MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

January 26, 2008

Product Review: Alba's Coconut Cream Lip Balm

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Alba Botanica is an environmentally conscious company founded in 1989 and is one of the leading product lines of Avalon Natural Products. With products from skin care to sun care, the company prides itself on "reducing [their] footprint so that [their] company helps to preserve and heal the planet, now and for future generations". Their products are also made of 100% Vegetarian ingredients and not tested on animals. The facilities are even 100% Solar Powered!

Alba Botanica Coconut Cream Lip Balm $3-4
Sweet coconut, certified organic jojoba seed oil, and nourishing aloe moisturize lips to protect against drying. Organic coconut oil moisturizes thirsty lips while natural plant waxes protect against drying. Enriched with Vitamin E to nourish and heal. This highly moisturizing and deliciously fruity lip balm treats your lips to a sensual island treat any time of day.
Just like many other lip products found at the convenient store, the price for this is no different. My purchase was between this and Blistex's Lip Infusion series (a few dimes cheaper) but I'm always drawn to tropical anything.

It comes packaged in a standard chapstick case setting with the product twist function just above the label instead of at the bottom like mosts chapsticks. And since I'm always on the lookout for tampering when purchasing my products, I was pleased to see that the actual case was entirely sealed in plastic wrapping in addition to coming in the cardboard box.

Because this is a lipbalm, there's not much product to salvage for taste since it does a pretty steady job of sitting on your lips instead of in your mouth. But I do admit that the smell does make you smack your lips a few times into thinking it actually tastes like a tropical drink.

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But for you ladies whose lip product purchase requirements include the smell factor, you'll be pleased to know that Pina Colada is in the house for this one.
Yeh-yay! Raise the roof! And I say Pina Colada because it didn't seem like coconut was going along on this one. Someone in the production team must have been tipsy on their own Pina Colada, slipping a little pineapple into the product!

Definitely a lipBALM. Thicker in formula than your everyday chapstick with resin-type properties.

- I really like the smell of it. It's a great switch up from the normal strawberry flavored lip products out there.
- The packaging had an extra jacket of tamper security.
- A good "just exfoliated my lips" type product.
- Its only a few Washingtons.
- No petrolatum, mineral oil, or parabens.
- 82% Certified Organic Ingredients

- Sadly, this lipbalm does not work well long-term for my easily dried out lips. The resin texture of the product is great after I have just exfoliated my lips, but as the minutes wear on, it doesn't sink into my lips to keep them moisturized.
Considering that MAC's Lip Conditioner is my dry lip remedy, this will have to be a diaper bag backup.

I can't use this product on a regular basis, if ever! My lips get that rough, dry skin edge to them that applying more of this on top would just be leaving claw prints on the actual lipbalm. I will not be purchasing this again but hopefully finding it a good home in the diaper bag unless I can sneak it into Hubbo's pants pocket.

- you're lips aren't so darn dry hell like mine are.
- you like pina colada.
- you like the thicker consistency of a lipbalm.
- you like the company's Environmental Commitment and the semi-natural approach to it.

- you have sensitively dry lips.
- you don't like pina colada or anything tropical flavored.
- you prefer chapstick over lipbalm.

Speaking of Pina Coladas, let's talk drinks! A few of my favorite fancy drinks, when the time is appropriate, are Tokyo Tea, Lava Flow, Red Gold Margarita, and a Raspberry Mojito. But deep down, I'm a simple beer girl. As for non-alcoholic, I am all for a Raspberry/Strawberry Italian Soda with cream. Mmmm, yum! Does anyone have a favorite drink(s)? Could be alcoholic or non-alcoholic.

Mrs. Lynne

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8 makeovers:

Shawnta said...

mmmmmm I love the smell of pina colada but not the drink. I really only like coconut water and coconut milk in my food but nothing else.
My drinks are long island ice tea plum wine or a mudslide. The only beer I like is the Chinese one Tsingtao.
Now on the PG side Arizona Green Tea wins hands down!
(((HUGS))) for kids and you!

mayaari said...

I've been wondering about this line - I'm not really a fan of coconut flavored glosses, but this might be worth it if I can ever manage to get through my lip balms scattered all over the place :)

I need to look up those drinks you mentioned! I love Tom Collins (tastes just like lemonade), kahlua and milk, red headed sluts, Clipper City beers, apricot beer, and peach lambic is my latest discovery. Non-alcoholic faves are rasberry lemonade, sparkling water (but not perrier), arizona plum green tea, and greek coffee. yum!

L said...

yummy, pina colada!

well guess who might be coming to oahu in april? if plans go accordingly, we have to set a MAC date together :) LOL.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Shawnta I used to drink mudslides back in the day. Well, I don't really drink anymore period. From preggo to breastfeeding to being preggo again and now breastfeeding, I don't get much time to indulge in a nice brewsky, lol. But I second the Arizona Green Tea. Have you tried the Fuze drinks yet? Some of the flavors are pretty good.

Hugs back at you to you and the girlies!

mayaari LOL. I have chapsticks making homes all over the place too! So many yet I've run into times when I don't have one available.

I haven't tried a Tom Collins but I remember learning how to make it in bartending school. And I cannot believe you know of the Red Headed Sluts!! That is my all-time drink when I can't think of anything else! I'm a lemonade drinker too. Boy, we'd have a fun night on the town wouldn't we? I'll have to look into greek coffee. Never heard of it before.

Are you a Coke or Pepsi person?

Lisa Really?! YAY! That would be so fab. Will you be visiting family over here or just coming for a change of scene?

MakeupByRenRen said...

hi honey bunches! thanks for the review :) i guess i'll have to pass this one up so my sierra dry lips don't make bear paw prints on this lipstick, lol, I like how you used that reference. I love coke zero in the cherry flavor far as liquor...I can always go for a good frozen margarita with the club I usually go for the girly drinks ;) and yes I've had the red headed slut before lol...have you heard of a jolly rancher? they put like 15 different things in it and it looks like a rainbow snowcone and tastes like juice, mmmhhmmm that's my kind of drink, lol, when you cant taste the alcohol

L said...

well my cousin is celebrating her 21st bday so she wanted to fly up to go clubbing. LOL. i'm so excited for that & plus the MAC stores up there! OMG!!! that'll be heaven!

yummy411 said...

tropical flavors/scents get you every time don't they? LOL

wow you might have to post some recipes. i've never heard of some of these drinks!!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Ren Hey sis! I am not fond of chapsticks or lipbalms which end up having their own engravings from my lips.

I like Coke over Pepsi (unless there is none) but haven't gotten over mixing flavors in my sodas unless it's orange soda. At clubs (back in the days) I would do so many girly drinks but after spending so much money to get a decent effect, I slowly switched to beer.

I actually have heard of a Jolly Rancher don't remember buying those too often. And I've done pretty well in my days of whoring the drinks. I have the perfect sneaker drink for you - hot, skip, and go naked! You seriously can only drink ONE glass of it because it's so strong but you won't know it because you can barely taste the alcohol in it. And the funny thing is its mostly alcohol. Just make a pitcher of that, invite the friends, one glass only per person (unless their bigger) they maybe two, and let it settle. GOOD TIMES!!

Lisa I keep forgetting that you only have a MAC counter there. That would be neat though. Hopefully your plans pull through :) Will it just be you and your cousin coming, or you bringing the ohana too?

yummy411 I'm really drawn to citrus and clean scents. But when it comes to tropical, as along as it's not super sweet smelling, I can hang.

LOL. From beauty blogging to liquor blogging. Pigs have flown here at Mrs. Lynne's pad, lol!!

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