MAC At-A-Glance

[November] 11/26 - Monogram - MAC's annual couture collection, 11/30 - Perfect Style
[December] 12/26 - Dame Edna, Chill

November 19, 2007

Haul: Tarte Eyelash Curler, MAC Brush, Eyeshadow, Concealer

Over the next couple of days, I'm going to take some time to figure out my school stuff. I'm 26 and should be done with school, but because I was stupid to not take school seriously in the beginning, I'm paying the price now. Especially with kids in the picture, it's definitely going to be challenging over the next couple of years. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? And with all that's been on my plate the past few years, I'm super buff, lol!

Anyhow, in case you were wondering of my MIA status for this week, that's what's going on :)

But, I wanted to share a quick splurge. Probably my last splurge for the year because I believe my labels say that this is my 5th haul within the last 2 months?! OMG! I just checked... not even 30 days! It's all been within the month of November - someone shoot me!

Well, here it is. Based off of rave reviews from Miss Stephie, I decided to try the Tarte Eyelash Curler out. Got it at Sephora so if I don't like it, no questions asked I can return it. And since they just opened up a new store (right next to MAC) at the mall closest to me, my happy little feet just ended up walking through those wide open doors. But to resist further temptation, I was in and out in about 5 mins. Grabbed it and fled, lol.

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And here's the MAC haul.

I was destined to get a 217 and Earthly Riches with this visit and asked the MA to work a look for me. And just for the record, I had another amazing MA help me today. I believe she's one of the managers. She's helped me a few times before and is such a sweetheart.

Lately I've been disappointed in my ability to blend my eyeshadow because I just didn't feel like I was achieving the results that I had in mind. With each look, I kept trying and trying to find that groove and it just wasn't working. So while I was in the store, I asked Summer (the MA) if she could pair my Earthly Riches with a smokey outer V, how to apply a darker shadow in the outer V, blend my colors together, and create a cat-eye. She was sooo thorough in her explanation that I had a newfound confidence to get my blending techniques down and to have another go at perfecting my cat-eye. Practice, practice, practice...

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Well, I've been lemming over the Studio Finish Concealer for some reason. Ever since my cousin and I got makeovers for the Blue Storm collection and they used this as a base for her shadows, I've been drawn to own one. I think I'm addicted to trying out new bases for shadows, lol. And what's great is that because this is a creamier formula (and contains antioxidants derived from Vitamins A & E), it can be applied thinly to act as a base while combating the evil dark eye. I can't even tell you how AWAKE I looked with this all over my eyes. I'd have to do some experimenting though because I think she applied more than my eyes could handle because they did start to crease just a little bit. I'm thinking of adding UDPP on top before packing on some shadow. I'll let you folks know what I come up with :)

And to nearly complete my eye brush set, the 217. Yay.. the 217. I have finally brought you home.

In addition to that, I am now the proud owner of Earthly Riches and Signed, Sealed. Thought One: I hope Earthly Riches doesn't end up like it's sister Mi'Lady and Thought Two: I have a feeling Signed, Sealed is going to be my outer V's new BFF.

Well, have a great week everyone!

Share and Enjoy your MakeupFix!

6 makeovers:

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

I feel you on that feeling like your blending is not up to par. I remember I use to wear makeup everyday before... had my blending down to a T! Then college set in and I started hardly wearing makeup! =X Now I hardly wear makeup... I just started up again lately. :P But your blending isn't bad, it's actually really good. :]

Do let me know how you like that Tarte curler, I'm looking to invest in a new curler. :]

and the colors you bought are very pretty. :]

Alyssia said...

I agree....great haul! you know im a newbie, so the whole blending thing is just....kinda...bLaH for me. BUT i'm working on it......and I want an eyelash curler too (i currently don't use one) so yes, do tell how you like the Tarte curler!


Distinque said...

I think your blending is beautiful. I love my 217...I hope you enjoy yours! Earthy Riches...still debating if i want to get it..i have tons of purple and gray shadows.

Karen said...

217 freaking RULES, girlfriend. I own two of them, and I want a third!

Can't wait to see your cat eye look! (I have a hard time with the outer V too, so I hope your cat eye look comes with instructions!)

Stephie said...

i hope you love the tarte curler, i swear by it :D great haul too! but be sure to save a little for black friday ;) i can't wait to hear your thoughts on the curler!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

-christiana: my blending is tempermental, lol. i wish it would just behave period. but your blending is incredible! i will definitely let you know about the last curler.

-alyssia: hi! i'm still very amateur when it comes to blending. i really want to get better since i see so many gorgeous FOTDs that have impeccable blending. inspiration and practice love :)

-distinque: i've heard so many great things of the 217 i knew it had to be in my next haul. the thing i like about earthly riches is that it doesn't apply heavily like the color in the pot suggests and that it has this subtle shimmer to it. i didn't even notice until i really looked in the mirror that it hasa delicate touch of sparkle.

-karen: i will have a stab at the cat-eye. it really is just the wing that seems to be coming out like i'm painting it with my foot. i honestly would just like them to look the same, lol.

-stephie: girl, you're the reason i got the curler, lol!! i've been using it for a couple days and i think i'm working out the kinks and finally finding a groove that works :) btw, you're lashes are so pretty. i've tried to make mine stick up like yours do but my mascara just brings some of them down. not all, just some - can you imagine them taking a bow?! lol!

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