MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

July 26, 2008

Site News: I'm Going, Going... Back, Back... To Cali, Cali!!

In my last post, I briefly mentioned that a "whirlwind of events" has taken place. And although it honestly feels like an understatement to describe exactly what has happened over a months time, things have been sooo excessively chaotic that your girl hasn't even mustered up the strength to play with makeup. *grin* And you guys know that makeup can definitely perk my mood up. But when it doesn't, you know something has definitely gone down. I haven't even fathomed the energy to pack the tykes and stroll into a MAC store or near a MAC counter to see the newest collection releases, let alone get swatches (although I'm sure my wallet isn't complaining in that respect, lol)!

Now, I won't get into details about everything (because it would be MORE than enough eyesore for any one person to handle not to mention I don't believe it's necessary for worldwide display) but Hubbo and I have decided to relocate our ohana back to California, where we're originally from. Sadly, that means I will have to give up the fantastic tropical weather, 10-minute drives to clear beach waters, my new love for FatBoys (local food joint), and aloha spirit for dry weather allergies and smog. Ok, it's not all that bad moving back to the Bay Area (then again, allergies are no walk in the park for Hubs and I) buuut, I will gain a luxurious supply of restaurants to choose from (which I dearly missed when I moved to the islands) and FREE online shipping (no more "only for the contiguous US" nonsense - yee!)!.

On the brighter side of it all, things do happen for a reason. I believe the turn that our lives has taken over the past few weeks is bittersweet, and know that even through the depth of this decision to move back was not an easy one to come by (good gosh, we're moving AGAIN!), with time and faith, we will do fine. Plus, it'll be nice for the tykes to have my friends' kids to play/grow up with and I'll have more willing models at hand! Hah.

I want to take a moment to send out a sincere apology to my loyal readers who have come to love and take out a piece of their day to read my random makeup entries. I know things have been more sporadic than ever lately, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with everything (swatches, reviews, blogrolls.. you name it!). I noticed myself starting to slowly backburner everything once Baby Tyke started to be more awake during the day and sticking him in the swing to knock out a post or read a blog or two, just isn't as conveniently user-friendly as it was when he was a newborn. Let's not even talk about where Big Tyke is during this time, lol!

But I do want to express my true appreciation for the support you all continue to give even though "life" has been rather demanding for all of us. And whether it's just checking in on me through email or a thoughtful comment on wondering where I've been, I love you all dearly for caring. And please, continue to hold me accountable! :)

I know you probably have some questions regarding our sudden decision to move, and even though I'm not comfortable broadcasting the situation in its entirety, I will say a few things just to alleviate any thoughts.

Why are you moving? Like I mentioned above, I am not comfortable broadcasting the situation publicly but trust me when I say that this bold move is something that just has to happen for the sake of our family being able to recover and move forward from what has occurred.

Are you worried about the move? I wouldn't necessarily say "worried" per se, more like "stressed", lol. How on Earth are we going to condense the essentials to 3 boxes? *scratches head* But with all that we've been through in the past 3 years (moving, getting married, having two kids, etc...), and now this sudden decision to move back, it is definitely nothing short of ordinary for us. More like... bring it on! Lol.

When are we leaving?
Around the first half of August.

Are we getting rock fever?
No. We love the island life and all that it brings to us but taking all the factors of our current situation into consideration, living here right now is just not the right time for us.

Will we ever return back to the island?
I do hope one day that Hubbo and I can make Hawai'i our home again because this is where our hearts are. A blessing brought us here and I believe that another blessing will bring us back when the time is right. In between now and that day, we will definitely be visiting!

Will I still be maintaining the blog? Of course! But over the course of the next few months, things may continue to be sporadic as we try to reacquaint ourselves and settle in so please bare with me.

Will you continue to do product reviews, FOTDs, etc...? I most certainly will! There is definitely no shortage on post ideas however I do have to communicate to you all that my laptop is feeling (and looking!) rather ill. She's not functioning at her optimum performance which is another reason why the posts haven't been coming along as nicely as I'd like. She likes to play "Freeze" with me a lot and for one reason or another, I just haven't been in the mood to play. It more or less puts me into a different mood that makes me just frustrated to have to start over. You know when you leave a really well conveyed comment and for some reason it gets erased after you've entered the correct 1,039,903 letters for verification? Yah, that's what I'm dealing with here, lol. As soon as I upload my pictures, bam! She's playing freeze...

Will you still be answering emails and comments?
I most absolutely will! I do read each comment and email as they come in. And even though I haven't been responding right away lately, I do get back to each one the best that I can. If your question needs an answer promptly, then please don't be shy to tell me so I can get back to you :)

In the meantime, I will leave you with some pictures...

The Big Tyke and I
Can you believe he's almost 2-1/2? Oh, where does the time go?

