MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

January 18, 2008

FOTD: Red Glam

So you asked for it and here it is! With all the compliments on and look requests for NYX's Hebe (thank you!) and the longer pair of falsies aching to jump out the box, allow me to introduce "Red Glam".

I didn't feel I was as meticulous as I normally am when putting together a look because initially I was just testing out the eyes to see how they would turn out (hence the visible stubborn lashes and quickly sketched eyebrows) and then do the full look tomorrow. One thing led to another, and with NO ALCOHOL involved, I ended up with this.

This is my second time wearing false eyelashes and it does take some time getting used to wearing them. These seemed quite long for me but it could be because I'm still newborn to this.

What are the plans this weekend folks? Any tempting going on?

Mrs. Lynne

(all MAC unless stated otherwise)

Everyday Minerals Concealer in Sunlight (192SE)
Buff'd Minerals Foundation in Caramel (182)
Sunbasque Blush (129)
Shadester Sculpt & Shape Powder (169SE)


STILA Brow Set (266)


Shimmersand s/s (lid)
Daisy Chain e/s (inner lid, highlight - 239)
Gorgeous Gold e/s (middle lid - 239)
Ochre Style e/s (inner crease, above crease - 217)
A Little Folie e/s (outer lid, outer crease - 217)
Signed, Sealed e/s (outer V, outer lower lashline - 219)

Blacktrack f/l (upper lashline - 208)
Graphblack Technakohl (waterline)
L'Oreal Voluminous
Red Cherry Eyelashes #119

NYX Hebe

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Check out the arm span on these things! I think I'm flying!
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Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

29 makeovers:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I was just wondering what kind of camera and modes do you use for all your photos (eye makeup)? Your photos turned out to be so beautiful and vivid. I really like all the looks you created. You're very talented!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

laniebcx Hi there and thanks for taking the time to stop by :)

I'm currently using a Sony T10. The only settings I put it to are on 'Program' for camera mode and 'Natural' for color mode. Everything else is on auto. This particular FOTD was taken in the bathroom while my other FOTDs are in my closet because the light source is above me. What kind of camera do you currently use?

Thank you for the endearing compliments :) Hope the new year is off to a great start for you and I do hope to hear from you again!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You look so 50's glam! And holy cow, those lashes are uber long!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

lookin' gorgeousss. :] LOVE it. :D Those lashes are SUPER long but they look super fab on you. ;)

L said...

WOW! you rocked this look. loves it! i don't think i can get away with red lips. I'll just have to see & try.

Vanessa said...

Sis! You definitely look hot! Glam-chic, I love it! You totally pull this look off, fits your personality! Thanks for sharing! I love the eyes!

mayaari said...

ooh la la! you are totally rockin those red lips - with the makeup and hair, you look like a pinup girl! (in the classy way, you know what i mean) can't wait to see what take 2 looks like :)

mayaari said...

oh, RYN: I have 4 tattoos - 3 on my lower back of a pink lotus and blue/purple butterflies on either side, and then a kanji tattoo on the side of my left ribcage that I want to cover up somehow, and get it to merge with the ink on my back. Piercings are regular earlobes, 2 cartilage hoops on my left ear...and um..the "ladies"...haha. All of it is very addicting! what design are you working on/where would you get it?

MakeupByRenRen said...

whoa hot mama! (literally you are though he he) i love the red lip on you...and those lashes look great! I love this look for real...definitely get more falsies they really add such a pop :)

this weekend...hmmmm, boyfriend will be out of town so i think i'll make it a girls weekend...i really want to see that new chick flick 27 dresses, he he...and hopefully stay out of the gold...that's bout it!

nilla cookie said...

Va va va VOOOOMM! Does your hubby let you out of the house lookin' as hot as you do?! I'm thinking "yes" because he's going to take you on a HOT date after he sees you! :)

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Julie Thank you for the compliment! I felt kind of Moulin Rouge-ish after, hah. And those aren't lashes love, those are WINGS!!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Chris Mahalo sis. I definitely need to find me some shorter ones. When I put my glasses on after, the lashes were pushing the frames off my face, lol! I like the ones that you have. I'll have to check out MM's site.

Oh, and I watched Juno last night and totally thought of you and your bf when the song came on!!

Lisa I actually thought the color on your lips on your blog was red! Lol. I think you'd look great in it, hun.

Nessa Howdy sis. The lashes really made me feel like another person. Plus I could barely see into the mirror because the darn things were in my way, lol. Had to angle my chin up :)

What's up for you and Jon this weekend?

mayaari I WAS going to do the REAL look today, but I got so carried away yesterday that it ended up being the real look, lol! I started doing one eye and messed up on my base, so I tried it on the other eye then ended up doing both and too curious for my own good to see it so I just finished it off, lol.

And aren't you the little badass! I was always contemplating the "ladies" piercing. Just never really went through with it. But doesn't mean I still can't get it ;) Haha.

For my tattoo(s), I actually would like to get my whole back done. I doubt that will happen, but that would just be an expensive dream. But for a smaller tattoo I want to work something using my maiden name and new last name in Old Filipino letters (Alibata) and with something cute yet sexy and exotic. It's taking me forever to decide. This one I would like done right under my neck between the shoulder blades. But the spots I would like to occupy in general is shoulders and perhaps a small one in the bikini area.

Do you plan on getting more?

Ren Hey lady. This is exactly what I was afraid of. Trying falsies and getting addicted, lol.

27 Dresses does look cute! I saw Juno last night and thaaaat was fuuunny. Well, have a good one with whatever you end up doing :)

Nilla LOL. You're too funny girl! A date would be nice though *sigh* Our first and ONLY date we've had within the 2 years my son's been with us was when he took me for sunset dinner cruise for my birthday. But these days, dates are looking like mall walkings and McDonalds, lol!!

