Speaking of club, it's been DAYS since I've been to one! That thought alone makes me really feel my age *sigh*
I bought Club e/s a while back because its duo-chromatic abilities are to die for. But sadly, it only gets used when I'm feeling the teals/greens. So consider this an ode to Club *clink*
Want to try it out?
Brushes You'll Need:
- MAC 252 (or 242)
- MAC 239
- MAC 222 (or 224)
- MAC 219
- MAC 208
- Moss Scape p/p
- Mutiny p/m
- Zonk Bleu! e/s
- Club e/s
- Juxt e/s
- Beige-ing s/s
- Blacktrack f/l
- Using a MAC 252, cover lid with Moss Scape p/p.
- Apply Mutiny p/m over lid with MAC 239.
- On the outer part of the lid, add Clue e/s with MAC 239.
- Blend the crease using Zonk Bleu! e/s and a MAC 222.
- Using a pencil brush like the MAC 219, apply Juxt e/s to the inner tear ducts.
- Using Beige-ing s/s as a base for eyeshadows on the lower lashline, apply Mutiny p/m to the inner lower lashline and Club e/s to the outer lower lashline using the MAC 219.
- Line the upper lashline and waterline with Blacktrack f/l.
- Finish off by curling lashes and adding mascara.
Happy Thursday everyone!
Mrs. Lynne
(all MAC unless otherwise stated)
Monistat Chafing Relief Powder-Gel
Studio Finish Concealer NW35 (224)
Buff'd Camel (188)
Shy Beauty Beauty Powder Blush (129)
STILA Brow Set (266)
Moss Scape p/p with moisturizer (lid - 252)
Mutiny pigment (lid, inner lower lashline - 239, 219)
Zonk Bleu! e/s (crease - 222)
Club e/s (outer lid, outer lower lashline - 239, 219)
Juxt e/s (inner tear duct - 219)
Shroom e/s (highlight - 239)
Beige-ing s/s (base for lower lashline)
Blacktrack f/l (upper lashline, waterline - 208)
Prep & Prime Lash & Covergirl Lash Blast
Lip Conditioner

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18 makeovers:
another beautiful look from you!! i'm digging this subtle smokey look!! it's so pretty and suitable for the office!! :D
seeing your FOTDs make me wanna run home and play with my makeup! i've been lazy for this whole week! :D
it's Friday again!! whooot! :D
I like this look a lot - very spring-y :)
and don't worry, I think the last time I was inside of a club was probably 4 or 5 years ago =T as sad as that is, I don't think I could handle being in a club anymore - all the people around you at all times, loud music, expensive drinks, late laaaaate night out....*sigh* I feel so old...
Hi sista lynee! Fab look, as always. ;)
Don't feel bad, I've NEVER been to a club. Yes, yes... you heard me right... I've never been to a club. I've been to a bar. LOLOLOL! :)
Omg crazychick! I've scabbed my face silly from picking so I've been trying to heal myself up for the past 3 days, lol. Luckily I was able to scrape this look out prior. I don't think concealer would have done justice to the eruptions (bleh).
Yes it is Friday! Woot! Go play with makeup honey. Put those skills to work :)
Thanks Sis mayaari!
Girl, I don't think I could stand in a club now and feel right unless I was heavily intoxicated. Perhaps a classy nightclub would be different but definitely not those ones we all used to go to back in the day, lol.
But yah, I really feel old now. Oy!
How are you doing hun? I hope all is well and that work isn't riding you to the bare bone :)
Hiya Sis Chris,
Trust me girl. The bar is muuuch better than the club anyways :) I'll take a trip to the bar over the club any day!
Heya sisss. :)
Just came back to let you know what settings I used for my indoor eye shots without flash. I used the Digital Macro setting (icon is a flower with a D inside), i lowered the exposure to - 1/3, and i turned on the "Vivid" filter and used the "Tungsten" white balance setting. Then, I took the picture RIGHT IN FRONT of my bathroom lights (which were HELLA hot by the way, i started sweating). LOL. Oh the stuff we go through just to get decent pics. LOL. :)
i love club e/s i like those kind of colored e/s, you can do a light hand for day like you did, or apply heavier for night. love the look!
Thanks Sis Chris! Omg, my lights are so high that I'd have to stand up on my sink to do this (which there is no space to begin with, lol!) But you started sweating, lol! That is priceless, girl. I agree though.. the stuff we go through :P That's loyalty right there, hah.
Hey Xuanie!
Thanks sis, I'm glad you likey :) I really like those kinds of eyeshadows too because they are versatile like you said. Do you own any other colors with those kinds of abilities?
This FOTD makes me want to grab my mutiny! How are you sister!
Ooh I really like this one. :)
I love this look for you Mrs. Lynne!
Super subtle and classy, roooaarrr!
that's one great lookin' freakinly goodlooking eyes!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sis Distinque,
Things have been a whirlwind here. I have all this makeup I want to play with but so little time. And I know I owe you a Fast Response review which is in the works. I have the photos and just need them to be cropped so I can start writing it up. Will you please hire me an assistant? Hah!
How are you doing?
Thanks christy! Hope you're having a great week girl.
Thanks nilla cookie. I'm really only trying to follow the best though *gives nilla cookie the eye* ;)
Hope you're having a great week so far, hun! Miss you.
Thanks so much Askmewhats. That's very kind of you :)
Hope you're enjoying your week so far.
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