The Baby Tyke and I
Where'd my baby go?

The Ohana and I
Grabbing some dessert at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor.
Baby Tyke was attracted by the lights, lol!

And in case you were wondering, all I have on is:
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. I should probably start packing soon, hah.

Mrs. Lynne

If you haven't done so already, please subscribe to our feed or have email updates sent directly to your inbox! You just never know what may be cooking up around here!!

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

38 makeovers:

Lani said...

good luck with the move! i've itching to leave hawaii already. there's just so much more to do in the mainland. ;)

B said...

Look at those kiddies! Awww, Big Tyke looks so much like you. It's amazing. Keep your head up, Auntie Lynne. And many blessings with moving. I know it'll be a challenge but you are superwoman!


mayaari said...

good luck with your move, lynnie :) moving is a pretty stressful event; I can only imagine what it's like moving your whole family back to the mainland. it's understandable that your site has taken the back seat for a while - you're a wife & a momma - that's plenty to keep you busy all day!

looking forward to your return :)

Mukho said...

hey Mrs Lynne.. gotta say I wondered what had happened to the frequency of your wonderful posts. Wish you luck in your move and your new beginning in California :) :)
And I dont know how this happens, but you look more beautiful than ever in the pics u take with your kiddies... probably all the love, pride and joy showing thru and doin a greater job than any make up could, wat say?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Lani! Thanks for the well wishings, hun. I really appreciate it :) I guess it's a different perspective for me because me going back to the Bay Area is like you moving to the mainland and then having to move back to Hawai'i. I guess after a while we just start to get desensitized with our surroundings, hah.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend so far! Btw, what island are you on?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Britt :) We are only capable of what we allow ourselves to be capable of - at least I like to tell myself, hah!

Hope you're weekend is going well my dear. Thanks again!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Sis Mayaari!

Thank you my love for being so understanding. Having kids definitely ups the ante in anything.

Aww... now that trip to the Stupid Factory will have to be timed since I won't live here anymore. You'll have to let me know when you finally take a trip out here and see if it's anywhere near when I'll be coming back, haha.

Thanks again sis. It's great to hear from you and I hope you're weekend is going well so far :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Mukho,

You are such a sweetheart. Thank you for your kind compliments and for your well wishings during this challenging time. I really appreciate it :D

I'm really sorry of the lack of posts, hun. I definitely can't wait to get back to more consistent posting because I really need to start tackling this
"to-do posts" list that I have. Plus, it will mean that my life has actually decided to slow down a bit, hah!

How are you doing nowadays? Any new loot to play with? Or another appliance claiming real estate in your home? Hah ;D

Neeyuh said...

Good luck with your move! I know exactly what it's like I've moved more times than I can count and am actually planning to move to cali myself soon, I'm not as far away just in las vegas but it's still pretty stressful. Hope it all goes well for you and your family. I just love your blog and can't wait for you to come back in full force when you settle back in. Take care! Oh btw you have such a beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

All the best for you and your family!
And from my perspective (I live where rain was invented;)) California is just as much of a paradise as Hawaii is...

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Neeyah. It's nice to know that you know exactly where I'm coming from. Moving IS stressful!! I can't wait to be past all this and just concentrating on the regular stresses of just living, hah. What part of CA will you be moving to, if you don't mind my asking? Perhaps we'll be nearby :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

That is a very good perspective Nell. Thank you for that :) I hope you're having a great weekend so far!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

hi sis. wow, moving is stressful and i can't imagine how stressful it must be to move from one state to another since i've only moved between different cities. anywho, good luck with everything. so you'll be living in nor-cal? very cool. i go up there sometimes since the bf's fam lives up there so maybe i'll be able to finally meet you in person. :)

i'm actually going to be up north this coming weekend. but yeah. again, good luck and i hope everything works out as smoothly as possible for you and the fam.

nilla cookie said...

Hey Mrs. Lynne,

Wow, life seems to always throw us a couple of curve balls when we're not expecting it. But on a lighter note, welcome back to the Bay girl!!!

Good luck with the move, and we'll see you soon!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hey Sis Chris,

Yes, moving to another state is no walk in the park that's for sure, hah! I wish we were only moving from city to city. Then I can take all my junk with me.

I will be living in Northern California. The Silicon Valley in fact. It would be cool if we could finally meet each other in person the next time you're in the area.

I hope you and the beau have a safe trip up north and thank you kindly for the well wishes. Have a great week sis!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks Nilla Cookie :D When I get there, me and you definitely have to find some time to hook up! It'd be great to finally meet you in person.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend hun! Thanks again!!

Vanessa said...