But I should be asking YOU the same question little lady! I've seen you glam yourself also so I bet your dates are smoking! Hah.

Btw, have you folks decided anything for Valentine's day?

Krystle said...

uhh can we say H-O-double T, HOTT! i definitely want to try this out now... when i find red lipstick of course!

so what do i miss about hawaii.... right now its the beach. i live in kaneohe, so lanikai is practically there. i love going there to just chill and think and enjoy the beauty that the windward side has to offer. i love the bay area, but ahh i think i am going kinda crazy! i need some nature and not highways and suburbia lurking around. hehe.

so what do you miss about the bay?

did you know pat morita used to do first hawaiian bank commericials. cool, huh?

Anna said...

whoa you look stunning. the lashes look actually natural on you because your eyes are so big!

yummy411 said...

mrs. lynne! fab look!!! you look so gorgeous!!! so tell me.. do you really do a light color wash all the way up to the brow then do the crease and outer corner? or just the lid, the the crease and outer corner? separate brow highlight? or.... do a tut for us if you want! =))) i love this look.. and i LOVE your hair!!!!!!!! have a great weekend. keep coming with the fotds!

Shawnta said...

Hubba Hubba Hubba! Look at you representing for us mamas! This looks really nice and the red is lovely! The lashes are hot to death! I have to send you a pic of Brooklyn because your expressions remind me of a picture I took of her recently.
I have three tattoos, a bee on my stomach, a butterfly on my shoulder blade,and a butterfly on my ankle. I would love to have my entire right arm tattooed but like you that is an expensive dream. I think I may get something on one of my outer wrists like a symbol or something.
I have to work this weekend but probably will go watch the Trinidad fight.
Have a happy happy weekend!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Krystle Before I moved here I had this huge assumption that people went to the beaches all the time because it was so close. And guess what? I hardly ever go, lol.

What do I miss about the bay, huh? I miss the familiarity of everything, the great eats and of course family and friends. I miss the small things also like having a Target, Michaels and Sallys.

And Pat Morita did the FHB commercials? That's way cool! Are your parents still over here?

Melissa Thank Melissa! I love it when you rock red lips also!! They are haaawwt on you!! Hope you have a great weekend :)

Anna Hey girl. I WISH I had naturally extended lashes, lol. Mine are alright but you should see my boys. They have natural wings on their lids! I keep forgetting your in San Jose. Part of me has a feeling that we may have mutual friends somehow, lol. Have a great weekend girl!!

Divine Blackness Hey Britt :) Thank you love for the compliment. How's the moving coming along?

yummy411 Hi there! Thanks for the encouragement girl :) And once I get familiarized with my technical equipment and I get some new contacts, I'm hoping to branch out into the tutorial territory :) If I was to do one now, I'd have to get sooo close to the mirror because I can't see squat and my brush handles would tap the glass, lol!

But to answer your question: no I don't do a light color wash all over. This actually never works for me. For some reason it just makes the colors I lay on top look dry and not stick. Normally when I list the products I use, I do them in order of how I apply it.

For most of my looks, this one including, I start from the inner and work my way out. Outer V is last in regards to working on the lid. And yes, a separate brow highlight. This one I just happened to use Daisy Chain as a highlight because I was too lazy to grab my Shroom which I almost always use. Hope that helps mama. Have a great weekend!

Shawnta We may have baggage and have a bit of frump in us, but doesn't mean that we can't look good when we want to ;) Hah.

And you missy are a badass mama with your tattoos! My husband wants sleeve tattoos also. I was actually thinking about my wrists too. Like either on the inner wrist or the side.

Boo for work, but yay for Fafi fund :) Have a great weekend, hun!

Unknown said...

You look so fabulous and so glamorous! This is one of my favorite looks on you. Your skin looks great too...the oil cleansing method must be working =D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Cindy Thank you sweetie for the warming compliments. I'm going a week strong on the OCM and my skin does feel like it's evening out and shine is minimizing.

Have a great weekend Cindy!

na said...

What a glamorous look! You did an amazing job, and I refuse to believe that this is only your second time using false eyelashes! I've been using them forever, and still can't get them to apply as smoothly as you did here.

Psstt...would you mind linking me? :D

✞ANGELA✞ said...

like this look {[(very)]} much~~~
golden eyes & hot lip~
you are totally looked as a 1950' movie star~~

Elizabeth said...

You did a great job! Absolutely gorgeous!! The lashes look great on you, prefect fit.

mm im loving your brows!

Anonymous said...

Hope you'll have a great weekend! It's aleady Sunday night here -_- I spent my weekend shopping and doing my essays. These essays are never ending, lol.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

Girl Meets Makeup Hey girl! Believe it or not, but it is only my second attempt. I've stayed away from falsies because I knew that once I dipped into that train that I just might fall in love, hah.

And I do not mind linking you at all. I definitely have to go and update that :)

Angela Thanks girl! Hope you're having a great weekend so far :)

NeverLoseFaith Hi! Thank you for the lovely comment :)

Elizabeth Hey you missy! Thank you. But I wish I was relaxing in an outdoor bath in Australia!! :) How's your weekend so far?

Julie Hi there girl :) Ooohh, essays. I could never score a good grade in English. But ironic that I have a blog, right? LOL. Good luck in school missy! You're almost outta there then on to big and better things!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

yummy411 Thanks! I was looking for a blog assignment this week :) Am already procrastinating on the ones I already have, lol.

distinque For sure girl! Although I kind of smile like I got some good juice running through me, lol.

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