MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

January 30, 2008

Let's Discuss: What Beauty Products/Techniques Drives You Crazy?

Mayhem is the natural by-product when it comes to raising children. Especially in the early years when the communication barrier is at an all-time high. I'm truly blessed to have happy, loving, and smart tykes but that doesn't go without saying that behind these cute, adorable faces isn't a crazy mini-person aching to seek and destroy.

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On a daily basis, I have a baby who screams profanity in the form of crying and an almost dos anos tyke whose main mission these days is to mimic the mass destruction of a Category 5 hurricane. Surely I'm on my way to needing a prescription for high blood pressure. But then again, what person hasn't nearly lost themselves to a sober mini individual who has to stand on tip toes to reach for anything?

But with proper guidance paired with good role models, the tykes are bound to outgrow this stage - let's hope this is the case for both parties :)

So it got me thinking. Beauty products are much different than raising tykes yet the same frustration and short temper can emerge. Here are some of my beauty product and application woes that can get me going a little postal:
  1. MAC Fluidline - Although I get many compliments on my application, I have to be honest that I either love it or hate it completely when I use it. Lining my eyes is one thing but to make them symmetrical is another. I don't have patience in cleaning up the mess when Mrs. Generosity kicks in and adds permanent marker thickness instead of the gradual increase. Not to mention how it screws up everything because the eyeshadow is already down in place.
  2. Foundation - Given that I've been at this foundation game only a few months, I don't know what's better. Having foundation that is too yellow or being called the sun on a bright day. Foundation companies are definitely providing their employees with a good sense of job security, lol.
  3. Blending - Be gone harsh lines! Be gone!
  4. Filling in eyebrows - I've pondered the thought on just getting them tattooed just so that I don't have to worry about them (see the desperation?) but then it does take away from the coloring-book-type fun involved in the overall accomplishment. The gripe comes more from when I'm in a hurry and am scooting out the door with block thick monsters or anorexic worms for eyebrows.
  5. MAC Metal-X Creme Shadows - Holy cow! This subject has just resurfaced. I've moved on from these and just use a damn finger. That is when I use them.
  6. Non-moisturizing lipstick - I've landed the perfect mauve and nude before only to find out my lips have turned into bear claws ready to scratch someone's eye off.
Can you think of what mayhem rains on your beauty parade?

Mrs. Lynne

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

17 makeovers:

Unknown said...

omg your kids are soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! i can tell already the older one will be heartbreaker heehee.

MsLanie said...

Your kids are so cute! I agree with that anna says about your older kid. As a mother of an infant and a five year old, I definitely know exactly what you're talking about. Lining my eyes is definitely driving me crazy!!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

the kiddos are TOOO adorable. :] I'd say blending, my eyebrows, and lining my eyes are what drive me nutso. LOL. :P I'm makeup woes are pretty similar to yours. :P

Mrs. Lynne, said...

LeAnne Hi there! Thank you for the visit and for the kind comments :)

Anne Thank you for your sweet comments. My husband is already giving me a hard time with all the girls I'm going to have to deal with, lol.

How's the testing with the products coming along?

Angie Thank you Angie! How is your day going so far?

mrslanielovesmac Hiya ma! We sure have our work cut out for us, don't we? Lol. But thank you for the compliments on the tykes. How old is your baby?

Lining the eyes is so hit or miss for me. I can get a good line going but to duplicate it is nearly mind blowing!

Chris Thanks love! I say you and the spouse will have fabulous looking tots also ;) Have you ever done those pictures where they predict what your child will look like from both your features?

You feel me on the woes?? In the end it looks fine, but the struggle to get there is one hot mess! Lol.

na said...

Liquid liner! Can't do it, won't do it, never will do it. :P

Gel liners are pretty much the only "liquid" item I'm going to be using!

Bliss said...

Your children are sooooooo cute. For me it has to be the liquid eyeliner also thats why im stuck with pencil now but practise practise as they say and filling in the brows cos if i don't fill it, its not there lol and i feel my makeup incomplete.

Vanessa said...

Awwww your kiddies are adorable!!!!! I can't wait to have one of my own oneday....