Hi Sis! I am so happy you are moving to Cali! I know it's bittersweet but like you said, things happen for a reason and perhaps life will be a lot better for you all here. I have family in San Fran, so hopefully we can meet up one of these days and I can meet the cute tykes! You have such a cute family, and I admire you for making such a big move because I know it can be so crazy esp. with a family to be moving from one island to this big mainland!

I wish you all luck and hope that everything works out for you!

Shawnta said...

Sending you good vibes for you move hun!!!! I think it is wonderful that you have had the opportunity to experience family life somewhere different from where you are from and also have the savvy to know when you have to move on. <3

yummy411 said...

the kids are so adorable!! i'm happy to hear that there is a positive to this situation. best of luck on the move and welcome back (early) LOL!! love ya mama lynne!

MakeupByRenRen said...

hey hon...i've been wondering where you've been...and now i see that you definitely have big things in life going on...i honestly believe that everything happens for a have such a beautiful family that would make any mommy proud...and you'll continue to be happy wherever you the meantime, we're here to help you through the transition. good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mrs. Lynne!

I just got back from vacay (Disneyland! Whee!) and I see this news! I dearly hope that everything is going well (or well enough) with you and your beautiful family, and I hope your move goes as smoothly and easily as humanly possible!

I must say I'm slightly thrilled to hear that you're moving to my neck o' the woods, and I hope maybe we can meet up sometime once you're settled in! Maybe coffee and a park date! :)

Aloha to you and yours!

Krystle said...

Aww, now we can't say we switched places! I wish you all of the best in moving. I know moving is stressful, especially if there is a whole ocean between you and your destination. At least when you move back, you don't have to really acquaint yourself with your surroundings since you already know it. =)

Good luck with the move! And your boys are so big now!

I agree with the allergies. I didn't know I had allergies until I moved to Stockton. Luckily the air quality is ALOT better in the Bay Area.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks a bunch Sis Nessa. You are definitely going to have to get a hold of me the next time you're up in the Bay Area so we can spend some time together :)

Hope all is well!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi Mama Shawnta,

Thanks for your kind regards. I really like the way you stated your comment because I never really looked at the situation that way, "have the savvy to know when you have to move on". Thank you for that, love :)

How are you doing nowadays anyways? How are those darling girls of yours?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You're so sweet Mama yummy411. I'm trying to be as positive since there were tons of not-so-hot moments to get lost in the count, lol. But we will make due and we will make it :) Thanks for your awesome support! Hugs to you mama!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You always have a way with words Sis Ren. I totally appreciate your heartfelt comments whenever you leave them. I believe in everything happening for a reason also. Just like when another door shuts, another one opens... :)

Thanks sis for being so caring. I hope you're enjoying your week so far!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hi there Glosslizard,

Oh, I can't wait to take the tykes to Disneyland! Did you guys get a hopper pass? How long were y'all there for?

Thank you for the well wishes. I am hoping that we don't run into too many snags trying to get ourselves situated. But definitely once things start to level off, I'm all for down to meet and have a park date! :D

Have yourself a wonderful week!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You can say that again Krystle! We just started going through our boxes/tubs yesterday and what a daunting task that was! Lol. But luckily I was just on a tossing rampage and quickly shoved most things into a bag for donation. I don't think my highschool gear is still good for modern times, hah.

Oh, I have bad allergies. Hubbo and I actually didn't have allergies here except when dealing with dust. Must be the moist air. Sadly, that will all be nothing but a memory soon. In that aspect,... Flonase, here I come! :D

How is your week going so far?

Shen said...

O men! that's like great news!!! i know your hawaii but i'm sure Cali (with all the shopping and friends) will find a way to creep in a little there. :)

OO nga, bring it on!!! :) you'll weather through anything i'm sure. :)

♔Jaimie said...

you have beautiful family! i wanna be like you when i grow up =)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thanks for the positive spirit Shen! How is the weather on your island right now?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Thank you for your well wishings Dskco! I truly appreciate it :D

How is your week going so far?

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Awww.. you're too sweet Jaimie :) Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I can't wait until you start a family! They are going to be a lucky bunch to have you and they are going to be one good-looking bunch also!!! :D

Neeyuh said...

Not at all, it will be southern. San Diego to be exact, it's actually my hometown but I've lived in vegas most of my life.

Anonymous said...

Oh snap! I just missed the part where you said you'd be moving! Nooooo!!! Damn George W. Bush and damn this recession; no one should have to leave the tropical paradise that is Oahu!

Well, at least you're not moving to New York or New Jersey. The shock alone would kill you (if the locals didn't first).

Shizznizzle said...

wow, I just read this today and I'm shocked!!
:( no more "Which Longs carry NYX, sis?" for me *sob sob*

heheh nah I'm trully happy for you, and I wish you luck on everything, sis...stay happy & give my big hug to your lovely kiddies : )


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