MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

December 5, 2007

Product Review: Metal-X Cream Eye Shadows

Ease of Use: depends on brush choice
Color Payoff: 5!!
Brush(es) to Use: 242, 252, Sponge Tip Applicator
Methods of Use: as a shadow color enhancer, stand alone color, cheek/skin highlighter
Use this product again? Absolutely.

For a while, I've been having an EXTREME love-hate relationship with the application of my cream eyeshadows. Honestly, they've been a pain in the butt, until recently, and I'm really the type whose determined to make it work for me no matter what. Anyhow, instead of getting the cream onto the brush, they would shift around all dough-like in the pot and nothing would end up on my brush unless I really dug a chunk out. Other times, whatever little color would get on the brush would be accompanied by a dusty glob of the stuff. Then when I applied the glob to my eye, I'd have to smooth the hell out of it just to get a nice smooth layer going. By this time, I'm just pissed and unhappy.

I guess this is exactly what Manny (the MAC MA) warned me about prior to release. He suggested that I have a MA show me how to use the shadow or else I'd have a hard time enjoying them. Boy was he right!

The Metal-X Cream Eye Shadows are cream based but not of the same consistency as that of MAC's Color Cream Base or Paint Pot, which are by far more emollient. Metal-X has a dry finish similar to that of a regular MAC eyeshadow in combination with an initial application consistency to that of the Studio Finish Concealer. But it is because these special shadows have the best of both worlds, that it opens up a whole new era to application technique.

Well, I tapped the brain of a couple artists since I've had the Metal-X collection and they each suggested the 242. Now mind you, this is just my personal experience but it's the 242 that's been giving me a run for my money since I took these problem children home. After each lesson, I went home convinced that I was not using my brush correctly and attempted to dig and scrape even further only to unveil the same results. I even tried my 239 just to see if those bristles could pick up the color better. Nay.

Anyhow, I can go on AND ON about the difficulty of cream shadows using the brushes, at least for me anyways. But until recently, I have discovered the secret application technique (well, not really secret, hah) and have restored the excitement to put these shadows back on my A list.

Well folks, my mystery is solved. For those having a hard time with those Metal-X Cream Eye Shadows using brushes, give it another chance before busting out that MAC receipt. Go to your nearest drugstore and pick yourself up a package of sponge tip applicators. That's right... sponge tip applicators. The results are as they should be in the first place - creamy, smooth, vivid with a dry, soft finish. Knowing this little tip just makes me so excited because I did not want to have to return these gorgeous colors. Although I probably would have kept them even if I didn't know how to use them just because I dig the colors, lol. Now, I wouldn't go and buy the 202 just for this because unless you like cleaning anything off of a sponge and depending on how much you plan on using the Metal-X's, you're better off just buying the junk applicators and tossing them after every use.

Ok folks. Hope that helped someone in
Metal-X distress. Have a great remaining week! It's hump day, we're halfway there!

Mrs. Lynne

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8 makeovers:

Vanessa said...

Haha I see yummy411 tagged you too!

Tag you’re it! Check out my blog for some blogging fun!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

-yummy411: you bet :)

-yummy411/Vanessa: now what are you crazy cats up to, lol!

nilla cookie said...

Gotta love the cheap tricks to making your makeup look fly! Sponge applicators.. who would've thunk it :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

-Nilla: You said it girl! When I got my first brushes, I tossed out ALL my sponge tips because I never thought I'd need them anymore. And when I needed it for my Metal-X's, I was searching high and low for one and was lucky to find one in one of HIP duos I had. But thank goodness because it at least buys me some time to go to the store and get some, hah!

Hijabi Apprentice said...

Wow! I have a Bobbi Brown creme shadow that I've just been using my fingers because I couldn't get the brush or qtip (the qtip was a huge mistake) to work. Thank you!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Hijabiapprentice: If you're looking to use a brush, EnKore Makeup mentions that a doe-foot brush seems to work well as well as placing it near a light bulb for a few seconds to soften the cream. Nonetheless, glad it could help :)

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