 242, 252, or clean finger. If using your finger for application, be sure that the product and the moisturizer are mixed before hand to ensure an even mix of both products.

Using it this way is great if you have...
dry, normal, ir oily eyelids that can tolerate to wear Paint Pots on their own with minimal or no creasing.

Using it this way is not so great if you have...
oily eyelids and Paint Pots crease on you. Adding moisturizer will only make you not want to blink ALL DAY!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this combination. The creasing can probably be fixed if placed over Paint or UDPP but I will definitely be keeping moisturizer on hand to badda-bing my colors!

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4 makeovers:

MakeupByRenRen said...

Hmmm I definitely notice the difference! Great job with your in depth analysis...I think your new year's resolution about writing is definitely being resolved :)

Vanessa said...

oOOh I love your pretty eyes! Aren't the paint pots addicting!??? I am not sure if you were able to read my answer about the shadesticks, but I just apply them straight from the stick, and if it gets a bit chunky, then I spread it, but I notice what helps is if I run it a few swipes across my warm hand to soften it up a bit....

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Ren!

Aren't the results using a bit of moisturizer just amazing?! Now I just have to find the non-crease solution :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Howdy Sister Nessa,

Paint pots are INSANELY addictive! I really do enjoy all the colors that they have although I only have 4 of them.

And thank you for the response to the shadestick. I do the same thing also :) You know me, always looking out to see the different techniques used.

Have a great day hun!

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