MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

January 30, 2008

Let's Discuss: Most Compelling Beauty Purchase?

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If you've watched the commercial for the Apple MacBook Air, you might have had deer eyes like yours truly when they pulled this full-size laptop out of a regular interoffice envelope! Weighing less than the chihuahua we had back in the Bay Area, this laptop is a knee-slapping 3 lbs.

Consider me a dedicated Dell follower, but I'm always compelled when new laptop designs hit the market that are thinner and lighweight. Apple only comes to me in fruit and iPod form, but I know that it leads the pack when it comes to providing quality in graphics design. Using an Apple in college for my Digital Art class took a little bit of getting use to with my reflexive PC familiarity, but I'm confident that I can make a smooth transition. Gimme, gimme, gimme...

Retailing price starts at $1799. Now that really means NO MORE MAC for a while!

Here's my take on justifying the need to purchase:
  1. Convenience - I mean, doesn't it look extremely convenient for being a laptop? I can literally put it in my diaper bag and still have room for packing the house.
  2. Lightweight - I can pick it up with a single hand and hold one of the tykes in the other.
  3. Thin - I was convinced just watching the commercial.
  4. It just looks sweet!!
..., me likey!

So flipping this on the beauty front, have you ever felt that compelled to buy a beauty product, justifying every angle of the purchase even though the price was just outrageous? This is how it was for me and my MAC 182 Buffer Brush. At $45.00, I must have thought I was Donald Trump for a split second on the impulse. But I am proud to say that I had no remorse on the purchase and the brush still holds a high hand in the favorites department.

What was your most compelling beauty purchase? Any remorse on that decision?

Mrs. Lynne

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10 makeovers:

MakeupByRenRen said...

hmmm in general I feel remorse after my makeup hauls at MAC bcuz for some reason i can't buy just ONE far as certain items...I kinda regret buying all my multi-colored fluidlines because I NEVER use them. They just look kinda pretty in the collection he he.

psychoexgirlfriend said...

I hooed and hawed over buying Fresh's Roman Holiday. $60 CAD for 6 eyeshadows. I think I was more entranced by the name and the packaging than anything. I never even saw it in person. Anyway, I waited a year before buying it off Sephora with my friend. Now I've had it for almost a year and barely touch it because the colours aren't that unique and pigment isn't that great! LOL, teaches me never to buy anything that expensive sight unseen again.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Ren Hey sis! I feel the same way too. When I get home and glance at the receipt, in my head I'm saying "I don't really need all this".

Ah.. you know, I'd would actually like a collection of fluidlines. I think it's the look of those things in jars. But I am on the verge of getting my hands on paint pots. Because I know I will actually use those, lol.

psychoexgf LOL! I just Googled the palette and I can see why it was such a compelling purchase. The earthtone colors are gorgeous and the blue looks like it would be such a great shade. That's too bad the color payoff never got shipped with your palette though :P

nilla cookie said...

I'm DROOLING over this MacBook - even though I haven't used a Mac since I was a young lass and Apples made the only personal computers anyone could use.

I can't remember a time that I bought a beauty product out of pure lust except for the CHANEL Camelias lip palette from this holiday. I stared at it for a few days and then returned it b/c I couldn't imagine paying $65 just to ruin the flower print after one use.

Other than that, I'm pretty good with my beauty purchases I think :) er, I hope!

L said...

when i saw that commercial for the laptop, my jaw just dropped & i said "babe, i so want that" but after he heard the price, he told me "good luck." damn boyfriend. hahaha.

as for makeup, the #187 & #138 nearly killed me when i paid for them but they do wonders! it's worth every penny so there's no reason to feel bad :)

Anonymous said...

im ptretty sure we can get u a discount lol lemme know if you wanna buy ;)

watercoloursky said...

the 138 brush was $62 x 13% sales tax here :S I like it so far, but am still undecided whether to keep it because of the price.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Nilla Cookie Hey girl! Isn't the MacBook just so freaking gorgeous? I'm so intrigued by the thinness of it!

I've seen the Chanel holiday collection and the floral print was just too cute. I'm with you though. I don't think I could stomach the cost to ruin such a beautiful masterpiece. On the eyeshadows maybe since the print would deteriorate slower but definitely not on a lip palette.

Between MAC and Chanel, which do you like better?

Lisa Lol! Your bf is too comical. Hubbo said "ok, after you get a job!".

I don't own a 187 but instead the 188. I keep dreaming of the 138, and if I get it, I'll have to get over the price tag because I know how darn soft that brush is.

Chi You're always looking out for my best interest! That's why I have huge hearts for you!!

blu3 Hey girl! Goodness! Where do you live that they charge 13% sales tax?! I didn't even know they could charge that much. So really, you paid around $70 for the 138. Well, here's another perspective. In Australia, the 138 is going for $105. So in essence, you're escaping with a pretty good deal :P Hah.

But I hear the remorse girl. Part of me wants to tell you to keep it, but then the other part is stuck on the price tag of $70 and wants you to return it with a quickness, lol.

nilla cookie said...

Oh lawd, Mrs. Lynne, Chanel all the way!! I'm a more natural color kinda girl. MAC is where I go if I'm looking for more color or fun looks. And it's cheaper.

If I had the income, I'd get a lot more from Chanel. It's so classic I know I'd wear everything for years.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Nilla Cookie One day I will check out Chanel. I won't even look at the counter because I know that is just a more pronounced bad habit waiting to happen, lol.

How long have you been a Chanel addict?

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