And gosh I agree with you on all the makeup frustrations, eyeliner is my #1 as well as mascara not making your lashes look lush!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Emilee Hey love. Liquid liner can be rather tricky. I actually don't mind using them because I find them a bit easier to clean up in the mistakes department but have just sold my heart to fluidline, heartache and all!

Do you only use gel liners or do pencil liners find their way to your eyes also?

Bliss Hi Bliss! Thank you for the compliment on the tykes :)

Liquid is definitely a steady hand's dream! I find that shorter,firmer tip brushes work better because you have more control.

I feel you on the brows though. I'm trying to get my brows in order so that on those days I don't have time, at least they look decent naturally.

Are you ready for the upcoming weekend?

Nessa Howdie sis. You and Jon will create some adorable little hams! If you have a boy, I'll have someone to hollar at when the boys start dating *deep breathe*

OH! I so need to add mascara to the list. It really throws me when they look decent curled then get lost in the mascara. Errr..

MariahGem said...

Oh! I wanted to hear about what you thought about the Metal X shadows! I have the same creasing problems that you have (oily eye lids I guess. Boo.) And have resigned myself to the fact I just can't wear cream shadows. But Metal X looked so cool! Metallic? Bright colors?? No fair!

yummy411 said...

wow! your list can't be beat.. bear clawed lips?.... those two are just some muffin cakes!!!

L said...

oh my, look at those cutie-pa-tooties!! boys are adorable :)

& yes, 2 thumbs down for metal-x. i hate using them because they crease but i still don't know why i own 7 of them???? i think it's some kind of MAC curse.

Jaclyn Rose said...

hi lynne, i found your blog by way of vanessa.. first, i wanted to say hi, *waves* and then i wanted to comment on your boys... they are too cute for words. but it does remind me of my boys. I also have 2 boys who are 1 1/2 years apart and yes when they are in their toddler/baby ages it is a great handful, but as they get older the easier they are to take care of, BUT the more trouble they like to get into.. hehe... have fun with those two because before you know it, they're going to be growing up too fast and then soon be just as tall or in my case almost as tall as i am. LOL. well i wanted to share some pix of my boys with you.

here they are when they were just babies.. (sometimes i miss those days)

and then here they are now (my oldest is 8 yrs and is about a foot shorter than i am (granted i'm only 5 feet tall) and my youngest is 6 yrs.

B said...

Fluidline is the pits. I love how it looks but I think I've given it up completely. Your line is always perfect thought!

watercoloursky said...

eyelining is such a pain for me. takes forever to get it right so i just skip it most of the time. liquid liners are out of the question for me at the moment...

Mrs. Lynne, said...

MariahGem Hi there MariahGem, nice to meet you. Thank you for taking some time to check me out :)

Metal-X is one thing that I can't help but shake my head back and forth about. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors, but they are such temperamental products, I find myself getting temperamental trying to figure out how to use them so they'll work for me! And it is definitely not fair, hah.

Hope you're having a great weekend and I do hope you'll visit more often. Take care.

yummy411 Ugh, the lip thing. You know how that goes girl. It's really a nasty feeling to have chapped lips. I honestly don't know how other girls keep putting lipstick over that kind of canvas. I just can't get myself to do it.

Lisa Hey girl. Thanks for the darling compliment :) I think my big boy would have a blast chopping it up with Landon, hah.

Oy! Metal-X. I have 4 of them and I really just have the uttermost LOVE/HATE relationship with them. Grrr...

missjaclynrose Hi there missjaclynrose! Thanks for stopping on by and leaving some love for me :) Vanessa's site is great, isn't it? She's a sweetheart and is just like a sister to me!

THANK YOU soooo much for sharing the picture of your handsome boys with me! I cannot believe those are the same kids. Boy, time does do a number on us, huh? My oldest is turning 2 in a couple of days and my baby just turned 3 months.

And I truly appreciate your kind words. It's always nice to mingle with other mamas that are in similar situations. I'd have to say I definitely have my hands full but I do enjoy the moments when we're all just laughing and having a great time. It's truly a blessing.

Divine Blackness Oh fluidline. I know for a fact that you're not alone my love. My liner may "appear" perfect, but trust me that there was a struggle behind it, lol.

blu3 Eyeliner does have some mad followers, doesn't it? Hah. I know the struggle behind it girl. It ain't no walk in the park, that's for sure.

How is your weekend going so far?

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