Before I started using makeup brushes, all I knew was a sponge tip applicator, compact puffs/sponges, and the brush tip that came with liquid eyeliners. I never had to worry about the numbers identifying each brush because I had no idea that different brushes served different purposes, let alone how to use them.
If you use your brushes enough (and treat them like your kids), you probably know their names pretty well and can remember them if their names fall off. If you don't, then losing their names (and for the silliest reasons they just start to disappear) may not be in your best interest and you may wish to keep reading :)
Now I know you folks got some clear nail polish laying around. When I get around to giving myself a mani, I normally just coat my nails with plain 'ol clear just to have some shine and protection. I hate it when my colored nail polish loses its color at the tips and then slowly peels from that point down. And aside from mending the run on my stockings, my clear nail polish now has an addition duty added to its roster - saving my brush numbers.
Pursebuzz shared this tip a while back, but now that I've started to see some wear on my brush's name tags, I'm trying to do some preventative maintenance. If I pay that much for those darn brushes, I'm going to do what I can to make sure I take care of them. I'm a VIRGO, I'm anal like that, lol.
Anyhow, here we go!!! Weeee...
1) Grab all those brushes that need saving and your clear nail polish.
If you use your brushes enough (and treat them like your kids), you probably know their names pretty well and can remember them if their names fall off. If you don't, then losing their names (and for the silliest reasons they just start to disappear) may not be in your best interest and you may wish to keep reading :)
Now I know you folks got some clear nail polish laying around. When I get around to giving myself a mani, I normally just coat my nails with plain 'ol clear just to have some shine and protection. I hate it when my colored nail polish loses its color at the tips and then slowly peels from that point down. And aside from mending the run on my stockings, my clear nail polish now has an addition duty added to its roster - saving my brush numbers.
Pursebuzz shared this tip a while back, but now that I've started to see some wear on my brush's name tags, I'm trying to do some preventative maintenance. If I pay that much for those darn brushes, I'm going to do what I can to make sure I take care of them. I'm a VIRGO, I'm anal like that, lol.
Anyhow, here we go!!! Weeee...
1) Grab all those brushes that need saving and your clear nail polish.
Your brush probably looks like this... for better or worse.
2) Twist the cap and brush out some clear polly.
3) Paint the name tags.
4) Place on a towel (name tag up) to dry so it doesn't roll off the counter. Oh, how I wish Mi'Lady was sitting on a towel :(
5) Let 'em dry!!
10 makeovers:
Super duper jealous of your brush collection but anyway I digress....awww, you're still mourning over Mi'Lady. I sooo feel ya. The nail polish tip is a good idea. I've done the same thing to all of my brushes.
Isn't it sad how we know allll of their names.
266 is my first loooove.
187 wants to join the fam.
And so does 208 and 183.
LOL......we're a mess! Have a fab day!
-Divine: I am definitely a makeup mess. I would so love to get my hands on the 183. I've really been thinking about the Sunspill after I saw your swatch on it. Oh MAC...
Cool tip on preserving the names on your brushes! Hopefully I'll get around to doing that this weekend :)
My favorite brushes are the 180, 136, and the 187! I know what you mean by saving those precious puppies!
yes preserve and protect! i've polished my numbers too! next i'll have to decorate the bottoms for iD. =)
-Nilla: I wish weekends were longer than weekdays. Either that or sleep wasn't so mandatory.
-Nessa: Oohh, a 180. I know I probably don't need it, but that brush looks so fun to use. And one day I will drop all my change on a 136. Shoot!! These brushes need to start calling us "hun" or "babe"!
-yummy411: Ooh, creative. What about personalized brush greetings on the handles: "Hi Yummy411. You're my favorite! Can I put on your blush?" LOLOLOL. Sorry, it's late.
ooooo imma do that! thanks for the tip Lynne:) Are u getting things from the stylistics collection? I'm lemming the lip brush.
that's a great idea! if only i knew this years ago. i can't read half my numbers on my handles, sigh!
-Distinque: Just passing the good word :) I'm more than likely going to be passing on the Stylistics collection. I'm more of an eye candy kine-a gal. But I do like the handles on the SE brushes. Cuuuute!!
-Karen: Oh no, they've gone blind! I know, you can get those cute little stickers at Michaels and re-number your brushes. You can get all festive with it, hah. Then once they're on, seal it with polly :)
great idea! but how often do you have to do it?
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